
Stockholm Conventionon Persistent OrganicPollutants

/ Distr.: General
English only

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee
Eleventh meeting

Rome, 19–23October 2015

Item 6of the provisional agenda[*]

Report on activities for effective participationin the work of the Committee

Capacity-building and training activities organized by the Secretariat to enhance effective participation in the work of the Committee

Note by the Secretariat

  1. As referred to in document UNEP/POPS/POPRC.11/8 on a report on activities for effective participation in the work of the Committee, the annex to the present note sets out tables listing face-to-face and online training activities organizedandplannedby the Secretariat to enhance such participation.
  2. Webinars were organized for stakeholders, including the national focal points and official contact points of the Stockholm Convention, non-governmental organizations, participants in the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee, Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Tradeand the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. Several Committee members participated in the webinars, including as presenters.
  3. The present note, including its annex, has not been formally edited.




Capacity-building and training activities organized by the Secretariat to enhance effective participation in the work of the Committee

Table 1. List of face-to-face capacity-building and training activities organized and planned by the Secretariat

Date / Title / Venue / Target audience / Partners / Geographic coverage / Number of participants / Language
10-12 February 2015 / Sub-regional Anglophone workshop on enhancing effective participation in the work of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee and the Chemical Review Committee / Lusaka, Zambia / Members of the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, NGOs / Basel Convention Coordinating Centre in Nigeria / Regional
(East Africa) / 23 / English
Planned to be held in November
2016 / Sub-regional workshop on enhancing effective participation in the work of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee and the Chemical Review Committee / to be determined / Members of the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, NGOs / Basel and Stockholm Regional Centres / Regional
(Latin America and the Caribbean) / 30 / English

Table 2. List of webinars and online training sessions organized and planned by the Secretariat

Date / Title / Target audience / Geographic coverage / Number of participants / Language
4 and 6 November 2014 / Outcome of the ninth meeting of the Open Ended Working Group / Members of and participants in the Committee, Participants in the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention, Basel Convention Parties; OEWG members, missions, and other stakeholders / Global / 7 / English
11 and 13 November 2014 / Outcomes of the Committee’s tenth meeting and of the tenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, missions, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / 11 / English
29 January 2015 / Online training session in preparation of the Sub- regional Anglophone workshop on enhancing effective participation in the work of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee and the Chemical Review Committee / Participants in the workshop / Global / 10 / English
7 and 13 July 2015 / Bridging information under the Rotterdam Convention / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, missions, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / 5 / English
28 and 30 July 2015 / Chemicals under review by the Chemical Review Committee / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, missions, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / 58 / English
Date / Title / Target audience / Geographic coverage / Number of participants / Language
1 and 3 September 2015 / Chemicals under review by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / - / English
8 and 9 September 2015 / Alternatives to PFOS, its salts, PFOSF and related chemicals / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / - / English
Planned to be held on 29 September and 1 October 2015 / Briefing on the upcoming tenth meeting of the Committee and the eleventh meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, missions, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / - / English
Planned to be held in December 2015 / Alternatives to HBCD: sharing the experience of Parties which are phasing out HBCD / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / - / English
Planned to be held in December 2015 / Alternatives to HBCD: sharing the experience of industries providing alternatives / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / - / English
Planned to be held in December 2015 / Non chemical alternatives to HBCD / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders / Global / - / English
Planned to be held in December 2015 / Updated and new technical guidelines on POPs wastes / Members of and participants in the committees, official contact points of the Stockholm Convention and designated national authorities of the Rotterdam Convention, industry, academia, NGOs, any other stakeholders, Basel Convention Parties; OEWG members, and other stakeholders / Global / - / English
