Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AaeE)
Annual General Meeting 2006
Held at Auckland University of Technology on Tuesday, 12 December at 12.20pm
1. Attendees:
Aaron Blicblau Swinburne University
Alan Bradley Engineers Australia
Basil Wakelin IPENZ
Brett Williams IPENZ
Daniela Ionescu for Joe Petrolito La Trobe University
David Dodd Auckland University of Technology
David Dowling University of Southern Queensland
David Jorgensen Central Queensland University
David Parsons University of Southern Queensland
David Radcliffe University of Queensland
Elizabeth Godfrey University of Auckland
Elizabeth Taylor Central Queensland University
Euan Lindsay Curtin University of Technology
Fons Nouwens Central Queensland University
Frank Bullen University of Tasmania
Frisco De Boer Charles Darwin University
Gary Codner Monash University
Gary Rasmussen Queensland University of Technology
Gerard Rowe University of Auckland
Gunilla Burrowes University of Newcastle
Holger Maier University of Adelaide
Jim Rodgerson Manukau Institute of Technology
Kate Neely AutoCRC
Kepa Morgan University of Auckland
Les Dawes Queensland University of Technology
Mark Toner Toner & Associates
Norman Lawrence Australian Maritime College
Patrick Keleher Central Queensland University
Paul Wellington Monash University
Peter O’Shea Queensland University of Technology
Prue Howard Central Queensland University
R Mahalinga-Iyer Queensland University of Technology
Robin Ford University of NSW
Roger Hadgraft RMIT
Sarah Zelig Engineers Australia
Tim Hesketh University of NSW
Wageeh Boles Queensland University of Technology
Xu Huang University of Canberra
Yvonne Toft Central Queensland University
David Jones RMIT
Janis Swan University of Waikato
2. Minutes from Annual General Meeting held on 28 September 2005
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting were moved by Elizabeth Godfrey and seconded by Aaron Blicblau.
3. Business arising from the minutes not covered in the agenda
No matters were raised.
4. President’s Report
David thanked the executive committee of 2006 for their work and contribution made to AaeE.
David reported that while membership is steadily increasing, it is desirable that all institutions offering engineering courses be involved in AaeE by way of membership.
Please refer to the attached report for further information.
David moved a vote of thanks to retiring committee members (list 5 names); seconded by Gunilla Burrowes.
5. Election of executive committee
Six nominations were received to fill four positions. Committee members elected were:
§ Yvonne Toft
§ Elizabeth Godfrey
§ Euan Lindsay
§ Roger Hadgraft
David moved that the ballot papers be destroyed; seconded by Gunilla Burrowes.
Scrutineers were Basil Wakelin (IPENZ) and Leslie Dawes (QUT).
6. Treasurer’s Report
6.1 Auditor’s report
6.2 2006/2007 Budget
Wageeh reported that although the profit from last year’s conference does not appear in the income actuals, it has been held by Engineers Australia and is available for use by AaeE. These additional funds make the result for the past financial year $35,050 profit; a similar result to the previous year.
David moved that the Treasurer’s report be adopted; seconded by Gerrard Rowe.
7. Other Business
Kepa Morgan requested that the Engineering Education review include issues regarding indigenous students. Liz Godfrey also requested that Women in Engineering be included in the review, as it had been for the previous review.
Aaron Blicblau raised the importance of including TAFEs in AaeE activities.
Meeting closed at 1:00pm.
Annual General Meeting 2006 Page 2