Dicken’s Pattern (AKA Tony Robbins)

JUNE 11, 2011

The Dickens Pattern Scirpt

This technique is based on Charles Dickens' A CHRISTMAS CAROL. The ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future who come to challenge certain beliefs and attitudes that are having a serious impact on Scrooge and the people in his life!Try and visit with your own "ghosts" by doing the following:

Begin by recognizing the past is in THE PAST! There is nothing that can be done to change what happened, just HOW you NOW perceive it. Accept all that’s happened up to now by letting go of the regret, judgment or blame. Then, realize even though your past thoughts/actions have had a certain influence on who you are today,


Close your eyes and think about the present. Consider the beliefs which are limiting you from realizing your fullest loving potential. For instance, you may be holding onto a belief like let’s say:“you are not worthy!”Maybe your parents didn’t give you the praise and recognition you needed. Maybe they weren’t there for you when they should have. Maybe they even emotionally abandoned you as a child. And maybe because of them you developed a belief of:“I am not deserving of love.”Consider how THAT has felt your entire life up to Now! Allow yourself to feel the total weight and impact of this negative self-talk reinforcing these limiting beliefs about your inability to love and be loved, ask yourself;

How much has this self-talk cost me already in my life?

How many relationships, personal and business have I passed up?

Who were the wonderful deserving individuals I’ve tossed aside

What have I lost,and missed out on as a result of these beliefs?

In how many ways have I cheated myself AND the many others around me because of me NOT feeling loved?

What painful and negative emotions do I experience on a daily basis as a direct result of these statements I constantly say to myself, and those around me?

What’s it costing me EVERY SINGLE DAY that I choose to believe in this?

How many things have I NOT attempted in my life as a result of these beliefs?

What regrets will you have accumulated up to Now?

What “I should have’s”are saying to yourself Now?

How much more time will you waste because of this belief?

Feeling… the full weight of the consequences of holding onto this type of self-talk ask yourself;WHAT WILL THESE BELIEFS COST ME IN THE FUTURE?

Mentally, step into the future (just as Scrooge did) and visualize the effects of another whole year of telling yourself“I am not deserving of love.”Think of all the opportunities you won't even consider… never mind attempt, all the people you'll shy awayfrom meeting and getting to know, all the situations and wonderful memories you’ll miss by not even TRYING to confidently assert yourself! How much more of this will you bring upon yourself? How bad will you feel Now?

FIVE YEARS.Step out FIVE YEARS from now and consider the cost, the burden of these beliefs affecting your life for another, five, years!Drag the consequences of your self-limiting beliefs with you five years into the future and then ask yourself:

How much MORE will it cost me in the next five years if I uphold these negative

beliefs about not being deserving of love and life.?

How many regrets will I have if I don't change my self-talk?

What will I have missed out on? What will I have given up?

What will happen to my career in next five years if I hold on to these beliefs?

How will this ultimately affect my relationships?My health?

What will my friends and family believe about me?

What will my children think of me?

What kind of a role model will I be?

What legacy WONT I be leaving behind because of these limiting beliefs?

How much MORE pain and regret will I have built up and blaming others for my own inability to take action?

What will others say behind my back about my LACK of risk taking?

How much longer will I have to live in fear of my own success?

Step TEN YEARSinto the future. See, Hear and Feel what life is like for you ten years from now if you don't change your self-talk and you’re limiting beliefs!

Ask yourself:

When I look in the mirror ten years from now, how much heavier do I feel as a result of these limiting beliefs?

How bad do I feel about myself? What are some of the things I haven't accomplished by not giving up these beliefs?

Imagine TWENTY YEARSdown the road. What profound effect will twenty years worth of self-talk programming these beliefs into your master computer have had on your life? What will have happened by then? Defeat, failure, disillusionment, disappointment, despair? Ask yourself now:

How much have I missed?

How much more could I have done and accomplished if I had only changed

myself-talk twenty years ago?

Has my life been an example or has it been a warning to others?

Is that what I really want?


THE GOOD NEWS IS… you can open your eyes.. . IT'S STILL THE PRESENT! You haven't reaped the disastrous rewards of 20 years of negative SELF-TALK. Its Christmas morning. There is plenty to do. As you commit yourself to a new outcome NOW, YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO DETERMINE YOUR OWN DESTINY. NOW THINK OF ONE, FIVE, TEN, TWENTY YEARS WORTH OF SAYING TO YOURSELF AND BELIEVING:


"I have a wonderful support group around me that does love me."

"I enjoy meeting loving challenges and reaping the rewards."

"I am now building my ability to communicate my needs day by day."

"I am meeting more people, building my self-esteem and enjoying the experience."

“I extend my emotional self to others regardless of what their thoughts are about me.”

"I am doing all I can (exercising my body, making healthy food choices,
drinking lots of water, breathing expansively often, doing mental jogging, etc.)
to develop emotional strengthto continuously improve in all areas of my life."

"I’m discovering more each day that I AM WORTHY of all the good the universe has to offer.

“When it comes to MY self-confidence, that’s exactly what it is SELF…confidence!

As you NOW consider the future…answer these questions for yourself:

How much more will I have gained by living my life with these new beliefs?

How much more will I have been able to learn, grow, know, and accomplish as a result of these new self- talk?

What has been the benefit of these new beliefs to my children as they look to me as the model of excellence?

How has that changed our lives?

How grateful, proud, and happy do I feel about having cared enough about WHO I REALLY AM to change those useless, old beliefs into productive, empowering beliefs and create the Destiny I so richly deserve.

Self-Talk Statement to re-mind yourself about this important principle:

"Simply by making the choice to watch what I say as I talk to myself , the beliefs I hold regarding my mind and memory will instantly improve and my future will be dramatically influenced."