Middle SchoolScienceGenoa-Hugo c113
Course SyllabusMr. Will Mallory
To the Students and Parents:
The Middle School Science Program will offer the opportunity for all students to prepare for high school science and become familiar with the basic scientific concepts and processes important in being a student of science. Most of all, students will be able to apply the processes of doing science to everyday problem solving and decision making.
Basic Classroom Rules in Middle School
Rule One:Come Prepared and Be Ready to Get Started
Rule Two:Be Impeccable with Your Word
Rule Three:Be Respectful
Rule Four:Know When to Talk and When to Listen
Rule Five:Our Classroom is a Place of Learning
In order for every student to succeed, certain expectations will be understood from the beginning:
- All students will use time provided in class to complete all assigned tasks with emphasis on quality, completeness, understanding, and pride in one’s work.
- Interruptions of the educational process are inappropriate. All students need an equal opportunity for success and interruptions reduce the ability of teachers and students to succeed. Students are expected to respect themselves and others at all times. Students are also expected to be responsible for their actions. A disruptive student will be dealt with in the following manner:
- Student may receive several verbal/nonverbal warnings from the teacher, hopefully in a way that limits classroom disruption.
- Student may be moved within the classroom.
- Student may receive an orange slip for classroom disruption.
- Student may be temporarily sent out of class.
- If all else fails, student may be sent to the principal.
- Negative behavior results in consequences; in contrast, positive behavior will be reinforced and rewarded. We at Genoa-Hugo School believe in Positive Behavior Support. Positive Behavior will be taught, practiced, and reinforced throughout the school year. Time spent on good habits now will result in more time learning later!
- Individual classes that exhibit exceptionally positive behavior will also be rewarded throughout the school year during class time. Students will play a role in determining an appropriate celebration of positive behavior.
- All students need to be ready when class begins. This includes:
- pen or pencil
- class notebook, includes Daily Vocabulary Spiral Notebook (available within the classroom)
- loose-leaf paper (available within the classroom)
- all assignments completed and ready to turn in or correct (that includes student name, date, and assignment description), most work will be done during class time
- appropriate books (including AR book at all times)
- class seated, quiet, and ready to begin (that means students already have any books, homework, and have started their daily science vocabulary)
- Anything that is not yours will not be touched or disturbed in any way unless given permission by owner of said property. Respecting others includes respecting their property.
- Food products, gum, and water are allowed in class unless the teacher states otherwise.
- All other work (homework from other classes, private reading, drawing, etc.) can only be worked on after science class/homework is completed. If a student is totally done with all school-related work, that student must have an AR book to read, this is especially important on days when there is a substitute teacher.
- During lecture, classroom discussion/reading, and classroom demonstrations, no one leaves their assigned seat without permission from the teacher unless it is an emergency. Students are free to get up and help themselves to classroom materials during individual work time.
- Research and group activities will be an important part of science class. Whether in the library or classroom; discussions need to be in a quiet, orderly manner that stays on the task assigned.
- Please note policy on electronic devices in student handbook. Headphones will generally not be permitted during class time, unless they are necessary for instructional purposes. Cell phones are to be placed on student’s desk during class time and they are to be off, unless special permission granted by school administration and/or teacher. Please refer to additional expectations concerning electronics, including school provided tablets, provided separately.
- School rules will be enforced at all times. All middle school teachers will be using the same “orange slip” referral system for negative behavior.
- Emergency procedures will be covered and practiced in class.
General Information
Grading Scale:Grading Categories:
91-100 AClass/Homework
81-90 BProjects/Labs
71-80 CTests and Quizzes
65-70 DWriting/Vocabulary
below 65 FReading
NO SPECIAL EXTRA CREDIT AVAILABLE: A student’s final semester grades will be based strictly on a percentage of total points accumulated during the current semester. Report Cards are by Semester! Extra credit points or bonuses for exceptional work will be available on assignments that are given to all students.
Make up work: All students will be given an opportunity to make up work missed due to excused absences. Some activities are difficult to make up due to pre-class preparation; therefore students with excused absences will not be required to make up those activities. Students will be given an appropriate amount of time determined by the teacher to complete missed assignments.
Assignment Time Lines: All students will be given ample time to begin and generally finish assignments during class. At times, students will be expected to spend time at home towork on major projects and study for assessments.
- Students are expected to turn in all work on time but late work will be accepted with a 50% grade penalty assessed.
- Any late work must be in the week before progress reports go out, and the week before the end of the semester.
- All work missed due to in-school suspension may be made up and will receive full credit.
- All work missed due to an unexcused absence will be assigned 50% of the earned grade.
- See student handbook for school wide policy on homework.
Science Fair: Middle school science students are expected to complete a science research project that includes the following components:
- Tri-fold, Bi-fold, or self-standing Poster-Type Display (school will provide Tri-folds at cost to students doing science fair or other major projects).
- Research Notebook that includes required protocol forms and technical paper.
- Research Journal
- Prepared verbal presentation.
Due dates related to Science Fair will be posted in the MS Science Room. Class time will be dedicated to teaching the vocabulary, processes, and skills related to scientific inquiry; however, research, actual experimentation, and project preparation will need to be accomplished outside regular class time. Science Fair help will be available during posted times (usually afterschool and Fridays). A research paper will be due in December and the entire project is due mid-February. Local fair for competitive purposes will be in February; hence, all projects will be due at the same time.
Student and Parent Resource for the Entire Science Fair Project Process:
Class Equipment and Projects: All activities, projects, and displays use certain equipment that may be sensitive to disturbance and/or may cause harm if carelessly handled. Students are warned that tampering with such equipment is not allowed and may be held financially responsible for any damage sustained. This also includes projects, equipment, and displays brought into the classroom by other students.
Colorado Academic Standards Science
Colorado Science Standard One:
Physical Science
Students know and understand common properties, forms, and changes in matter and energy.
Colorado Science Standard Two:
Life Science
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment.
Colorado Science Standard Three:
Earth Systems Science
Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth's systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space.
Genoa-Hugo Middle School Science Program
Tentative Course Outline
6th GradePhysical Science (Physics and Chemistry)
7th GradeLife Science (Biology, Health, and Ecology)
8th GradeEarth and Space Sciences
(Geology, Paleontology, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Astronomy)
Extra-Curricular Activities: Students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible but it must be emphasized that academics are first! Students should not be so busy with activities that they fail to succeed in class. Teachers should be sensitive to the activities that can consume student time after school, but students should never use those activities as an excuse for be unprepared for class.
Behavior during school-sponsored activities should reflect the pride and respect the students have for themselves, each other, and their school. Go Pirates!
I sincerely hope you have a successful year in science. It should be a lot of fun and a learning experience as well. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at the school at 719-743-2428. You may also contact me via cell at 719-760-2844; however, the best way to contact me is by my school e-mail account which is .
Mr. Will Mallory
“Making Great Kids Greater!”