Blue RibbonOnlineEntriesInformationEntryDeadlineJune 15th- 12:00pm
1.Go to thefollowinglink
a.Thelinkcan alsobefoundon theOttawa County 4-HWebsite( byclickingon ‘The Fair’ and‘Forms’
2.Making a list of entries for each exhibitor prior to entering data may make it easier and quicker for you. The departments & codes can be found in the Ottawa County Fair Handbook. An electronic copy of the handbook can be found on the Ottawa County 4-HWebsite( byclickingon ‘The Fair’ and‘Forms’
3.Click‘CreateNew Account’ andfollowon-screendirections.(Ifyou are returningto youron-lineentries
inthesameyear,select‘Log In’ to use yourpasswordas areturnexhibitor)
a.Completeallrequiredfields and select‘SaveAccountInformation’
i.Passwordmustbe between7-20characters
4.ReadtheTerms ofServiceand click‘Accept’
5.Onceyou arelogged in youwillseedifferent tabs onthetopofthepage.
a.Clickon ‘Entries’.
b.Clickon a Departmentinthelist toexpandthe‘List of AvailableEntrySelections.’Listingsare inDepartmentnumberorder.
c.Selectoneentryata time.
i.The Field Tatoo/Ear Notch is for your animal tag/ID number. Sheep/Goats need to enter into the scrapie ID line.
ii.Beef – for those that have tagged more than 2 animals – only enter into the system 2 animals. We can adjust the tag numbers when you arrive at the fair, so only enter 2 of the tags that you had tagged.
d.After adepartmentisexpandedclickthe(+)sign on theleftofthepage toexpandthedisplayaspecificclassandlotnumbers.
e.Afterdisplayinga particular class, clickADD to add thespecifiedLotnumberyouwanttoenter.
f.Afteryou add anentrya pop upboxwillappearthattellsyou“Entryhasbeen added.”
g.Toadd anotherentryscrollto thetop ofthepage andselectanotherdepartment/class/lot.
6.You Must click on the green button Misc Items in order to choose your amounts for pen fees.
7.Each department that you have a project selected for will appear, and you have to choose which fee that is associated with the number of head of animals that you are brining.
8.When youhaveenteredall of yourentriesgoto‘Items/Checkout’ fromthetop of thescreenandfollowon-screendirections.
a.Print/Previewreceiptis availableforyourrecords.
b.Onceyou areconfidentyouhaveenteredallyourentries andhavereadthefairrulesthelaststepis toclick‘Submit.’
c.Theconfirmation onthescreenis yourinvoice.Youcan printthereceiptforyourrecords.Youwillreceive aconfirmationemailandthisisalsoconsideredyourinvoice.
9.Onceyourentriesaresubmittedyouwillreceive a confirmation onthescreenanda confirmation e-mail.Printtheconfirmationforyourrecords-thisis yourinvoice.
Questions,call at419-898-3631 or email Rhonda at