Course Name/Number: College Algebra/MATH 1111

Prerequisite(s): Appropriate algebra placement test score

Course CRN: 60128 Credit Hours: 3

Campus/Room: Online Day/Time: Online

Required Tools/Supplies: Graphing Calculator (TI-83/84)

Website/Textbook: with course ID# 11079 and key# 1111

College Algebra by Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager

Instructor: Son Luong Office: B-209.10

Email Address:

Office Phone: 770-528-4553

Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays: 1 PM – 3 PM;

Tuesdays: 11 AM – 1 PM

Course Description:

This course emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry.

Competency Areas and Expected Student Outcomes:

Course Competencies:

¨  Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

¨  Equations and Inequalities

¨  Functions and Graphs

¨  Systems of Equations

¨  Optional Topics

Expected Student Outcomes:

¨  Demonstrate the concept of sets and set notation

¨  Locate complements, unions and intersections of sets

¨  Compute the value of the expressions using the laws of exponents

¨  Simplify radicals and use them in arithmetic operations

¨  Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials

¨  Identify all factors of algebraic expressions

¨  Perform arithmetic operations on rational expressions

¨  Define complex numbers

¨  Perform arithmetic operations on complex numbers

¨  Solve linear equations and applications involving linear equations

¨  Solve quadratic equations and applications involving quadratic equations

¨  Solve linear, quadratic and rational inequalities

¨  Solve exponential equations and applications involving exponential equations

¨  Solve logarithmic equations and applications involving logarithmic equations

¨  Plot ordered pairs

¨  Define relations and functions

¨  Construct a graph of linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions

¨  Solve systems of linear equations with two unknowns and applications involving linear systems

Course Evaluation:

Students moving to MATH 1113 (Pre-Calculus) must complete MATH 1111 with a C or better.

Students moving to MATH 1127 must complete MATH 1111 with a C or better.

Grading Scale:

Grades are issued at the end of each semester. All grades earned will be reflected on and remain on the official academic transcript. The following grading scale is used:

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A 90-100

B 80-89

C 70-79

D 60-69

F 0-59

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Grading Criteria:

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Final Grades for this course will be calculated as follows:

Class Work/Homework/Quizzes 15%

Tests 55%

Final Exam 30%

Classroom Policies and Procedures:

1.  Attendance Policy:

  1. Class attendance is important for success in this class. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with subject matter covered during class when absent and also be prepared to participate upon return.
  2. Attendance will be taken each class. Roll may be checked by use of a sign-in sheet. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they have signed in during class time.
  3. Students are expected to attend every class session in its entirety. It is understood that unusual circumstances may arise which warrant special consideration. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss such cases with the instructor.
  4. If a student is absent from class, he/she is still responsible for the assigned work. It is the student’s responsibility to watch the video lecture found in the Multimedia Library tab in My Math Lab and do the assigned homework.

2.  Make-up Policy:

  1. There will be no make-ups of tests in this class. If you miss a test, the final exam score will replace its score. However, a lowest test score would not be dropped and it would not be replaced by the final exam score. This applies to all students regardless of their attendance or reason for absences. Any student who misses the final examination due to an emergency should contact their instructor within 24 hours of the exam to discuss the possibility of a make-up. Students will NOT be allowed to take an early exam.

3.  Homework Policy:

  1. All homework is assigned and submitted in MyOpenMath(MOM). A grade of 100% is attainable on each assignment. It is highly recommended students successfully complete all homework assignments by specified due date, which can be found in the homework section of MyOpenMath. No late work will be accepted.

4.  Classroom Etiquette Policy:

  1. Each and every student is responsible for respecting the rights of their classmates. To set the best possible learning environment for you and your classmates, the following policies are in effect.
  2. Cell phones, iPads, computers and all other electronic devices are to be off during class time so other students are not disturbed. Answering of telephones and/or checking mail is not permitted in the classroom. Students who need to answer emergency calls need to leave the room to do so. Anyone expecting an emergency call should sit near the door in order to cause a minimum of disruption to their classmates.
  3. Food is not permitted in the classroom. Students who need to bring food into the classroom need to get authorization from the Student Services office.
  4. WATER is permitted providing it is in a sealable, twist top, non-spill container. It must be kept away from the equipment and/or computers.
  5. Each class is responsible for keeping their room clean of bottles left behind; failure to adhere to this will result in the loss of the privilege of bringing drinks into this classroom.

Calculator Guidelines:

Calculators are permitted for all math classes and for the Compass Exit Exam (Pre-algebra and Algebra) administered in MATH 0090. The TI-83/84 (including plus and silver versions) are recommended for students (and required for some courses). ACT prohibits the use of specific calculators on the Compass Exams and Chattahoochee Technical College Math Department is consistent with these requirements. Thus, students will not be allowed to use any ACT prohibited calculators in any math course or on the Compass Exit Exam administered in MATH 0090. For example, the TI-89, TI-92, and the TI-Nspire CAS model calculators are prohibited. Students can view a complete listing of all prohibited calculators by visiting

No Show Policy:

A “no show” is a student whose name appears on the course roster but who fails to have his or her attendance verified the first week of class.

In all courses, regardless of the method of delivery (face-to-face, hybrid, or online), faculty will conduct a graded activity the first week of class in order to verify student attendance. This graded activity will document the student’s intent to take the course. Any student not completing the graded activity will be reported as a “no-show” regardless of his or her attendance in the classroom. Any student reported as a “no show” by an instructor will be administratively withdrawn from the course and will show no enrollment history.

Attendance Policy:

It is the student’s responsibility to attend classes on a good-faith basis that demonstrates the student’s desire to be a genuine partner in the educational process. Instructors will keep an accurate record of attendance. Students anticipating an absence or tardiness should contact the instructor in advance or provide notification as soon as possible. Instructors may establish attendance and make-up policies which are provided to the student through the course syllabus. It is the responsibility of the student to know the policy and adhere to it. Final grades may be affected by excessive absence and tardiness.

Withdraw Policy and Procedure:

Students may withdraw from any or all courses from their Summer Semester schedule through 7/11. Students are responsible for withdrawing themselves from any or all of the classes through BannerWeb. No withdrawals will be processed after the ‘W’ period ends. Students who do not withdraw from classes will be assigned grades earned.

Any student receiving federal student aid (Pell, SEOG, etc.) who completely withdraws from all classes during a given period of enrollment and completes less than 60% of the term (based on the instructor’s determination of last date of attendance) may be required to return funds to Chattahoochee Technical College and/or the US Department of Education.

TEAMS Early Alert System

Chattahoochee Technical College has implemented an early alert system to help students be successful in their academic endeavors. The early alert system, named TEAMS, will allow instructors to submit an alert about a student that is struggling academically, is inconsistent with attendance, or has a personal hardship that is impeding their success. This alert serves as an indicator that a student may need some assistance to be successful with completing their course of study. This help may be in the form of information, campus resources or a community resource referral.

Instructors can submit an alert for these three areas of concern: Attendance Issues, Academic Preparedness, or Personal Hardships. Alerts are not punitive and do not effect students’ grades or standing within a given course.

Should you have any questions about the TEAMS alert system, please refer them to the college Student Navigator, Ebony Gammon via email at, .

Disability Services

Chattahoochee Technical College provides support services for students with disabilities. These services ensure program accessibility and reasonable accommodations to individuals defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008. Chattahoochee Technical College strives to provide, within reason, appropriate resources, services and auxiliary aids to allow each qualified person with a documented disability equitable access to educational programs, social experiences and career opportunities. Inquiries concerning the application, policies, and practices of the American with Disabilities Act for Chattahoochee Technical College may be addressed to one of the following:

Marietta Campus – ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, Mary Frances Bernard at 980 South Cobb Drive, Marietta, GA 30060, Building G1106. Phone: 770‐528‐4529. Also serving the Mountain View, Paulding, and Austell campus locations. E-mail is .

North Metro/Appalachian/Canton/Woodstock Campus – Contact Disability Services for assistance. Disability Services Coordinator Margie McKeon, North Metro campus, 5198 Ross Road, Acworth, GA 30102, Building A, Office 132-O, 770-975-4099. E-mail is .

The full CTC policy on Disability Services can be found at:


Chattahoochee Technical College’s Qualify Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a vital part of CTC’s reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). CTC’s QEP is eMAP: An Educational Master Advising Plan. eMAP formalizes academic advisement to support student attainment of educational and career goals. To date, it involves most students in business and technical programs.

Class Schedule/Assignments:

CLASS SCHEDULE (subject to change at the discretion of the instructor)

Week 1 & 2: Module 1 (Polynomials, Factoring, Rational Expressions, Linear Equations, and Inequalities) & Module 2 (Relations and Functions)
Week 3 & 4: Module 2 (Relations and Functions) & Module 3 (Linear and Quadratic Functions)
Week 5 & 6: Module 3 (Linear and Quadratic Functions ) & Module 4 (Exponential and Logarithmic Functions)
Week 7 & 8: Module 4 (Exponential and Logarithmic Functions ) & Module 5 (Systems of Equations and Matrices)
Final Exam: August 2, on campus at 10 AM

Student Email Account:

All students registered at Chattahoochee Technical College will have a new student e-mail address. Your e-mail address will be assigned upon first registration and will be active within 24 hours. Regardless of former e-mail address, all Chattahoochee Technical College students will now have an address of “.” Additional student email account information can be found on the college website under me@CTC – Student Email & Skydrive.

Academic Integrity:

Chattahoochee Technical College expects students, faculty, and staff to conduct themselves with honesty and academic integrity. The college promotes and expects all members of the college community to conduct themselves professionally and with intellectual integrity. The college considers academic integrity an integral part of the learning environment. Any infraction of this policy is detrimental to the students’ education and the integrity of the college. Cases of academic dishonesty that are strictly forbidden include:

·  Plagiarizing any assignment or part of an assignment. Plagiarizing means to use someone else’s ideas or words as one’s own, without giving appropriate credit using quotation marks if necessary, and citing the source(s).

·  Copying and submitting another’s work as one’s own.

·  Using unauthorized notes or equipment (programmable calculator, pda, cell phone, etc.) during an examination.

·  Stealing an examination or using a stolen examination for any purpose.

·  Allowing another student to have access to your work, thereby enabling that student to represent the work as his/her own.

·  Having someone else take a quiz or exam in one’s place, taking an exam for someone else, or assisting someone in any way during a quiz or exam, or using any unauthorized electronic device of other unauthorized method of support during a quiz or exam.

·  Falsifying or fabricating information, such as data for a lab report.

·  Falsifying a patient’s medical record or a student’s clinical record, or any other student record, including a record of attendance.

·  Using another person’s file or copying another student’s computer program.

·  Other forms of cheating or dishonesty are forbidden, even if not listed here specifically.

Instructors may use any one or more of the following disciplinary measures for addressing instances of dishonesty:

·  Award a grade of zero for the assignment;

·  Assign a failing grade for the course;

·  Recommend the dismissal of the student from the program, or college.

Library/Information Resource Services

The purpose of the Chattahoochee Technical College Library is to provide information resources and library services to meet the institutional mission of preparing students to enter the workforce. Library staff provides materials to assist students in pursuing their educational, career, and personal goals. The library is committed to the support of academic programs for the broad range of students in the technical college.

Libraries are located on all campuses; library information can be found at The library provides information, guidance, and instruction to all faculty, staff, and students for a wide range of resource materials. Automated catalogs, circulation, electronic indexes, e-books, and reference services offer the user state-of-the-art access to research and recreational materials. Information on student access to online resources can be found at