Managing Employment Issues Procedure – Templates and Guidance

Outcome of the Investigation





Dear <Addressee>

Investigation into Matters Which May Lead to Disciplinary Action

I write further to my letter dated <date of notification of investigation> in order to advise you that the investigation is now complete. The outcome of the investigation is that your explanation has been accepted and/or there is no evidence to support the allegation(s) and there will, be no further action on the matter.

Your suspension is now lifted and you should return to work at/on (in consultation with line manager). The matter is now concluded.


I write further to my letter dated <date of notification of investigation> in order to advise you that the investigation is now complete. The outcome of the investigation is that the allegations are supported by evidence but the course of action in light of all the circumstances is management action / management counselling / mentoring / development / other option>.

I should like to make arrangements for this to be conducted without delay and should like this to take place on <date/time/venue>. I should be grateful if you would confirm your attendance by return of post.


I write further to my letter dated <date of notification of investigation> in order to advise you that the investigation is now complete. The outcome of the investigation is that there is a case for you to answer. My decision therefore, is that the matter will be put before a disciplinary hearing in accordance with the County Councils Disciplinary Policy and Procedure and this letter serves as formal notification of this. The specific allegation(s) which will be considered at the hearing is/are:


<Insert allegation(s)>

You have the right to be accompanied by your trade union representative at the hearing. If you wish to exercise this right you should inform me to make the necessary arrangements.

Confirmation of the arrangements for the hearing, which will be made in consultation with your representative, will be sent to you in due course. In the meantime I must advise you that the Hearing may proceed in your absence should you fail to attend without advance notification to me and without good reason.

(You should continue to comply with the terms of your suspension as detailed in the letter to you dated ………) only insert where the employee is suspended

I would remind you other than in the course of obtaining appropriate trade union and/or legal advice (or support) on this matter that you are not to discuss any aspect of the case with anyone other than named in this letter.

The above is in accordance with the County Council’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure, a copy of which was provided to you in earlier correspondence.

Yours sincerely

<Name (manager)


Updated January 2009