Word Order
Correct the following sentences by placing the words in the proper order and stating why that’s the proper word order:
0. He gave the ball me.
He gave me the ball
Why SPoO
1. They the train boarded to Cologne.
They boarded the train to Cologne.
Why SPOp
2. Me made jump over the puddle who?
Who made me jump over the puddle?
Why QPOp /m(over) or p(puddle)/
3. The airplane will for Cuba leave.
The airplane will leave for Cuba. The airplane for Cuba will leave.
Why SPp (SA)P
4. Who off turned the light?
Who turned the light off? Who turned off the light?
5. The man which is red threw the ball.
The man threw the ball which is red. (The man threw the red ball.)
Why SP(OA) (normal speech)
6. He flew yesterday over on the hill the kite with one hand his.
He flew the kite with his one hand over on the hill yesterday.
Why SPOmpt
7. He to me gave the ball.
He gave the ball to me.
Why SPOp
8. Microsoft has best the programmers in the world the company.
Microsoft the company has the best programmers in the world.
Why (SA)POp
9. The train catch at 6:00 a.m. and you’ll on time arrive.
Catch the train at 6:00 a.m. and you’ll arrive on time.
Why POt and SPm
Correct the following sentences when they are wrong and stating why it’s wrong. (Do not change correctly written sentences!):
0. This sentence is correctly written in this example.
Why S(PAP)p
10. Whom is he speaking to?
To whom is he speaking? (Who’s he speaking to?)
Why (QO)PSP (normal speech)
11. The house was yesterday on fire.
The house was on fire yesterday.
Why SPmt
12. English grammar is based on endings used by Americans.
Why SP(mA)
13. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures.
The Lord has promised good to me, His word secures my hope.
Why SPOp , SPO
14. You do want to write this correctly?
Do you want to write this correctly?
Why (QP)SPOm
15. Now you have finished almost of English grammar the exercises.
Now you have almost finished the exercises of English grammar.
Why tS(PAP)(OA)
16. I do want to write this correctly.
Why SPOm
17. He wearing a parachute jumped the airplane out of.
He jumped out of the airplane wearing a parachute.
Why SPpm
18. The calendar had the wrong weeks, Monday through Sunday.
Why SP(OA)
19. The man in the car driving one-handed went today down the road.
The man went down the road today driving one-handed in the car.
Why SPmtmp
Remember any “Rule of Thumb” will not help you speak English, only write it. Practice and listening will help you speak it.
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