
JDSN Surcharge Tracking

What is Surcharge Tracking?

Surcharge Tracking is a web-based tool within JD Supply Network. It is intended to provide a common spread sheettemplate and process for submitting surcharge information to John Deere.

Surcharges should be submitted monthly. A supplier can submit one spread sheet for a supplier number, Deere unit and month/year. Stored surcharge information may also be retrieved and downloaded from the Surcharge Tracking application.

What is a Surcharge?

A Surcharge is a portion of the total increase in the cost of the steel used by suppliers to make parts for Deere machines. It consists of the increased costs of the raw materials, used by the steel mill, in the production of steel and is shown on the invoice as a separate charge.

Why do we Need SurchargeTracking?

Material cost pressures and availability over the past year have changed the short term pricing method for both Deere and our suppliers. As we go forward, it is extremely important that we know the impact of material cost changes at the part level to properly pay the supplier for any increased cost. Resulting surcharges need to be addressed in a timely manner. This information allows proper costing of our products and a more accurate forecast of material expense for future periods.

We are implementing the JDSN Surcharge Tracking tool to give both Deere and our suppliers a more consistent method to submit material cost information. This tool will provide our suppliers a single, consistent method for submitting part level, detailed costs, as we go forward. We feel that by using a standard format, submitted electronically, we can obtain the information we need to provide timely payment to our suppliers.

Who Uses JDSN Surcharge Tracking?

John Deere suppliers that have a John Deere userid and have been authorized by a John Deere Supply Base Manager have access to the application. If a supplier needs access to the application, he/she should contact their John Deere Supply Base Manager.

Surcharge Tracking Overview

Follow the steps listed below to complete a Surcharge Tracking spread sheet and submit it to John Deere.

  1. Download a copy of the Surcharge Excel template found on the Surcharge Tracking home page and save it on your computer.
  2. Open the Surcharge template to create a new Surcharge spread sheet.
  3. Add the appropriate information to the Surcharge spread sheet.
  4. Save the Surcharge spread sheet on your computer.
  5. Start the Surcharge Tracking application.
  6. Click the Submit Surcharge link.
  7. Complete the Submit Surcharge required information.
  8. Browse and find the spread sheet on your computer.
  9. Click the submit button. The Surcharge Tracking application displays all part numbers listed in the spread sheet with required information or any part numbers with errors.

Batch Processing

When the spread sheet is submitted to the Surcharge Tracking system:

  • The data is audited by the system overnight.
  • If no errors are found, an email notification is sent to the Deere Surcharge Approver to validate and approve or disapprove the surcharges.
  • If the surcharges are disapproved, the supplier will receive email notification and may review the information on the Disapproved & Error Surcharges page.
  • If errors are found, both the Surcharge Approver and the supplier are notified by email and may review the errors on the Disapproved & Error Surcharges page.

/ If changes or corrections to the data are needed, the supplier will have to correct the Excel spread sheet and resubmit using the Submit Surcharges link.
/ To receive email notification, suppliers must enter the correct contact person in the Supplier Profile application and designate Surcharge Coordinator as the business role.

Setting Up Surcharge Contacts in Supplier Profile

A Surcharge contact must be added to the JDSN Supplier Profile application before email notifications can be sent to a supplier. Use the steps listed below to start Supplier Profile and designate a Surcharge contact for a supplier.

1.Display the JD Supply Network page.

2.Click on the Applications tab and click the Supplier Profile link.

3.Click the Supplier Profile Application link.

4.Type your Deere userid (i.e., hx32400) in the User Name box.

5.Click in the Password box and type your password.

6.Click the OK button. The Supplier Profile Main Menu page is displayed.

7.Click the Supplier Contacts link to display the current list of supplier contacts.

8.Click the add contact button located at the bottom of the contact list.

9.Enter the contact name and information in the Contact Information fields.

10.Select Surcharge Coordinator from the list of Business Roles.

11.Select the appropriate Unit(s), or select All to include all Units in the list.

12.Click the save button.

13.Repeat these steps to include additional contacts.

/ You may also edit a current contact and add Surcharge Coordinator as a Business Role.

Starting Surcharge Tracking

Use these steps to start the Surcharge Tracking application from the JD Supply Network page.

1.Display the JD Supply Network page.

/ This page is located at

2.Position the mouse over the Business Processes tab and click on the Strategic Sourcing link on the mouse-over menu.

/ You can also click the Business Processes tab to display a page listing the mouse-over menu options.

3.Click the Surcharge Tracking link to display the application's mini home page.

4.Click the Web Application link to display the Sign In page.

5.Type your userid (i.e., ou12345) in the User Name box.

6.Click in the Password box and type your password.

7.Click the submit button.

8.Click the I Agree button on the Terms of Use page. Agreement to these terms of use is required before the Surcharge Tracking tool can be displayed.

Supplier Surcharge Navigation

Main Menu

The Main Menu includes links to the application functions as well as links to documents and templates designed to provide additional information and assistance when using the Surcharge Tracking application.

Submit Surcharges

This link enables a supplier to upload a Surcharge Excel spread sheet to John Deere.

Search Surcharges

This link allows a supplier to search for and/or download surcharge information submitted by their company by reference date, unit and/or part number.

Disapproved & Error Surcharges

This link allows you to review the disapproved or error surcharges by month, year and unit.

Surcharge Tracking Documents and Templates

This link provides a supplier with access tothe Surcharge Tracking Excel spread sheet and information about using it.

Main Menu Drop-Down

The main menu is available from any page using the Main Menu drop-down. Click the Main Menu drop-down and select one of the options to display the desired page.

Help Information

Application-specific help links are available in the toolbar at the top of the page.

Contact Us Link

Click the contact us link to display the email link and email form. Either may be used to submit your questions or comments.

Help Link

Click the help linkto display Help information pertinent to the Surcharge Trackingapplication.

  • Click the FAQ tab to display frequently asked questions about the application.
  • Click the Glossarytab to display terms used in the application.

/ Click the tabs at the top of the help window to switch between the FAQ, Glossary and Contact Us pages.


Choose File - Print from the menu or click the Print button in the Browser toolbar to print any of the pages displayed from the application.

Screen Prompts, Informational Messages and Error Messages

Screen prompts and informational messages are displayed at the top of the page in red. Check the red message line for information about the current page.

/ Click the message number link to display specific information about the message.
Click the Close button to close the Help window for the message.

Error messages appear as a dialog box

/ Click the OK button to close the error message dialog box.

Using the Surcharge Tracking Spreadsheet

Downloading the Supplier Surcharge Excel Template

Use the steps listed below to download a copy of the Supplier Surcharge Excel template.

  1. Display the Surcharge Tracking home page and click the link Surcharge Tracking Documents and Templates.
  1. Do one of the following to save a copy of the file to your computer:
  • Right-click the Surcharge Excel Template for John Deere Supplier link. Click the Save Target As option and save the file on your computer.
  • Click the Surcharge Excel Template for John Deere Supplierlink to open the template in Excel. Choose File – Save as and save the template where you can find it on your computer.

/ Save the file with Microsoft Office Excel Workbook (.xls)as the Save as type.

Opening the Supplier Surcharge Excel Template

Once the Surcharge Excel template is downloaded to your computer, use the following steps to open and save the file with a new name.

  1. Start Microsoft Excel.

/ It is not necessary to have the Surcharge Tracking application started or to be connected to JD Supply Network to complete the spread sheet.
  1. Open the Supplier Surcharge spread sheet.
  2. Choose File – Save as from the Excel menu.
  3. Save the file with the appropriate name.
  4. Verify the file is being saved with a .XLS extension.
  5. Click the Save button.

File Naming Recommendations

A supplier can submit one spread sheet for a supplier number, Deere unit and month/year. File names are not transmitted to Deere when submitted. For organization purposes and to help you identify your spread sheets, you may wish to use the following naming convention:

Deere_Unit month_year surcharge.xls
(Harvester Mar2005 surcharge.xls)

Completing the Surcharge Spreadsheet

You may type or copy and paste information directly into the spread sheet, below the column headings. Do not change the spread sheet formatting or the information will not upload correctly.

The yellow column headings indicate required information. You must provide data in those columns for each row of information entered to successfully upload your spreadsheet.

/ Hold the mouse over the column headings to display a comment with a brief explanation of the column. Also check the Upload Info spread sheet tab for column headings and detailed descriptions.

Copy/Paste Information into the Surcharge Spreadsheet

Use the following steps to copy and paste information into the surcharge spread sheet without changing the spread sheet formatting.

1.Open a copy of the surcharge spread sheet.

2.Open the file that contains the data you wish to copy.

3.Select and copy the data you wish to include in the surcharge spread sheet.

/ The original data that is copied should be in the exact order as the columns in the surcharge spread sheet.

4.Display the surcharge spread sheet and click on cell A2.

5.Click on the Edit menu and select Paste Special to display the Paste Special dialog box.

6.Click the Values radio button.

7.Click the OK button to paste the data.

/ Using Edit/Paste Special/Values allows you to paste the data without changing the spread sheet formatting.

Verifying Surcharge Spreadsheet Information

When the Surcharge spread sheet is submitted to John Deere, the Surcharge Tracking application verifies the completeness of the data. To avoid errors when submitting a Surcharge spread sheet, check for the following:

  • All required columns must contain information for each row of data. Required columns are designated by the yellow column headings.
  • Required columns are designated by the yellow column headings.
  • A file will not be uploaded if the file only contains the column headings.
  • The first row of information in the spread sheetmust be the column headings.
  • The second row of information in the spread sheet must be the first part number.
  • Each column must be formatted exactly as designated in the original Supplier Surcharge spread sheet.
  • Each column has a designated number of characters that may be entered. Data that extends beyond the character limit will be truncated when uploaded to the Surcharge Tracking application. (Check the Field Length column in the surcharge spread sheet Columns table that appears later in this manual.)
  • Rows of information must be continuous. When a blank row is encountered the Surcharge Tracking application assumes it has reached the end of the spread sheet.
  • When saved, the Excel file's size must be under 2 MB (2,000,000 bytes).

/ If a file's size is larger than 2 MB, please contact your Supply Base Manager.
Note:You may add up to approximately 6000 rows of data and keep the file size below 2 MB. This is just a guideline and file size results will vary.

Submitting Surcharge Data for Assemblies


Assembly part number – this is the John Deere part number that the Deere unit is purchasing. This value is entered in the “Deere Part Number” field on the template (D).

Component part numbers or descriptions – these are the supplier identifiers for the manufactured or purchased parts that make up the assembly part number. These only need to be specified if they have associated surcharges. This value is entered in the “Component number or description of component” field on the template (F).

When submitting surcharge information for assembly parts, please follow these rules:

  • Assemblies listed more than once on a spread sheet, for different ship dates, for example, must have the same component structure.
  • Each component part number or description must be unique.
  • The component part numbers or descriptions field should only be filled in when dealing with an assembly.
  • The assembly number and assembly quantity shipped should be repeated for each component part number. The component quantity is the number of that component that is used in one assembly number.
  • A top level assembly, or “header row”, for a John Deere assembly part number should not be included as a separate row.
  • The surcharge for the assembly part number will be calculated by totaling the individual component surcharges and dividing by the quantity of Deere part number shipped. If component surcharge detail is not available, then submit a single entry for the assembly number.

/ Check the examples on the following page.

Submitting Surcharge Data for Assemblies continued

Incorrect Example

Correct Example

/ For complicated listings or if you have questions, contact your John Deere Supply Base Manager.

Excel Tips

Keep the following Excel tips in mind when using the Surcharge spread sheet:

  • If you wish to copy the same dateto multiple cells in a column without incrementing the date, right-click the cell’s Auto Fill handle and drag over the desired number of cells. A menu appears when you release the mouse. Select Copy Cells from the menu.


  • Select the cell that contains the date you wish to copy, click on the Edit menu and select Copy. Highlight the cells to which you wish to copy the date, click on the Edit menu and select Paste.

  • To check an Excel file's size while the file is open, click the File menu and select Properties. The file size information is found on the General tab.

Surcharge Spreadsheet Columns

The following table provides a description of information requested for each of the columns in the spread sheet template.

Column Heading / Required / Description / Field Length
Invoice Number / N /
  • Supplier's Invoice Number issued to recover material increases and surcharges for the Quantity Shipped of a Deere Part Number to Deere Unit Code. (surcharge invoice).
/ 18
Invoice number (for shpqty) / N /
  • Supplier’s Invoice Number issued for Quantity Shipped of a Deere Part Number to Deere Unit (basic Part/assy invoice).
/ 18
Ship Date / N /
  • Date for Quantity Shipped of Deere Part Number
Sample: Dec 2004 = 20041201 / 8
Deere Part Number / Y /
  • Deere Part Number, Assembly, or Simple Part ordered by purchase order (PO).
/ 18
Quantity Shipped (pcs) / Y /
  • Quantity of the Deere Part Number shipped.
/ 7
Component Number or description of Component / N /
  • Use for assembly parts.
  • Simple or component part number, or a unique description if no Deere Part Number exists for the components used to make the Deere assembly being shipped.
/ 25
Component Qty / N /
  • Use for assembly parts.
  • Number of pieces (pc), weight (lbs) or length (ft) of the component that goes into the assembly.
/ 7.4
Component UOM / N /
  • Use for assembly parts.
  • Unit of Measure for the component part (pc, lbs, ft).
/ 5
Material Gross Wt (lbs) / Y or Net Weight /
  • Gross weight for the material to produce Deere part or component.
  • This field is not required if Net Weight is provided.
/ 10.4
Net Wgt of Part (lbs) / Y or Gross Weight /
  • Finished weight of Deere part or component.
  • This field is not required if Gross Weight is provided.
/ 10.4
Supplier Steel Source / Y /
  • Steel Mill or Warehouse selling to the Supplier.
/ 20
Deere Steel Grade / N /
  • John Deere Material Number (Steel Grade).
/ 10

Surcharge Spreadsheet Columns continued