Mrs. Gregory

Mathematics - Science

Grade 6


Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! This school year brings many new and exciting opportunities for Sixth Graders. Please take the time to read about the Mathematics and Science curriculums as well as other aspects of the Sixth Grade school day.


The official Mathematics curriculum for WAMS is Eureka Math. Students will be learning through direct instruction lessons, in-class and homework assignments. Assessments will include tests and quizzes. There is no Eureka Math textbook. Students will be required to keep an interactive notebook in which they will take notes and practice skills. Additionally, students will explore and practice skills through various independent and group activities.

Grade 6 Math Skill Topics are ratios, multiplication and division of Fractions, computing multi-digit numbers, number theory, rational numbers, expressions and equations, area and volume, probability and statistics.

The Mathematics curriculum is based on the Grade 6 PA Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. For more information on PA Core Standards go to


We are excited to begin work with our brand new science program, Discovery Education! Students will be assigned a laptop that will be housed in the classroom. Each day, they will access their online Science Techbook to lead them through the curriculum. Discovery Education combines interactive lessons, videos, and hands-on activities to deliver a unique and exciting experience for our students. An Interactive Notebook will be an important part of learning Science and it will be graded. Additional graded assignments will be classwork, cooperative group investigative labs, homework, tests and quizzes.

Earth Science topics of study include: Earth’s processes- the rock cycle, layers of the earth, and weathering. Earth’s resources- land use, renewable and nonrenewable resources. Earth’s history- geologic processes and fossils. Water and the water cycle, oceans, and tides. Weather, climate and meteorology. Models and scales of the Earth and geologic structures. Science Inquiry and the Scientific Method. Middle School Science standards are also available at


Grades are based on a combination of tests, quizzes, homework and classwork assignments, interactive notebook, independent and group assignments. These will be calculated using a weighed grading scale. Grades are weighted as follows:

Weighted Grades:

60% - Summative Assessments: Shows mastery of skills and concepts

Tests, quizzes, and major projects

30% - Progress/Skill Check: Graded practice assignments

Class work, Interactive Notebook, Science labs, independent projects

10%- Achievement Grades: Graded on a completion basis

Homework, Exit Tickets, and some class work assignments

Grading Scale:

93-100% A

85-92% B

77-84 % C

76-70% D

69% & below F

Enrichment/Period 3A

Enrichment Class is a 30-minute period in which students will have the opportunity to take part in activities that complement our curriculum. Instrument lessons will also be scheduled for one day each week for students in Band.

Brand new! Sixth Grade Incentive Program

To encourage positive classroom behavior, students will participate in a brand new incentive program! Students can earn reward tickets in various ways – completing assignments, answering questions, filling out the agenda book and having it signed by a parent, or by bringing in a donation of box of tissues or a bottle of hand sanitizer. At the end of each grading period a drawing will be held for a variety of prizes including gift cards and school supplies. The more tickets each student has in the drawing, the greater the chance of winning each prize!

Look for more on this exciting new program in the near future.

Classroom Rules:

To maintain an educational environment that is conducive to learning, students are expected to follow my classroom rules and School Rules as outlined in the Student Handbook located in the agenda book.

Mrs. Gregory’s Classroom rules:

1.  Be Prepared

2.  Be Prompt

3.  Be Productive

4.  Be Polite

5.  Be Positive

School – Home Communication

Keeping the lines of communication open between home and school is vital in promoting a positive and successful school experience for your child. Students are instructed to fill out their Agenda Book daily for each class, take them home each night and have them signed by a parent. In addition, Sapphire is available to all parents and students to review assignments and grades.

I look forward to many exciting learning experiences! Please feel free to contact me with your questions or concerns. I am available to receive your calls from 1:47-2:25 p.m. daily or you may email me at the address below.

Thank you,

Mrs. Brenda Gregory

Wattsburg Area Middle School

824-3400, ext. 3103

Please sign and return the bottom portion of this form to verify that you have seen and understand the Math-Science Class Syllabus.


Student Signature Date Homeroom


Parent Signature Date