Member of staff responsible: Jeff Slater

Date policy written: Summer 2015

Date approved by the full Governing body: 16/09/2015

Date to be reviewed: Sept 2018

Renewing the debt policy

Millbrook Combined School should make parents aware of this policy. This is to be completed and included through the following medium:

·  Admissions pack

·  The school’s newsletter

·  The school website

This will ensure that all parents get the same message in a consistent way. This will provide clarity and consistency in debt management – it will also help parents clearly understand what is expected of them.

Debt Policy

If debts are incurred, then the school budget has to pay for them. This means that money which should be spent on the children’s education is used to pay for debts incurred by parents. Every parent will agree that this is unacceptable and we request that all parents give this policy their full support.

Wherever possible, income due will be collected before or at the time the relevant sale or service is provided.

Uniform must be paid for at the point of sale, or goods can be held in the school office for collection on payment of the full amount.

School fund contributions are voluntary; but if a parent pays by cheque which does not clear at the bank they are expected to make an equivalent payment in cash and also cover the bank charges.

If a parent owes money to the school for a transaction or service, this takes precedence over any other payment.

Millbrook Activity Clubs (MAC)

Millbrook Activity Clubs have a procedure for payments of fees in their handbook issued to parents when first registering a child:-

Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, ParentPay. childcare vouchers or through internet banking.

Fees MUST be paid in advance, or on the first day of the week at the latest.

A receipt will be issued for all cash payments received. Cheques should be made payable to ‘MILLBROOK ACTIVITY CLUB’. Any dishonoured cheques will incur bank charges and the parent will no longer be able to pay by this method in future. MAC reserves the right to either exclude or refuse to take the child if fees are overdue.

Debt reminders – Millbrook Activity Clubs

1st reminder; before one week in arrears the parent is reminded in person when collecting a child and are informed that the place will be on hold for two days to allow payments to be made.

2nd reminder; child has stopped attending and payment has not been received. A letter is sent from MAC outlining the details of the debt and inviting the parent to agree a payment plan.

3rd reminder; a letter is sent from the Headteacher with an appointment to come and make a payment plan.

Throughout this process our intention is that the situation is discussed amicably and the payment made without causing distress for all parties.

School Lunches

The Global Café is run on a ‘cashless catering’ basis; payments must be made in advance either online via ParentPay or with a PayPoint Card at a local store of meals taken. The payments online clear at midnight each day; the payments at a local store take three working days to register on a child’s account.

Free School Meals Entitlement. Evidence of receipt of benefit will be required to qualify for free meals; entitlement will apply from the date that the school receives confirmation from the LA that the evidence is correct. Unfortunately this can’t be backdated.

Debt reminders – School Meals

1st reminder; letters for meals taken are sent home weekly for debts above £9.50 and monthly for all debts owing.

2nd reminders; are made in person or by phone and the notes made of the call and outcome. In some instances the class teacher is in the best position to meet the parent and give them a printout of their account showing the overdue amount.

3rd reminder: If a debt is outstanding after 14 days the parent is given an appointment to meet with the Headteacher or Business Manager and agree how and when the debt will be cleared.

No pupil should be permitted to take more than 3 dinners without paying, limiting the size of debt for any one pupil. If a pupil still arrives without payment being cleared parents will receive a phone call to bring in a packed lunch by 12 noon - if they fail to do so the child will be given appropriate sustenance, but not a school hot meal.

Throughout this process our intention is that the situation is discussed amicably and the payment made without causing distress for all parties.

Persistent Debt

Millbrook School purchases Legal Support from the Local Authority which includes debt recovery. The school has the option to involve the Legal Services Department of Bucks County Council who would write to the parents/ carers and expect payment within 7 days; Legal Services have the ability to issue legal proceedings should the family fail to pay by the deadline.

Writing Off Debts

If after every effort has been made to collect the debt and legal action is considered impractical or has been unsuccessful, individual bad (irrecoverable) debts may be written off by the Headteacher and will be reported to the Governors Leadership & Management Committee for the record.


Re: Outstanding Dinner debt for Millbrook Combined School
Contact name
Contact address
Ref: Pupil’s-Forename Pupil’s-Surname Class: Pupil’s Class
Dear Contact name
Please could we ask you to settle the balance of your child's Dinner Money account?
Our School's Parent Pay records show that your child, Pupil’s Forename Pupil’s Surname dinner account, has an outstanding balance of £balance.
Please could we ask you to arrange for this to be paid as soon as possible through the Parent Pay Website, which is our secure online payment system. To pay in this way, please could we ask you to visit the website and use the login shown below.
Your username and password are:
User Name login-name Password password
Alternatively, you could pay at your local PayPoint store using the barcode printed at the bottom of this letter.
If you have any queries with the balance or have difficulty making payments, please contact the school office to discuss this further.
Yours sincerely
Electronic Signature
Miss D Mansfield



Re: Outstanding debt for Millbrook Activity Club

Contact name
Contact address
Ref: Pupil’s-Forename Pupil’s-Surname Class: Pupil’s Class
Dear Contact name
Please could we ask you to settle the balance of your child's Millbrook Activity Club (MAC) After School account?
Our School's Parent Pay records show that your child, Pupil’s Forename Pupil’s Surname MAC After School account, has an outstanding balance of £balance.
Please could we ask you to arrange for this to be paid as soon as possible through the Parent Pay Website, which is our secure online payment system. To pay in this way, please could we ask you to visit the website and use the login shown below.
Your username and password are:
User Name login-name Password password
Alternatively, you could pay at your local PayPoint store using the barcode printed at the bottom of this letter.
If you have any queries with the balance or have difficulty making payments, please contact the school office to discuss this further.
Yours sincerely
Electronic Signature
Miss D Mansfield
