Department/School Name:

Area of Specialization:

Rank of Appointment:

Template: Job Ad for TT searches

The purpose of a Job Ad is to:

  • establish the qualifications that the search committee will use for selection
  • provide a strong foundation for the institution for regulatory purposes (ADA, FMLA, etc.)

The job ad and position description complement each other. Both should be posted on the department website. The job ad describes the kind of person the department is looking for, whereas the position description describes the job with its components and expectations.

Highlights are required fieldsand provide departments/schools with options to suit their particular discipline


San Francisco State University, Department/School of[name] invites applicants for a tenure-track [Assistant, Associate and/or Full] Professor position in [subfield]beginning August[year].

The department/school seeks individuals with a background in[subfield] and[subfield if relevant] with a specialization in [specialization if relevant].

Add information here to help applicants get oriented to who you are (e.g. brief description of the department)

Add special nature of the position if relevant (e.g. cluster hire)

Qualifications:Candidates should have a[Ph.D. or M.F.A, or equivalent terminal degree (other degrees if relevant)] in[discipline][from an accredited program, if relevant].

Candidates should have a strong background in[…..].

Candidates must demonstrate the ability to teach courses in the areas of […..].Preferred candidates should have experience teaching, or mentoring minorities, or other underrepresented groups.

Candidates must have an active record of [scholarship (creative activity)]related to their specialty area[and evidence of external support or the potential for external funding of these activities,if relevant].

Candidates must be able to demonstrate how they have or will incorporate inclusion, diversity, and educational equity in their courses and/or scholarship/creative works.

Add any comments about other preferred or essential qualifications.Thinkcarefully about the qualifications you list. What is required and what is simply preferred?

Responsibilities: The position requires graduate and/or undergraduate teaching in […], mentoring and advising graduate and/or undergraduate students, developing an activeongoing [scholarship program or program of creative work] in one’s area of specialty, and ongoing committee and service assignments.Detailed position description is available at [link to department/school website].

Rank and salary: Assistant Professor [add Associate and/or Full if relevant]. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. The California State University (CSU) provides generous health, retirement and other benefits.

Application process: Submit letter of intent/interest, a current CV, [sample of scholarly papers], [work portfolio], [teaching philosophy], [description of research interests other as relevant], names and contact information of three references. Letters of recommendation upon request at a later date.

Submit all materials online to[name, address, or online information by [date].Review of applications will continue [until date or until the position is filled].

San FranciscoStateUniversity is amemberoftheCSUsystem and servesadiverse studentbodyof30,000 undergraduateandgraduatestudents.TheUniversity seekstopromote appreciationofscholarship,freedomand,human diversitythroughexcellencein instructionand intellectualaccomplishment.San Francisco StateUniversity faculty areexpected tobeeffectiveteachersanddemonstrate professional achievementand growth through research,scholarship,and/orcreative work.Our goal is to attract a world-class and diverse faculty committed to build a multicultural educational environment.

San Francisco State University is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer with a strong commitment to diversity. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, sex,religion, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or other legally protected category. We strongly encourage the application of individuals from historically underrepresented groups.

A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily before any employment with the CSU.

SF State is a totally smoke-free campus


Short version (for expensive venues)

San Francisco State University, Department/School of [name] seeks applicants for a tenure-track [Assistant, Associate and/or Full] Professor position in [subfield]beginning August [year]. Ph.D. or equivalent degree[other degrees if relevant]in [discipline][from an accredited program If relevant] required. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Position description available at [link]. SF State serves a diverse student body with a mission to promote scholarship, diversity, instructional excellence and intellectual accomplishment. Our goal is to attract a world-class and diverse faculty committed to build a multicultural educational environment. SF State is a totally smoke-free campus. Faculty are expected to be effective teachers, demonstrate professional achievement and growth through research, publications and/or creative activities, and engage in service to the campus and community. Review of applications will continue [until date or until the position is filled]. Send letter of interest, CV, [indicate other items], contact information of three references to [name, address, or online information].Letters of recommendation upon request at laterdate.