Infection, Protective Mechanisms and Asepsis

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Use aseptic/sterile technique*
Discuss nosocomial infection.
Explain the application of principles of medical asepsis when performing proper handwashing.
Identify at least three principles of medical asepsis.
Set up a sterile field
Use correct technique to apply and remove gloves, mask, gown & protective eye wear.
Identify at least three nursing activities that require the application of the principles of medical asepsis. / Infectious agents
Process of infection
Body defenses against infection
Asepsis and control of microorganisms
Comparison of medical asepsis and surgical asepsis
Use of personal protective equipment
Removal of contaminated gloves
Proper disposal of sharps / DeWit (2009) 3rdEd. Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 16
Handwashing demonstration
Donning and removing gloves
Use and removal of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Infection Control in the Hospital and Home

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Describe the stages of an infectious process.
Use universal standard precautions.
Compare infection control procedures in the hospital with those used in the home.
Identify client knowledge of infection control procedure
Apply infection control principles to client care
Identify communicable diseases and mode of transmission
Reinforce appropriate infection control procedures with client and staff
Prevent environmental spread of infectious disease through correct use of equipment / Stages of Infection
Infection Control
Nosocomial Infection
Surgical Scrubbing
Sterile Field and Pouring Sterile Liquids
Documentation / DeWit (2009) 3rdEd. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 17
Wound Drainage
Surgical Scrub
Controlled Cough

Lifting, Moving, and Positioning Patients

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Use proper body mechanics
Practice principles of ergonomics
Provide instruction and information to client about body positions that prevent stress injuries
Explain each of the types of positioning and their variations.
Determine client understanding of safety needs
Determine client/staff member knowledge of safety procedures / Principles of body movement for nurses
Guidelines for moving and lifting
Body Mechanics
Principles of body movement for clients
Hazards of improper alignment and positioning
ROM exercises
Common positions and their variations
Lifting and transferring client to:
  • Wheelchair
  • Stretcher
Prevention of falls / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rdEd. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 18
Demonstration of proper body mechanics when lifting, moving, and positioning clients.

Assisting with Hygiene and Personal Care, Skin Care, and Prevention of Pressure Sores

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Discuss how to perform a:
  • Complete/partial bed bath
  • Shampoo hair
  • Back rub
  • Oral care
  • Peri care
Briefly describe how to stage and care for a pressure ulcer.
Provide skin care to client who is incontinent (barrier creams)
Identifyand use measures to maintain client skin integrity (use of special mattress)
Assist with activities of daily living
Determine client usual personal hygiene habits/routine
Reinforce teaching to client/family significant others on required adaptations for performing activities of daily living / Factors affecting hygiene
Self-care abilities
Skin and pressure ulcers
Four basic purposes for bathing
Types of baths:
  • Cleansing baths
  • Therapeutic baths
  • Variations of the bed bath
Mouth care for the:
  • Conscious client
  • Unconscious client
Denture care
Risk factors for pressure ulcers
Skin assessment for pressure ulcers / DeWit (2009) 3nrd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 19
Demonstration of ROM exercises
Simulation and demonstration of bed bath

Patient Environment and Safety

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Demonstrate the correct technique of making an occupied bed.
Assure safe functioning of client care equipment by identifying, reporting, and removing unsafe equipment
Evaluate the appropriateness of order for client
Verify the identity of client
Participate in preparation for internal and external disasters by assisting with completion plan, identifying safety manager, participating in safety drills and locating MSDS plan
Report hazardous conditions in work environment (blood spills)
Apply and monitor use of least restrictive restrains or seclusion
Identify client factors that influence accident/error/injury prevention
Protect client from accident/error/injury / Factors Affecting the Client’s Environment
Occupied Bed
Unoccupied Bed
Bed Positions
Bed Making
Client Safety
Legal Implications of using Protective Devices
Principles Related to use of Protective Devices / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 20
Demonstration of bed making skills

Measuring Vital Signs

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Discuss normal and abnormal characteristics of the vital signs and pain
Provide cooling measures for elevated temperature
Take client vital signs and blood pressure
Compare vital signs to client baseline vital signs
Reinforce client teaching about normal and abnormal vital signs
Identify signs and symptoms of an infection
Notify primary health care provider of a change in client status
Apply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systems / Vital Signs
Blood Pressure
Structure and function related to the regulation of vital signs
Factors influencing temperature readings
Measuring body temperature:
  • Glass Thermometer
  • Tympanic Thermometer
Common pulse points
Pulse rate and characteristics
Measuring respirations
Respiratory patterns
Measuring the blood pressure
Hypotension / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 21
V/S practice in lab, return demonstration
Return demonstration using:
  • Equipment needed for measuring body temperature
  • Equipment needed for measuring the radial pulse and auscultating apical pulse
  • Equipment needed for measuring oxygen saturation
  • Equipment used for measuring blood pressure

Assessing Health Status

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Collect data for initial or admission health history
Collect baseline physical data on admission
Prepare client for physical examination
Document findings data on admission of client
Report client physical examination results to health provider / Data Collection
Psychosocial and Cultural Assessment
Physical Examination Techniques
Neurological Assessment
Height and Weight
Vital Signs
Review of Body Systems / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 22
Handout (Assessment Guidelines for practicing and demonstrating assessment skills)
Record video on physical assessment

Diagnostic Tests and Specimen Collection

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Reinforce client teaching on purposes of laboratory tests
Know various laboratory values
Monitor diagnostic or laboratory results
Notify primary healthcare provider about client laboratory test results
Identify client response to diagnostic tests, treatment, and procedures / Laboratory tests:
  • Hematology Tests
  • Blood Chemistry Tests
  • Serology Tests
  • Urinalysis
Aspiration Procedures
Nursing Interventions
Obtaining Throat and Wound Cultures
Obtaining Urine and Stool Cultures
Laboratory Tests
Radiology Procedures
Cardiopulmonary Studies
Endoscopic Examinations
Electro Encephalography
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Client and Family Teaching / DeWit (2009) 3rdEd. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 24
  • Specimen collection in the lab
  • Assisting with special procedures
  • Teaching clients in preparation of various procedures

Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Identify clients who might be at risk for an acid-base imbalance.
Provide skin care to client who is incontinent
Identify and use measures to maintain client skin integrity
Monitor diagnostic or laboratory tests results
Identify signs and symptoms of client fluid or electrolyte imbalance
Provide interventions to restore client fluid and electrolyte balance
Monitor client response to interventions to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Compare current client clinical data to baseline information
Monitor client output for changes from baseline / Composition of Body Fluids:
  • Water
  • Electrolytes
  • Non-Electrolytes
  • Blood
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances
Acid/Base Balance and Imbalance
Measuring I& O
Recording I&O
Client and Family Teaching / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 25
Practice measuring accurate amounts of fluid in ounces and ml/cc.

Diet Therapy and Assisted Feeding

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Compare and contrast a full liquid with a clear liquid diet.
Describe health issues related to nutrition.
List disease processes that may benefit from diet therapy.
Discuss the steps for the procedure to insert, irrigate, and remove a nasogastric tube.
Discuss the procedure for tube feeding.
Discuss the proper technique and purpose for feeding a client through a nasogastric tube or Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube.
Demonstrate the proper technique and principles of tube feeding. / Foods allowed on a:
  • Clear Diet
  • Full Liquid Diet
Health issues related to Nutrition:
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes Mellitus
Assisted Feeding
Enteral Feeding
Use of Feeding Pumps
Inserting a Nasogastric Tube
Principles of Tube Feeding
Rationale for Tube Feeding / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 27
Video on Safe Feeding Technique

Assisting with Respiration and Oxygen Delivery

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Provide safe equipment use for client care
Evaluate client respiratory status by measuring Oxygen saturation
Provide care for client with tracheostomy Maintain tracheostomy tube patency
Document client response to intervention
Intervene to improve client respiratory status
Describe the various methods used for oxygen delivery.
Respond to life threatening situation (CPR)
Notify charge nurse of client unexpected emergency situation
Review and document client response to emergency intervention / Structures and Functions of the Respiratory System
Airway Obstruction and Respiratory Arrest
Oxygen Administration
Artificial Airway
Heimlich Maneuver / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 28
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Pulmonary Therapy
  • Pulse Oxymetry
  • Peak Respiratory Flow

Promoting Urinary Elimination

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Identify abnormal findings on a urinalysis report.
Describe three nursing measures to assist patients to urinate normally.
Perform an irrigation of urinary catheter
Discuss ways to manage urinary incontinence.
Measure and record client elimination output (stool, urine, emesis)
Identify client at risk for impaired elimination / Characters of Normal Urine
Alterations in Urinary Elimination
Obtaining a Urine Specimen
Common Urinary Catheters
Applying and Removing an Indwelling Catheter
Measuring Urinary Output
Documentation / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 29
  • Intake and Output
  • Clean Catch Urine

Oral, Topical, and Inhalant Drugs

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
List the different classifications of drugs based on their specific actions.
Discuss medication dispensing and delivery systems.
Identify four principles to be followed when giving medication through a feeding tube.
Administer medication by rectal, in eye/ear/nose, and topical
Dispose of syringes or unused medication as per facility policy / Selected Groups of Drugs Classified by Action
Oral and Topical Medications
Examples of Drug Orders
Selected Metric Doses and the Apothecary Equivalents
Medication Records
Medication Administration Systems
Topical Drugs
Application of the Nursing Process
Administering oral, eye, otic, nasal, topical, through feeding tube medications. / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 34
Case Scenarios

Administering Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular Injections

Course Objectives / Content / Learning Experience
Identify the principles for safe and effective administration of intradermal, subcutaneous, and intramuscular injections.
Know five rights of medication administration
Document client medication administration according to facility
Mix client medication from two vials (insulin)
Discuss how to use the appropriate syringe and needle for the type of injection ordered. / Principles of Parenteral Injections
Routes for Parenteral Medications
Injection Equipment
Parenteral Solutions
Withdrawing Medication from an Ampule and Vial
Combining insulins
Application of the Nursing Process
Administering an Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular Injection
Subcutaneous Injection of Heparin
Giving a Z-Track Injection
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Injections / DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts & Skills
DeWit (2009) 3rd Ed. Fundamental Concepts Learning Guide
Mosby’s Medical Nursing Allied Health Dictionary
Chapter 35


Reviewed: 6/06, 8/07, 8/08, 8/09

VNSG 1423 Basic Nursing Skills