10. Web Services

Web services are software programs that use XML to exchange information with other software via common internet protocols. They enable the programmable (not just interactive) Web.

·  The most universal communication vehicle is still: TEXT

Ø  More exactly: (semi-structured structured) text: XML

Basic goals

·  Expose services to other processes

Ø  Interconnection over internet or intranet

Ø  Distribution and integration of application logic

Ø  Component-like, reusable black boxes

Ø  Loosely coupled, fine grained services

·  Supported by many platforms; Java, the .NET Framework ...

Ø  JAXP, ASP.NET Web Services

·  Based on open standards


·  Overcome of some shortages of available solutions

Ø  CORBA or DCOM scale wrong, because of tight coupling

Ø  DCOM is limited to Windows

Ø  Component based architecture required

§  CORBA is “remoting”, the component model is hardly implemented yet

§  EJB is restricted to Java

Ø  ASPs provide typically large, coarse grained interfaces

Basic Technology

·  WSDL (Web Services Description Language) – WHAT

·  UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) –WHERE

·  SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) – HOW

Ø  Soap messages are texts – in XML format

Ø  Interoperability relies on XML – that’s all

Web Services Infrastructure

An Example

·  ZipCode Resolver

Ø  Accepts a (maybe partial) address as input and returns the postal code

Ø  Methods

§  string FullZipCode(string accessCode, string address, string city, string state)

Given a valid accesscode, street address, city, and state, returns the ZIP code in NNNNN-NNNN format. If an error occurs, returns 00000-0000 instead. Use accessCode of '0' or '9999' for testing.

§  string ShortZipCode(string accessCode, string address, string city, string state)

Given a valid street address, city, and state, returns the ZIP code in NNNNN format. If an error occurs, returns 00000 instead.

§  . . .

EraServer.NET ZipCodeResolver Web Service Test Page

Testing .NET SOAP Proxy

.NET SOAP Return Value:

1 MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WA, 98052-6399, 98052


The Web Services Technology Stack

·  On the bottom level: well-known Internet and Web protocols


·  Core XML level

Ø  XSL, DTD; XML Schema

·  Horizontal XML Vocabularies

Ø  Functionality across industry boundaries

Ø  Developer and industry consortia create consensus and standards

Ø  E.g. ebXML for e-business

·  Web Services Technologies build on top of the core and horizontal (if available) vocabularies

·  Vertical languages are XML-based processes for single application domains

·  E.g. RosettaNet defines business processes for IT, electronics and semiconductor industries

Vertical Language / Vertical Language / Vertical Language / Vertical Language
Web Services Technologies: SOAP, WSDL, UDDI
Horizontal XML Vocabularies: ebXML …
Core XML Processing: XML, XML Schema, XSLT
Web Framework: Internet Protocols; HTTP, TCP/IP

10.1. XML (Extensible Markup Language)

·  Language specification for describing data (meta language)

Ø  Syntax rules

Ø  Syntax & Grammar for creating Document Type Definitions

·  Widely used and open standard

Ø  Defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

·  Designed for describing and interchanging data

Ø  Data is logically structured

Ø  Human readable, writeable and understandable text file!

Ø  Easy to Parse; Easy to Read; and Easy to Write!

·  Metadata

Ø  Data that describes data; data with semantics

·  Looks like HTML…but it isn’t!

Ø  Uses tags to delimit data and create structure

Ø  HTML is designed

§  for presentation

§  with a fixed set of tags

Ø  XML does not specify how to display the data

§  The tags can be used for any purpose, e.g. search

Ø  XML has few predefined tags, it is extensible

Ø  XML is case sensitive (HTML is not)

Components of an XML Document

·  XML Processing Instruction

Ø  Declares the document as an XML document

<?xml version = “1.0” encoding = “UTF-8”

standalone=”yes” ?>

Ø  Version information

§  Currently always 1.0

Ø  Encoding type

§  UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-10646-UCS-2, etc

Ø  Standalone declaration

§  Indicates if there are external file references

Ø  Namespace declaration(s)

Ø  Processing Instructions (for applications), etc

·  Document Type Declaration (DTD) or XML Schema

Ø  Internal DTD

<!DOCTYPE CustomerOrder [

<!-- internal DTD goes here! -->


Ø  External DTD reference

<!DOCTYPE CustomerOrder

SYSTEM "http://www.myco.com/CustOrder.dtd">

·  Document Instance

Ø  This is the XML document instance; the “XML-ized” data

Validation of an XML document

·  Syntax check, or checking for being “well-formed”

Ø  Check against basic XML syntax rules

·  Validation



Ø  Check against Document Type Declaration or

against XML Schema

Example customer order

<?xml version = “1.0” encoding = “UTF-8” ?>

<! DOCTYPE CustomerOrder

SYSTEM “http://www.myco.com/dtd/order.dtd” >




<FName> Olaf </FName>

<LName> Smith </LName>


<Address AddrType = “shipping”>

91 Park So, New York, NY 10018 </Address>

<Address AddrType = “billing”>

Hauptstrasse 55, D-81671 Munich </Address>



<OrderNo> 10 </OrderNo>

<ProductNo> 100 </ProductNo>

<ProductNo> 200 </ProductNo>


<!-- More <Customer>s ... -->


·  Document Root Element

Ø  Required if a document type declaration exists

Ø  Must have the same name as the declaration

·  Elements

Ø  Can contain other elements and have attributes assigned to

Ø  May or may not have a value

·  Attributes

Ø  Properties that are assigned to elements

Ø  Provide additional element information

DTD: Defines document syntax and semantics

<?xml version = “1.0” encoding = “UTF-8” ?>

<!DOCTYPE CustomerOrder [

<!ELEMENT CustomerOrder (Customer, Orders*) >

<!ELEMENT Customer (Person, Address+) >

<!ELEMENT Person (FName, LName) >



<!ELEMENT Address (#PCDATA) >

<!ATTLIST Address

AddrType ( billing | shipping | home ) “shipping” >

<!ELEMENT Orders (OrderNo, ProductNo+) >


<!ELEMENT ProductNo (#PCDATA) > ]>

XML parsing

·  The parser checks the validity of the document with the help of the DTD or XML Schema document

·  It usually builds up a DOM (Document Object Model) tree in main memory

Ø  Elements and values are the nodes of the tree

Ø  Attributes are values assigned to the nodes

·  The application can use the procedures of an XML parser to access individual elements, values and attributes

·  The parser may also generate call-backs on tags (SAX)

XML Schema

·  Similar goal as a DTD, both are XML document definition languages

·  XML Schema is written in XML

·  Unlike DTD’s, XML Schema are Extensible – like XML!

·  More verbose than DTD’s but easier to read & write

·  Defining datatypes

Ø  The simple or primitive datatypes

§  Based on (or derived) from the Schema datatypes

Ø  Complex types

·  Facets

Ø  Constraining values, e.g.

<simpleType name = “FirstName”>

<restriction base = “string”>

<minLength value = “0” />

<maxLength value = “255” />


</ simpleType >

·  Declaring data types

·  Two kinds of datatypes: Built-in and User-defined

·  Built-in

Ø  Primitive Datatypes

§  string, double, recurringDuration, etc.

Ø  Derived Datatypes

§  CDATA, integer, date, byte, etc

§  Derived from the primitive types

§  Example:

·  integer is derived from double, time is derived from recurringDuration, CDATA is derived from string

Ø  User-defined

§  Derived from built-in or other user-defined datatypes


<simpleType name = “FirstName” type = “string”/>

<complexType name= “Customer”>

<element name= “Person” type=“Name” />
<element name= “Address” type=“Address” /> </sequence>

<complexType name=“Address”>


<element name=“Street” type=“string” />

<element name=“City” type=“string” />

<element name=“State” type=“State_Region” />

<element name=“PostalCode” type=“string” />

<element name=“Country” type=“string” />


<!-- AddrType attribute not shown -->


XSLT: Stylesheets & Transformations

·  Offers the ability to transform one XML document into another

Ø  It is typically used to control the presentation of an XML document, i.e. to generate an HTML document

Ø  Can be used for any kind of transformation

·  XSLT is an XML programming language

Ø  Can have rules, evaluate conditions, etc

Using XSLT to create a formatted table

10 / 100
10 / 200
20 / 501

An example XSLT definition to create a formatted table

<?xml version='1.0'?>



<xsl:template match="/"> <!—Match the entire documet -->

<TABLE border = “3”>

<xsl:for-each select=“Customer/Orders/OrderNo">

<xsl:for-each select=“Customer/Orders/ProductNo">

<TD> <xsl:value-of select=“OrderNo"/</TD
<TD> <xsl:value-of select=“ProductNo"/</TD









10.2. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

"Lightweight mechanism for exchanging structured and typed information between peers using XML."

·  Simple Object Access Protocol 1.1 (1.2 is coming)

Ø  Object: any active entity that can accept and respond to messages – NOT in the usual oo sense

·  Designed both for messaging and RPC

·  Specifies three parts:

Ø  SOAP envelope for message framework

§  “Envelops” XML “letters” (e.g. BizTalk standard)

Ø  SOAP encoding for standard, interoperable marshaling

Ø  SOAP RPC as remote procedure call convention on the top of HTTP

§  HTTP is a connectionless request/response mechanism

§  GET is the access protocol for resources

§  POST is the application protocol for interaction

§  Calls are directed to a URI

§  Headers specify options

§  Response codes indicate success/failure/status

·  A simplified example

HTTP/1.1 POST /soap/mycomponent <!--RPC on HTTP -->
Content-Type: text/xml <!-- POST protocol+text/xml -->
SOAPAction: MyComponentMethod




SOAP as RPC Protocol

·  Marshals procedure calls via XML

·  Transport can be HTTP, SMTP, etc.

Ø  Any text based protocol can transport SOAP data

Ø  “Anyone” can implement it easily

Ø  Designed for existing Internet infrastructure

·  No expensive middleware required

·  Default wire-protocol for .NET Remoting

Ø  The .NET framework, JAXP etc. provide built-in support

SOAP as Messaging Protocol

·  Descriptive container for any XML data exchange

·  Transport can be SMTP, X.400, Queues etc.

·  May rely on a message provider: in this case asynchronous

·  Mail-like: Similar to Exchange Forms idea

·  Basis for BizTalk Framework

·  Interoperable and platform agnostic

The SOAP Protocol Layers

·  SOAP Envelope

Ø  Uniform container for XML messages

Ø  Defined by XML Schema

§  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/

§  this name space must be referenced to

Ø  SOAP:Header for handling instructions

Ø  SOAP:Body for XML Payload

Ø  Specifies order, cardinality for structural elements

Ø  Defines SOAP:Fault for communication errors

HTTP/1.1 POST /soap/myservice
Content-Type: text/xml
SOAPAction: MyInterface#MyComponentMethod

<SOAP:Header> <!-- Header is optional -->
<m:myHeader xmlns:m=“myURI“

SOAP:mustUnderstand=“0“> HeaderInfo

</m:myHeader> <!-- Server may not understand it -->

<m:MyMethodArgumentsRoot xmlns:m=“myURI“ >


·  SOAP Encoding

Ø  Uniform type and encoding system for data in SOAP Envelopes

Ø  Encoding is defined by XML schema

§  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/

Ø  Usual options of format / encoding type

§  document / literal (usually default)

§  rpc / encoded

Ø  Defines rich type system:

§  Simple Types, Enums

§  Compound Values, Structures and References

§  Arrays (incl. Sparse Arrays, Partial Arrays)


Ø  Interface/Service identified by URI

Ø  Method invocation is modeled as structure

Ø  Parameter order for [in/out] in response must be the same as in request.

Ø  Behavior on error (return SOAP:Fault)

·  Example for calling a Web Service from Java

import java.io.*; import java.net.*;

public class JavaClient { // Calls GetTime of TimeService

public static void main(String [] args) {

try {

URL url = new URL("http://localhost/time/TimeService.asmx");

// Build up HTTP connection to service

HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();


conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setDoInput(true);

// Create SOAP request to call GetTime

conn.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "text/xml;charset=utf-8");

conn.setRequestProperty("SOAPAction", "http://tempuri.org/GetTime");

String msg = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +

"<soap:Envelope" +

"xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\">\n" +

"<soap:body>\n" +

" <GetTime xmlns=\"http://tempuri.org/\" /> \n" +

"</soap:body>\n" +


byte [] bytes = msg.getBytes();

conn.setRequestProperty("Content-length", String.valueOf(bytes.length));

OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream();

out.write(bytes); // Send SOAP request


BufferedReader in =

new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));


String inputLine = in.readLine(); // Take SOAP response

while (inputLine != null) {


inputLine = in.readLine();

} // while inputLine != null


} catch (Exception e) {

System.out.println("error: " + e.getMessage());

} // try-catch

} // main

} // JavaClient

After execution we get the following result:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


xmlns:soap = “http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”

xmlns:xsi = “http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”

xmlns:xsd = “http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema”>



<GetTimeResult> 10:13:32 </GetTimeResult>




10.3. WSDL

(Web Service Description Language)

·  Is a kind of "TypeLib for SOAP"

·  Usually automatically created

Ø  Nevertheless, sometimes must be read by people

·  Uniform representation of services

Ø  Transport Protocol neutral

Ø  Access Protocol neutral (not only SOAP)

·  Describes:

Ø  Schema for Data Types

Ø  Call Signatures (Message)

Ø  Interfaces (Port Types)

Ø  Endpoint Mappings (Bindings)

Ø  Endpoints (Services)

·  Uses XML grammar, defining:

Ø  Services and ports that communicate via messages

Ø  Binding

§  Specify a protocol or a data format for a message or a port

§  Extensions for SOAP 1.1, HTTP GET/POST, and MIME

·  Public description of a Web Service and its content

Ø  WSDL contract

·  Example

<definitions name=“serviceName“>

<import namespace=“http://namespacePath“
<portType name=“serviceNamePortType“>
<operation name=“opName“>
<input message=“msgNameInput“ />
<output message=“msgNameOutput“ />
<binding name=“serviceNameSoapBinding“>
<soap:operation soapAction=“http://...“ />
<service name=“serviceName“>
<port name=“serviceNamePort“ binding=“bindingName“>
<soap:address location="http://..." />

10.4. Web Service Discovery


·  Dynamic Discovery of Services by Microsoft

·  Is a kind of “bookmark”

Ø  Contains URIs to WSDL documents

·  Easy discovery model for HTTP

1.  Call endpoint with GET

2.  Check whether this is a DISCO file or a redirect

3.  DISCO file contains link to WSDL

4.  If redirect goto 1


(Universal Description and Discovery Interface)

·  A search engine for WebServices

·  WebService-Programmable "Yellow Pages"

·  Advertise Sites and Services

·  May point to DISCO resources


Distributed Systems, 10. Web Services László Böszörményi and Harald Kosch