Post-Cold War American Foreign Policy Part I: The Bush and Clinton Years

Study Guide

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions in short form.

1.  What has been a fundamental part of American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era?

2.  Who became president when Ronald Reagan left office in January 1989?

3.  Where and why did the Bush administration initially experience foreign policy successes?

4.  What happened in Germany in 1989?

5.  What was the most important symbol of the Cold War division of Europe from 1961 until 1989?

6.  Where did communist governments collapse soon after the Berlin Wall fell?

7.  Name the six East European countries that were satellites of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

8.  Into what two countries did Czechoslovakia split after the communists lost control of the government?

9.  What two ideals did all the former members of the Warsaw Pact embrace?

10.  What European country reunified in late 1990?

11.  Under what leadership did Germany reunite?

12.  What communist nation broke up into fifteen separate nations by the end of 1991?

13.  In what European nation did President George Bush have to deal with mounting tension?

14.  What was the situation in Yugoslavia in 1990?

15.  What had it meant for a country to be non-aligned during the Cold War?

16.  What had been the name of the American-led defensive military alliance during the Cold War?

17.  What had been the name of the Soviet-led defensive military alliance during the Cold War?

18.  Historically, what people have lived on Europe’s Balkan Peninsula?

19.  After World War II, what type of government did Yugoslavia have?

20.  After World War II, what six republics made up communist Yugoslavia?

21.  What type of government did several of these republics elect in 1990?

22.  What action did Slovenia and Croatia take in 1991?

23.  What action did Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia take in 1992?

24.  What two republics remained part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia?

25.  What three ethnic groups lived in Bosnia-Herzegovina and what was the religion of each group?

26.  Which ethnic group did not want Bosnia-Herzegovina to become independent?

27.  What broke out in 1992 as a result of Serbian opposition to the independence of Bosnia-Herzegovina?

28.  How long did this civil war last?

29.  When did the war in Bosnia attract worldwide attention?

30.  What did Serbian troops do to more than 2 million Bosnian Muslims and Croats?

31.  What other reports surfaced about the “ethnic cleansing” in Bosnia?

32.  To what was this Serbian “ethnic cleansing” of Bosnia compared?

33.  When did international concern about the situation in Bosnia increase?

34.  What are atrocities?

35.  Did either President Bush or President Clinton intervene directly in Bosnia by committing American ground troops to that country?

36.  What actions did Presidents Bush and Clinton take regarding the civil war in Bosnia?

37.  When was a peace treaty signed?

38.  What was the role of NATO under the terms of the peace treaty?

39.  What action did NATO take to carry out its role under the treaty?

40.  What have been three foreign policy goals of the United States in the post-Cold War world?

41.  What country invaded Kuwait in 1990?

42.  Who was the dictator of Iraq?

43.  What is the major source of wealth in Kuwait?

44.  What position did President George H. W. Bush take regarding Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait?

45.  What did world leaders fear Hussein might do as a result of his invasion of Kuwait?

46.  What action did the United Nations Security council take regarding the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait?

47.  What other fear did some world leaders voice?

48.  What did President Bush work hard to assemble?

49.  What three countries supported the American-led coalition that opposed the Iraqi invasion?

50.  What was the first phase (stage or part) of Operation Desert Storm?

51.  What was Operation Desert Storm’s second phase, which began after five weeks of coalition bombing?

52.  What was the result of the coalition’s ground attack on Kuwait and Iraq?

53.  What did President Bush announce at the end of February 1991?

54.  What was the first war in which American women served in a combat role?

55.  What were three results of the Persian Gulf War?

56.  What was the trade policy of President George H. W. Bush and his successor President Bill Clinton?

57.  Why did Presidents Bush and Clinton want to eliminate tariffs?

58.  What president won congressional approval of NAFTA?

59.  For what does NAFTA stand?

60.  What did NAFTA do?

61.  What effect did NAFTA have on trade in North America?

62.  What was the chief argument used by Americans who opposed NAFTA?

63.  What type of jobs did NAFTA opponents fear would be eliminated in the United States as a result of this trade agreement?

64.  What were two other foreign policy successes of the Clinton administration?

65.  What country had a policy of racial apartheid?

66.  Define the term apartheid.

67.  Who was released from prison in South Africa, when the South African government ended apartheid?

68.  What organization did Nelson Mandela lead?

69.  What type of organization was the ANC, and when was it founded?

70.  What group came to power when apartheid ended in South Africa, and who became the new leader of the South African government?

71.  What did the Clinton administration lift, when apartheid ended?

72.  What economic sanctions did the United States place against the Republic of South Africa in 1986?

73.  What was the purpose of the United States’ economic sanctions against the Republic of South Africa?