Virginia Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
VirginiaDepartment of Transportation (VDOT)
Please refer to the Virginia 2008 SRTS Program Guidelines and Application Instructions for details on completing this application online at Submit to VDOT in accordance with instructionsincluded under attachments checklist. Application Deadline is 5:00PM December 31, 2008.
Sponsoring Agency / Sponsor Name:Contact Person:
Contact Title:
Street Address:
Sponsor Type (check one) / City Town County
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August 2008
Location / Give name(s) of jurisdiction(s)in which project improvements are proposed:Schools / List schools (K-8), a single school or multiple schools in close proximity:
School Travel
Plan / Are the schools and proposed improvements included in a School Travel Plan (STP) approved by the VDOT SRTS Program? Yes. No. If yes, attach School Travel Plan per instructions under sponsor signature. If no, theimprovements are not eligible for SRTS funding.
SRTS Funds requested with this application (minimum $20,000, maximum $500,000). Attacha detailed budget to the application as Attachment A. / $
Project Types / Check all general project types that are proposed:
Sidewalk Improvements Traffic Calming/Speed Reduction
Traffic Control Devices Traffic Diversion
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossing On Street Bicycle Facilities
Improvements Secure Bicycle Parking
Off Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities
Improvements / Please give a brief description of the specific improvements proposed for funding.30 word maximum
For the remaining questionswherever “STP Section” is indicated,please refer to the appropriate section in your School Travel Plan (STP) approved by VDOTwhen completing the question. This summary information will assist the Selection Committee in review of applications.
- Complete current Travel Mode and Distance information for participating school(s).
Mode / Walk / Bike / School Bus / Family
Vehicle / Carpool / Public
Transit / Other / Total
# of Students
% of Students (# / total) / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / 100%
Source: / Month/year:
Distance lived from school / Less than
.5 mile / .5 mile to
1 mile / From 1 to 2 miles / More than 2 miles
# of Students
% of Students
(# / total students) / % / % / % / %
Source: / Month/year:
2. Title One
(up to 10 points additional) / How many schools in the application are Title One schools?
3. Parent Surveys
(5 points additional) / At the time of submittal of this application, has/have the school(s) completedand tallied Parent Surveys? STP Section 3Yes No
If yes, briefly explain:
Support for SRTS
Summarize the current and planned support in the school/community for each of SRTS’ “4 E’s” (Education, Encouragement, Enforcement and Evaluation). Refer to Sections 3, 5, and 9 of your STP; reference any letters of support for the program and include as attachments. [400 words]
Project Description
Onlyproposed infrastructure improvements described in Virginia’s 2008 SRTS Program Guidelines and identified as “Engineering Strategies” under Section 9 in your School Travel Plan (STP) are eligible.
Provide a detailed description of proposed infrastructure improvement(s). Note the location of the improvement(s) on attached maps (from School Travel Plan or other) and line item cost estimates in your attached budget. [Approximately 600 word maximum– 1 ½ pages]
Project Need
Answer at least one of the following questions about the participating school(s). Write “N/A” if not applicable
6A. How will the proposed improvement(s) improve the safety of students who walk or bike to school? Which hazards and barriers to walking and biking to school, identified in your School Travel Plan, are being addressed by the proposed improvements? 300 word maximum
6B. How will the proposed improvement(s) increase the number of students walking or biking to school? If you can quantify how many more students will walk and bike to school as a result of these proposed improvements, please include an estimate. 300 word maximum
Project Budget Template: Create a proposed budget using Project Cost Estimating System (PCES) or similarand a project schedule for Preliminary Engineering, Right of Way and Construction phases. Attach as Attachment A.
Signature of Sponsoring Agency
I certify that the information in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. In applying Safe Routes to Schoolinfrastructure funds, the Sponsoring Agency attests to a commitment to the project’s completion within36 months of receipt of a Notice to Proceed from Virginia Department of Transportation. I understand that this is a locally-administered reimbursement program subject to state and federal regulations. I also certify that I am authorized to undertake a Federal Aid project and to sign this statement on behalf of the Sponsoring Agency.
Print Name/Title:
Attachments (required unless otherwise indicated):
Approved School Travel Plan (Sections 1-10 only)
Detailed Project Budget(with construction line items)and Schedule for Phases (Attachment A)
Resolution of Support by Governing Body
Letter of Support from theprincipal of each school listed in this application
Other letters of support (optional)
Compact disk (CD) with application materials and attachments (include one CD only)
Additional maps (optional as referenced in application)
Submitting the Application:
Mail or deliver five (one signed original, plus 4) paper copies of the completed application and attachmentsand one CD with all materialsto the Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Virginia Department of Transportation, TMPD, 1401 E. Broad St., 1st floor, RichmondVA23219. Applications must be received by VDOT no later than December 31, 2008 at 5:00PM.
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August 2008