Mindful treatments - What does it mean?
An RTG Mindful Treatment is one which achieves the following:
✓Your client feels completely relaxed
✓Your client felt connected to their experience
✓Your client has a feeling of clarity as you have helped immerse them in the present moment
✓Your client feels less stressed or anxious and is better equipped to deal with it moving forward
Mindful treatments - What do youneed to do?
The majority of the RTG team are already delivering a mindful treatment but may not be aware of itor they are certainly on the path to it and just might need a few little tweaks to bring the experience together.
Mindful treatments - A structured approach
- Arrive on time – or 10 minutes early to be precise–if you're late your client is straight away more stressed
- Know your client’s name before they open the door, this puts them at instant ease
- Wait for the client to tell you where to setup DON’T PRESUME as this can annoy them
Mindful treatments -Setting the scene
- Ask if they would like music to be played – this should always be an option and is so important in setting the scene
- Ask if they would like candles (rechargeable ones only) - this should always be an option and can be incredibly relaxing
- Use relaxing room spray before setting up the couch
- Focus your mind and allow your treatment to be up-lifting
Mindful treatments - Massage
Follow the ‘RTG Quieten Minds’ technique (this can also be found here This part is so important; getting your client to take 3 breaths before you start allows them to pause and be aware of the moment
Talkng is over-powering…clients’ don’t want to hear all about you – remember this is all about them. They may talk - but they should be allowed and given permission not to.
Please 100% no talking about you during any RTG massage. It's without doubt the number one complaint.
Mindful treatments - Beauty and Styling and Fitness
Don't worry we're not suggesting that you work at all in silence but we do ask you to bring the mind and attention of your clients back to the treatment or appointment that you are in. When chatting avoid subjects that create stress (the traffic, travel, politics etc) and bring them back to the moment. For instance if it is a nail treatment give your expertise on nails, the same with fitness and yoga and hair. You have so much knowledge about your subjects of expertise - that is where to steer conversation back to always.
Best practice:
✓Give your expert knowledge on your treatments
✓Show that you care about what you are doing at that moment in time
✓Allow them to rest their mind and not have to engage
**If any of the above sounds confusing or you want to chat it through in more detail please speak to Ellen – we're happy to arrange refresher sessions where we can walk you through a successful and mindful treatment**
Sometimes allowing your clients to quieten is not as straight forward as it seems.
They are often rushed or emotional and need guidance to allow themselves to be calm and in a state of rest and presence.
What can help you to enable them to be present.
1/ Supporting Material
We have a new handout for you to use at each residential appointment to help support the message that we are a Mindful Treatment Company and how this can benefit them.
Please note, this is mainly amassage handout but can be used across appointments.
2/ Training Session
If you would like to arrange a training session with Ellen to run through how to be encourage your clients to relax and settle please doget in touch and we will agree a convenient time for you to come to the office
3/ Session with Alex
Alex Newte Hardie has recently joined RTG as a Mindfulness Consultant – some of you may have met her at the recent team drinks. She has a wealth of knowledge in the field of Mindfulness and we'll be arranging team sessions for you to meet her to understand the benefits and best practises of Mindfulness in more detail. If you are interested in this session please let Ellen know and we will make sure there is a place for you
4/ Receive Feedback
We will be continuing our mystery shop sessions – and as always we will provide feedback both good and bad after each appointment as we are confident this not only irons out any issues but also helps you develop.
If you have any thoughts on the above or additional ways that we can make our clients treatments with RTG more enjoyable and more beneficial please get in touch.
Post treatment Power Thinking!
A powerful way to train mindfulness into each appointment is to ask yourself after the appointments what happened.
Question 1
Did you discuss yourself, your life or your problems at all?
Question 2
Were they allowed to switch off or did you allow them to stay in the mind state where they had to interact?
Question 3
Even if they seemed happy to be chatting - do you think their time could have been more valuable if they had been allowed to calm their mind?
It's about training yourself as well as your clients.
After each session ask yourself. Did I allow them that sense of space, calm and peace?
If the answer is YES then congratulations you're now likely to have a repeating client.