The Bureau, in partnership with High Peak CVS, is administering a grant scheme on behalf of Tameside and Glossop Care Together.

We are looking to fund activitiesthat bring communities together,help peoplelook after their own health, and help people live independently for

as long as possible.

We specifically want to fund activities that will reduce demand on statutory

health and social care services.

What can we fund?

The grant is designed to support projects that reduce dependency on social care and health services such as GPs, A and E and in-patient settings.

This means that the funding canbe used to help create newself-careservices such as peer support, social connections and physical activities where there is a local gap; or buildthe capacity of existingself-careservices experiencing high levels of demand from health services, social care or the new Community Navigation service run by The Bureau

We will prioritise projects/activities that:

Reduce dependency on Social Care or NHS services, for example through projects that increase physical activity and improve wellbeing, and soreduce the number of visits to GPs and A and E, or help to speed recovery after a stay in hospital

Build personal resilience for example through peer support groups,developing coping strategies and supporting mental wellbeing in order to help people self-manage a long-term health condition

Reduce social isolation and loneliness

Results in groups or communities becoming more active and socially connected

Create mutually beneficial networks of support and/or connecting people and groups across the Glossopdale community

Support people with chaotic lifestyles and addiction to achieve positive aspirations

Are there specific funding criteria?

  • Grant funding will be targeted at projects that meet one or more of the above priorities
  • Priority will be given to new projects that can evidence a gap in service provision that they will meet
  • Successful applicants must be willing to gather evidence to show how their project/activity will reduce dependency on health and social care services
  • Successful applicants must be willing to attend a workshop on how to measure outcomes and improvements in mental wellbeing
  • Where appropriate groups must be willing to undertake an organisational health check with High Peak CVS

What cannot be funded?

  • Projects that have already taken place
  • Activities based outside of Glossopdale
  • Existing activities/services that have been cut by other funding bodies
  • Any costs that someone else is paying for or that you receive via ‘in kind’ support
  • Activities that are restricted to a religious or political group or unlawfully discriminates against certain groups of people
  • Projects funded in Round 1 that are still underway

Who can apply?

We are looking for new and existing peer support networks, groups of friends,formally run groups, organisations and charities who want to support the development of self-care services and make a difference to local people in Glossopdale.

How much can we apply for?

The amount of funding will vary depending on the scale and nature of the project. We have a very limited grant pot and expect to award a number of small grants with an average of £2,000. Larger grants of up to £8,000 will be considered on an exception basisif they are innovative, have strong outcomes and can demonstrate a clear gap in provision.

The grants are intended as one-off, start up or capacity building and should be spent within 12 months of receiving your grant offer letter.

Note, if you received a grant in Round 1 due to the amount of funding available and priority to new projects we may not be able to fully fund all projects that re-apply.

What is the deadline?

The deadline for Round 2 is Wednesday 20th June at 4pm.

How will the grant awards be decided?

Applications will be considered by a panel of local health, social care and Patient Neighbourhood Group representatives working across Glossopdale.

How do we apply?

Please send in your completed application form to

Before you fill in the application form we would urge you to have an informal chat about your ideas with Sophie Glinka or Charlotte Winterbottomat the Bureau.We can be contacted at:

Sophie: telephone 01457 865722

Charlotte: telephone 01457 865722

To find out more about the grants and how to apply you could also attend one of our information workshops on:

Tuesday May 15th 2pm – 3.30pm or 6pm-7.30pm

If you would like to book a place please email:

Alternatively, if you are ready to apply and want some advice on how to present your activities in the best possible way please contact Liz Fletcher at High Peak CVS: telephone 01663 736426

What if we are unsuccessful?

If you are unsuccessful The Bureau and High Peak CVS will offer feedback on your application andhelp you to identify other possible sources of funding.



1.Contact Details

Name of Organisation or group
Contact Person

2. Project Information

Start date / End date
1. Please describe the project or activities you want funding for, and the difference it will make.Please be specific about what you want to do, how you will do it and how it will make a difference (250 words)
2.What is the evidence that the project is needed? And how will the project meet this need? E.g. Include local research, surveys, feedback from existing projectsetc. (250 words)
3. Who will benefit from the project/service?E.g. Include details of the people, neighbourhoods and communities that will benefit, shared issues that people will be dealing with, benefits to their wider family and carers etc. (make reference to the priorities for the grant funding)
(150 words)
4. How will you manage the project?E.g. include details of how you will make sure the project goes according to plan, who will manage the project, staff, budget etc?
(150 words)
5. Project details
How many people will directly benefit?
How many volunteers will be involved?
How many hours of volunteering do you expect in an average week?
Where and when will your project take place?(100 words)
6. How will the project/service help to achieve one or more of the following:
  • Reduce repeat demand on GP services
  • Reduce demand on A and E services
  • Delay or divert demand away from Adult Social Care services
  • Speed up the hospital discharge and recovery process
(150 words)
7. Project outcomes: What differences or outcomes will the project achieve and how will you monitor progress to show that you have made a positive difference? (100 words)
How will you measure & evaluate the outcomes?
Outcome / How will you measure this?
E.g. Difference 1 – Participant’s wellbeing is improved by attending the project / E.g. We will use a wellbeing questionnaire, case studies and staff observations

3. Project Costs

Please provide a breakdown of activity and costs
(*we may need to see receipts for larger purchases)
Item / £
Total cost of activities
Total amount of grant requested
If successful we will require your bank details including your latest bank statements
Please explain how you expect your project to be sustained when the funding comes to an end? (E.g. how you will seek continuation funding, develop a business plan, seek to become more sustainable etc.) (50 words)

4. Additional Information

Please use this space to add any other information that you feel supports your application(max 250 words)

5. Your Organisation

What sort of organisation are you?
Please mark any that apply
A company limited by guarantee – Number:
A registered charity – Number:
An unincorporated club or association
A friendly society
An industrial and provident society
Awaiting charity registration
Has charitable aims but not registered
A new organisation
Other (please specify below)
Please send us the following: / Please tick as appropriate
Your adopted constitution/set of rules
Copy of your latest accounts (please state if this is not applicable)
A Vulnerable Adults Policy (if applicable)

6. Declaration

By submitting this grant application we accept the following conditions:
  1. We will only spend the grant money in accordance with our grant application form. If there is a need to change the use of the grant, we will request permission as soon as possible
  2. We will ensure the group makes the project as accessible as possible and agree to implement and ensure equal opportunities
  3. We will ensure that all volunteers and staff working with vulnerable adults are enhanced DBS checked
  4. We will ensure we have adequate insurance to carry out the project (you can apply for this as part of your grant if you are a new organisation)
  5. We agree to submit monitoring reports and provide information on the progress of the project and proof of expenditure
  6. We understand that if we don't meet these terms and conditions our grant may be withdrawn

I am authorised to make the application on behalf of the above organisation and certify that the information contained in this application is correct.
Signature of applicant
Signature of treasurer

Please e-mail this form to Rebecca at:

The deadline for applications is 4pm on Wednesday 22nd June.