Visiting the region GEMER 24 April 2017 – 26 April 2017
Site visit program
Monday 24 April 2017: Travelling to Gemer
13,00: Pick up and departure by minibus to Gemer region/Rimavská Sobota
Venue: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic (Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny SR)
Adress: Spitalska street no 4/Špitálska 4
Note: Distance between Bratislava - Rimavská Sobota: 279 km
The journey will last up to 4hrs. We will break once for a coffee at a filling station.
17,00: Accommodation in Zlatý Býk Hotel, Rimavská Sobota
Hotel address: Stefan Daxner Square 413/ Námestie Štefana Daxnera 413
Tel: +421 47 56 32 032; + 421 47 56 32 034
Note: bedrooms are prebooked, price per standard bedroom is 36,50 Eur (breakfast and local tax included); individual payments: credit card or cash
18,00: Optional sightseeing: please, let us know if you would like to have aguided city tour (an English speking guide has not been confirmed yet) are or just ashort (individual) walk around
19,00: Dinner
Note: We do not organise ajoint/group dinner but surely we have to eat something so if there is an interest we can go together for adinner or aglass of wine either in a hotel restaurant (which offers good selection of food and wines) or elsewhere.
Tuesday 25 April 2017: Site Visit – 1st day
9,00: Departure from the hotel
9,30 - 11,30:Partners meeting: „Meet Gemer“- introduction to the region
Venue: District Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family,
Address: Čerenčianska, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
- Presentation of the study report: MoLSAF, Ms Ingrid Ujváriová
- Local Action Group Malohont - local view of the region, Ms Miroslava Vargová
- Discussion
12,00 – 13,15: Lunch (in ahotel restaurant – Zlatý Býk)
Transfer to Jesenské
14,00 – 15,00: Visitingmunicipality Jesenské(representing bigger municipality of the region)
Venue: Municipal Office of Jesenské, Sobotská 10str.
- Meeting the mayor of Jesenské Mr. Gabriel Mihály
- Presentation of the Action Plan for the district Rimavská Sobota, Mr Gabriel Mihályi
- Discussion
Transfer to Rakytník
15,30- 17,00: Visiting municipality Rakytník(representing small municipality of the region)
Venue: Municipal Office of Rakytník
- Meeting the mayor of Rakytník Mr János Rencsok
- Visit to Rakytník social enterprise
- Presentation of „Social Integration in Green“ Project – social agiculture and farming in V4 countries, Mr Miloslav Kováč, Druživa Association, Gemer bordering region with Hungary
- Discussion
Transfer to Zbojská
18,00: Accommodation in Challet/Salas Zbojská
Note: bedrooms are booked, price per person: 25 Eur (breakfast included), individual payments
19,00: Dinner in reastaurant of Challet Zbojská
Dinner á la cartewill be offered and hosted by the Slovak partners
Wednesday 26 April 2017: Site Visit – 2nd day
9,00: Departure from Zbojská and transfer to Revúca
9,45 – 11,30h: Socio-economic situation in Revúca district and creation of employment opportunities by supporting entrepreneurship – meeting with district officials and local entrepreneurship development activists
Venue: District Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of Revúca
Address: Gen. Viesta 1103/4, 050 01 Revúca
- Meeting the director of Regional Labour Office Revúca Mr Jaroslav Demian and city officials – mayor of Revúca Ms Eva Cireňová and Head of District Office of Revúca and Chairman of the Council for development of the District Revúca Mr Peter Balog
- Situation in the region from the Labour and Social Affairs Office perspective, presentation, Mr Jaroslav Demian
- Gemer Development Agency: supporting young entrepreneurs, experience and challenges of the regional agency, Mr Stefan Horvath, Agency director
- Discussion
Transfer to Muránska Dlhá Lúka municipality
12,00 - 13,00: Lunch
Venue: Municipal Office canteen of Muránska Dlhá Lúka
Note:the mayoroffers you to taste the local speciality „Gemer meatballs“, alternative food for vegetarians will be provided
Lunch is offered by EPIC
Venue: Municipal Office of Muránska Dlhá Lúka
13,00 – 14,30 : Meting with the Mayor of Muránska Dlhá Lúka minicipality Mr Marek Nosko
Venue: Municipal Office and streets of Muránska Dlhá Lúka
- Presentation and discussion of possibilities of community development by use of social entrepreneurship, developing employment opportunities for low-skilled citizens and ways of social inclusion of the Roma minority
- visiting local development projects
Note: contrary to the draft programme we will not visit the nearby Roma settlementand school due to public health reason (current occurance of jaundice/hepatitis); instead some pictures documenting the latest development will be presented.
15,00 – 19,00h: Transfer to Bratislava, departure of participants
SK partners team taking care of you in Slovakia:
Ingrid Ujváriová, MoLSAF, +421917624 816
Mária Nádaždyová, EPIC, +421918965 877
Ela Klementová, EPIC, + 421949176 296
Michaela Mudroňová, EPIC, + 421905499 608