Danville Local School District

Regular Meeting of the Danville Board of Education

Administration Office

September 18, 2017 7:00 pm

  1. Call to Order/Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call

Carolyn Addair, Charles Bratton, David Dusthimer, Darrel Severns, Paul Stover, Tara Bond, Matthew Proper, Ed Honabarger, Elaine Robinson, Mary Payne and Jason Snively

  1. Prepared Agenda/Minutes

a. Approve Prepared Agenda

  1. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on August 21, 2017 (See Addendum)

It is recommended the Board approve a and b at the recommendation of the Superintendent.

Superintendent’s recommendations a and b approved.

  1. Communications
  1. Recognition of Visitors and Public Participation
  1. Reports: Principalsand Knox County Career Center Representative
  1. Treasurer's Report and Recommendations

a. Monthly Financial Report (See Addendum)

  1. Payment of Invoices (See Addendum)
  1. Amended Certificate
  1. Additional Appropriations

It is recommended the Board approve a through dat the recommendation of the Treasurer.

Treasurer’s recommendations a through d approved.

8. Executive Session to Discuss Compensation and Employment of Personnel

No Executive Session at this time.

  1. Superintendent’s Reports and Recommendations
  1. Employ the following personnel for the 2017/2018 school year per adopted

salary schedule.

Lawrence Ashman –Jr. Varsity Boys’ Basketball

Randall Brady – Head Wrestling Coach

Brian Bratton – Head Baseball Coach

Kay Crawford - Home Instructor

Gordon Harmon – Bus Driver effective 9-11-2017

Jill Lyons – Head Softball Coach

  1. Approve the following volunteers for the 2017-2018 school year.

Sonya Dulaney – H.S. Volleyball

Marilyn Wilford –National Honor Society

  1. Approve to amend District Leadership Team (DLT) compensation from $55 per meeting to salary of $495 per year.
  1. Approve Student Activity Budgets for the 2017/2018 school year and authorize the Superintendent to make changes as necessary.

It is recommended the Board approve a through dat the recommendation of the Superintendent.

Superintendent’s recommendations a through d approved.

11. Discussion Items

  1. District Leadership Team
  2. Press Box
  3. Athletic Policies
  4. Sanctuary Community Action
  5. Business Advisory
  6. Facilities – DARCI/Village Park and High School

12. Executive Session – if needed

No Executive Session at this time.

13. Late Items

14. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Danville Board of Education is October 16, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Board Office at the Administration Building.