I/We wish to become members of the SOUTH WESTERN COUNTIES CAT CLUB and when elected, agree to observe its rules and promote its interest to the best of my/our ability.


Please tick if: / Pet Owner / Breeder / Stud Owner

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

ADDRESS …….……………………………………………………………………………………………………


Telephone No ……………………………………Email ……………………………………………………….. *

* Please indicate how you wish to receive correspondence EMAIL (free) or POST

Web Site … …………………………………….…PREFIX ………………………………………………………..

Breeds Owned ……………………………………Studs Yes/No ……………………………………………..

Public Stud/Limited availability/Not at Public Stud

Please supply details of cat(s) kept – how many and which breeds:



Anyone applying for membership to the club MUST be proposed by a club member (who has been a member for not less than ONE YEAR) OR if you do not know any suitable Club Members then a letter of introduction from your Veterinary Surgeon stating that you keep your cats in a manner acceptable to him will suffice. Without either of these your application CANNOT be processed.

Proposed by ………………………………………………. Signature ……………………………………………..

VETERINARY LETTER YES / NO Date ………………………………………………..

2017 Membership Fees payable:

Long Term Membership – 10 years Total: £40.00

Single Subscription (₤5.00) + Single Membership Fee (₤1.00) Total: £6.00

Joint Subscription (₤7.00) + Joint Membership Fee (₤1.50) Total: ₤8.50

Junior (under 16) - Date of Birth ……………………) Subscription ₤1.00) Total: ₤1.00

Cheques/Postal Orders should be made payable to “SOUTH WESTERN COUNTIES CAT CLUB”.

Member’s names and addresses are kept on computer but are not made available to others. Please advise the Club if you do not wish your details to be so kept.


The Club was formed in 1931 to cater for the interest of cat fanciers living in the South Western area of the Country. The Club initially had a membership f about 450 including both breeders and pet-owners, unfortunately as time has gone by membership has dropped to around 150 in the current decade.

The Club is affiliated to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) who maintains a register of all pedigree cats, appoint Judges, grant Breeding Prefixes and issue licence for Championship Shows. As long as membership remains at 100+ SWCCC are allowed to have a club delegate represent them at Council meetings.

Each autumn the Club holds a Championship Show for both Pedigree & Non Pedigree cats. The show is held at a central location in the South West and attracts up to 300 cats from all over the country. In recent years numbers have fallen and the costs of holding a show have risen. The Club is always open to suggestions from its members on what they expect and would like from their membership. SWCCC, through its web-site, newsletter & volunteer & committee members, currently provides information about breeding, rearing kittens, boarding catteries and cat welfare.

A Newsletter is published annually and various social functions are organised, including an annual Trophy Presentation, which is always very popular. Again members are encouraged to contribute articles of interest and/or advertise their breeds/cattery. Volunteers to organise fundraising events are also welcomed.

The annual subscription is due on 1st January and is currently ₤5.00 single, ₤7.00 joint and ₤1.00 junior (increases to standard single after the age of 16). Membership will be deemed to have lapsed if subscriptions are not received by 1 March.

Please note: Applications/acceptances for Membership made after 1 September of the current year will be regarded paid up members for the following year and therefore subscriptions/renewals are not due for 12-15 months.



Ms Carole Phillips

37 Hamlin Garden



Tel: 01392 253171 Email:

Any other enquiries to the secretary: Ms Carole Phillips

Sent by ……………………………….. / Membership approved on: ………….
Approved by……………………………………………………………………..
Acknowledged: ……………………………………………... / (Signed by Chairman)
Acceptance notified: …………………………………………………………