Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association



This manual has been developed as a reference guide, providing information to enhance your understanding of Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association (“FASA” or “the Club”) programs.

Since it is a reference guide, you are encouraged to refer to it frequently. It will answer most of the questions of coaches, players and their families.

If you do not find what you need here, please contact the FASA Club Office Manager at 540-368-KICK (5425) or r the Club website web site

This manual is an official publication of the programs and policies of the Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association. It supersedes all previously published manuals.


Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association Board of Directors

Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association Policies and Guidelines

Table of Contents

Section 1: Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association

Section 2: Overview of Club Operations and Leadership

Mission Statement


Club Monthly Meetings

Employment of Subcontractors

Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association Club Tournaments

Section 3: Player Registration

What it means to be Carded under VYSA:

Player Registration Procedure

League Fees

Refunds of Player Fees

Financial Aid

Fund Raising

Section 4: Technical Director/ Director of Coaching

Coaching and Club Trainer’s Requirements and Qualifications

Coaching Education

Disciplinary Policy for Coaches

Section 5: Travel Program

Try Outs and Team Selection

Age Waived Players

Parent’s Code of Conduct

Uniform and Equipment Policy

Section 7: Field Usage

Permission Required

Use in Inclement Weather

Practice Fields

Game Fields

Weather Cancellation Procedure

Section 1: Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association

The Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association (FASA) is a community-based volunteer organization supporting competitive travel soccer under affiliation with Virginia Youth Soccer Association (VYSA), National Capitol Soccer League (NCSL), Washington Area Girls Soccer League (WAGS), Old Dominion Soccer League (ODSL), Virginia Soccer League inc. (VSLi) and Virginia Club Champions League (VCCL), the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) and the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA). FASA abides by the articles, bylaws, policies and requirements of VYSA. FASA is a non-profit organization exempt from tax under IRS Section 501c(3). The Club’s website is located at

Section 2: Overview of Club Operations and Leadership

Mission Statement

The aim of FASA is to provide administration to Recreation and Travel Soccer teams where each team member is provided an opportunity to:

1. Develop both individuals as well as team skills in the game of soccer.

2. Develop good sportsmanship and promote behavior resulting in fair play that would reflect favorably upon FASA.

3. Play competitively in games (and tournaments for travel teams) for the mutual enjoyment of team members as well as spectators.


While the Board is, technically, the legal board of directors, the Board’s primary responsibilities will be to provide direction to the Club concerning soccer issues and manage the activities of the club.

The Board of Directors, consisting of the following elected officials, governs FASA


Vice President



Club Registrar

Director of Coaching

ADSL Director

Boys Team Reps

Girls Team Reps

Standing committees are appointed each year by the president.

Club Monthly Meetings

The Board of Directors will conduct a monthly meeting to discuss Club business and operations. These meetings are open to all parents, teams managers and coaches. These meetings will be announced on our web site at (

Employment of Subcontractors

The Club may employ coaches or others as subcontractors. The Board of Directors must approve all subcontracting arrangements, documented in writing, stating the services to be provided and the expected fee for such services in advance.

All subcontractors must provide a W9 containing their social security number or tax ID number in order to be paid. All invoices for payment must describe the services provided and the dates on which they were provided. The Club will return all invoices that lack this information.

Fredericksburg Area Soccer Association Club Tournaments

FASA sponsors an annual tournament in which all Club teams are expected to participate. Visit the FASA web site for more information.

Section 3: Player Registration

What it means to be Carded under VYSA:

The process of registering individual players to play in the following competitive league is administered by VYSA, and is often referred to as “carding.” Registration ensures team membership for the entire seasonal year, which begins September 1 and ends August 31 of the following calendar year.

With a few exceptions, players cannot be released from a Travel Team before the end of the seasonal year (August 31). A player may request a transfer to another VYSA affiliated team but needs to be aware of the leagues rules regarding transfers. This request must be initiated by the player in writing on the appropriate state form and then approved by the appropriate state organization before the player may join the new team. The transfer must be initiated between playing seasons. No team transfers will be approved once the playing season has begun, currently is fall and spring.

Player Registration Procedure

FASA uses an Internet-based registration system for all players. The registration system is made available to everyone prior to the start of each season or each FASA event (camps, special events, etc).

Classic: Every player must register online and make full payment before they will be placed on a team.

Travel: At tryouts all players will need to complete the paper player registration form. Once teams have been selected, all players on each travel team need to then register online and make full payment(s).

League Fees

FASA charges an individual player fee to be considered for inclusion on a Classic League team and for a Travel team. The fee covers team registrations to VYSA, player passes, player insurance, referees, equipment, field usage fees, coaching education and training and other Club costs. The fee is set by the FASA Boardof Directors.

Refunds of Player Fees

No refunds will be granted after the completion of try out and/or classic team selections.

Financial Aid

FASA offers financial aid for players. Go to the FASA website ( for more information.

Fund Raising

FASA conducts fundraising events throughout the year to support the mission of the club. All travel players must participate in the Club’s fundraising program generally held in the fall and Classic players are invited to participate. All other events (not mandatory) are highly encouraged and fully supported by FASA. Some of the fundraising dollars go back into the community in the form of scholarships and grants to support the players and the game of soccer.

Section 4: Technical Director/ Director of Coaching

Coaching and Club Trainer’s Requirements and Qualifications

a)Must be eighteen (18) years of age or older.

b)Must be qualified and registered under VYSA

c) Must agree to adhere to the Bylaws, rules and regulations of FASA

d)Must complete and file a Risk Management Release Form with the Club.

e)A head coach must possess a VYSA recognized coaching license or certificate.

f) Must complete and return a signed coaching contract.

g)Must attend required coaching meetings.

h)Have commitment to gain knowledge of the game of soccer.

Coaching Education

FASA strongly supports the education of all coaches and encourages them to participate in coaching clinics, certifications and licensures. Any request for financial assistance for any coaching clinics, certifications or licensures must be received in writing and approved by the TD/DOC Board prior to course registration.

Disciplinary Policy for Coaches

Coaches who violate the coaching guidelines and or the rules and regulations of FASA and/or NCSL, WAGS, ODSL, VSLI, or VCCL will be subject to disciplinary actions as described below:

Generally, for an infraction of any of the rules of the FASA and/or VYSA or other applicable rules other than red cards, the coach will receive:

a) For the first occurrence - a verbal warning from the TD or DOC that will be noted in her/his file.

b) For the second occurrence - a written warning that will be placed in his/her file.

c) For the third occurrence - suspension for TWO game following the game in which the violation occurs.

d) Any further occurrence - suspension for the season and review status by the Board as to whether the person will be allowed to continue coaching.

Any ejection for an offense toward the referee, or any ejection which is the second ejection during a registration year, is reviewed by the FASA Board of Directors for ruling and discipline.

Note: Coach has a right of appeal to the Board.

Section 5: Travel Program

The FASA Soccer Club Program offers a competitive level of play to teams from age groups U-9 through U-18. There are two levels of play “Elite and Premier”. Playing under the guidance of coaches holding a USSF E-License or higher, the Travel Program provides skillful players the opportunity to continue their development to the highest level possible. For that reason, the Club seeks out those players and coaches who demonstrate a greater commitment and interest in learning and playing the game. For some, the Travel Program is just the beginning of a youth's competitive soccer experience that may be fully realized at varying levels throughout their association with the game. For others, the program provides the challenges and level of play that promotes and nurture growth as a soccer athlete.

Elite Team Head Coach / Age Group Coordinator Program Overview (updated Fall 2008)

1. The Elite team must play in NCSL, WAGS or VCCL (which are currently our most competitive leagues). Note: Only exceptions are teams on the waiting list to get in.

2. Beginning at the U12 age group the Elite team must play in all State Cup competitions (no exceptions) every year. The State Cup Fee will be paid by FASA for all Elite Teams.

3. The Elite team must apply to premiere / gold level tournaments - and must ask to be put in the top bracket. They must aspire to build a resume so that our Elite teams can be accepted into better events in the future. FASA’s Technical Director will provide a list of preferred tournaments for all level teams.

4. FASA will conduct open tryouts for every age group each season. Tryouts will be conducted by the head coaches within the age group along with evaluators assigned by the Technical Director and DOC. The Elite team Head Coach will make the final roster decisions in consultation with the evaluators, TD & DOC for the top team – and the head coaches of the Premiere & other teams will select in order from the remaining players. This will be done working together with the best interest of the players, teams and club in mind. All players must earn a roster spot based on their ability (not just because they have been on the team in the past). There are no guaranteed spots for any player at the Elite level (this applies to head coaches that may have a child on the team – they must earn their spot).

5. The Elite team must have a minimum of 2 training sessions per week (preferably 3 for U13 and up) and offer specific Goalkeeping training for their GK’s (preferably FASA’s GK training program). They should also offer additional training opportunities in between seasons – and encourage their players to attend skills camps (individual and/or team).

6. As the teams get in the U15 & above age groups - the Elite team must help players interested in college soccer with résumé's, contacts, etc. and apply for as many showcase events as possible. FASA will help and offer assistance in this process (contact our College Prep Coordinator for details).

7. Attend FASA coaches meetings and training sessions that are set up and continue their education & training process.

8. Head Coach must be Nationally Licensed - or be in the process of obtaining their USSF “D” National as a minimum. Exceptions may be considered based on long-term successful Club Coaching and/or College level Coaching/playing experience.

9. The Elite Team Coach is also considered the Age Group Coordinator and must maintain a presence with all other teams in the age group. This includes attending and/or running training sessions for other teams; coordinating and managing tryouts for the entire age group; scouting players from the other teams in conjunction with the head coach of the Premiere or other teams; working with the Technical Director on decisions regarding player movement; be involved in the selection process for the other teams with the Technical Director and Director of Coaching.

The goal of each age group that has multiple teams is to work together. All coaches should meet on a regular basis along with the Technical Director and Director of coaching to review:

  • Players that should be considered for the Elite team
  • Players that are struggling on the Elite team and may need time to develop with less pressure and stress.
  • Consistent messages to all parents in every age group (all parents from all teams should be getting the same message and be aware that the training expectations for all FASA teams are extremely high!) All FASA travel teams are competitive and have quality coaching.
  • That the Elite team members (players and parents) have the correct “attitude” about the program and shows proper respect to all teams and players in the entire organization (we are one family here). This starts with the head coach setting the example – and he/she takes responsibility for this message to go to all players & parents on the team.
  • Elite teams must earn that title – being listed as the Elite team is meaningless – it is training program and player development where they will earn their title.
  • Coaches must meet prior to tryouts and organize the entire process. There can be no confusion with players or parents. All must be on the same page.
  • If there are disputes or problems – the Technical Director and DOC will meet with all head coaches and we will resolve all issues as a “team” – working together!
  • Communication – communication – communication….. it is up to each coach to reach out and talk through any/all issues – and work together!!

Other Clarifications

  • The Elite team will have first choice on all new and/or undeclared players (at tryouts – or that move to the area).
  • Coaches will not directly recruit players from any team. If the Elite team coach is interested in a player on another team – they will go directly to the head coach to discuss – not contact the player or parent directly. We want the players to have the opportunity to grow and be pushed to the highest level – but this must be done in a professional manner and always starts between the coaches. Players on Premiere teams should be encouraged to make the Elite team by their coach. Quality coaching is what prepares them to compete at the highest level.
  • No players will ever be “forced” to move to an Elite team. For example, if a player is happy on the team they are on – which is not designated as the Elite team – and they request to stay with their current team (for social, family, financial, etc. issues) – that is fine.
  • We would love to see all FASA teams play in State Cup! This is certainly not limited to teams designated as Elite teams. We encourage all teams to consider playing State Cup.

FASA expects head coaches to “coach” and “train” their teams! We have and will continue to help provide training assistance and programs through our TD to help “train the trainer”. We fully support coaches bring trainers in from time to time for a change of pace (and the TD or DOC will be happy to run sessions upon request) – however – feel the head coach should be the primary trainer – especially for our Elite teams. If an Elite team plans on using a trainer as the primary “coach” – this needs to be approved by the TD.

Try Outs and Team Selection

Tryouts will be held for all age groups within FASA under the direction of the Technical Director, Coaching Director and each of the age group Coordinators for the Elite and Premier Teams.

Players are placed on teams based upon their tryout evaluations by the player selection committee of the board. After the player selection is complete the Technical Director Coaching Director Age Group Coordinators for both Elite and Premier team will place players on designated teams base on the player evaluations.

The Club attempts to field two teams per age division at the U-9 thru U 18 groups. An attempt is made to avoid “cuts” at these age groups. However, the number of players trying out for these teams at times makes “cuts” unavoidable. If registration numbers are not sufficient to support two full teams, FASA will attempt to place those players within the ADSL program Parents of any player being “cut” from a team will be contacted directly by a Club official.