07 January 2010

Mike Sunderland

BCU, River Lune Access Adviser

Please contact me again if you wish to paddle from Rigmaden Birdge (metal bridge) to Devils Bridge (Kirkby Lonsdale) – we have an agreement, set up in early 2001, which we would like to maintain.

The River Lune as summarised Nov 2009

Newbiggin - Tebay Falls

No Canoe Agreement exists – so paddle it Nov to March, in fishing season on spate, at your own risk, during the season, as the fishermen historically believe it is their time to fish undisturbed. Beware the weir, under the railway bridge, in all conditions.


No Canoe Agreement exists – so paddle it Nov to March, in fishing season on spate, at your own risk! during the season, as the fishermen historically believe it is their time to fish undisturbed.

CROOK OF LUNE – Lincoln Bridge

No Canoe Agreement exists – so paddle it Nov to March, in fishing season on spate, at your own risk! during the season, as the fishermen historically believe it is their time to fish undisturbed.

The main access at Beckfoot is tight for space and residents have requested that cars are left on the top road or under the viaduct. Vehicles can drive boats down to the river, off load and then go. Do not park down the lane or by the river, and please be as considerate as possible.

The beck from the viaduct, at Beckfoot, is a great way to access the river in high water. However, there are gravel beds exposed and vulnerable at low levels which will kill the fish spawn. Please be careful.

Lincoln Bridge – Killington Road Bridge

No Canoe Agreement exists – so paddle it Nov to March, in fishing season on spate, at your own risk! during the season, as the fishermen historically believe it is their time to fish undisturbed.

Please do not park in-front of the gate, by the NO PARKING lay-by, just by the bridge – off load boats here and park in the lay-bys over the bridge and up the hill, on the main Kendal road.

Killington Road Bridge – Confluence with Rawthey

No Canoe Agreement exists – so paddle it Nov to March, in fishing season on spate, at your own risk! during the season, as the fishermen historically believe it is their time to fish undisturbed.

Please park carefully here and on the bridge when the small lay-bys become congested – traffic fly round the bend and often find a crowd of paddlers in the middle of the road, open doors and double parking – please take care here and be considerate to all you encounter.

The Killington Nature Reserve (Yorkshire Dales National Park), are our allies, so please be respectful of the environment. They have provided (FREE) a set of wooden steps at the egress or access point, immediately on the left at the gated entrance of the reserve, following the bridge down to the river.

If you egress at the confluence you may be challenged – so be nice, polite and friendly as you are definitely trespassing. Further down stream, on the left, there is a second opportunity for egress, at the foot of a public path that leads you up a steep track to a lay-by on the main Kirkby Lonsdale road.

Confluence with Rawthey – Rigmaden Bridge

No Canoe Agreement exists – so paddle it Nov to March, in fishing season on spate, at your own risk! during the season, as the fishermen historically believe it is their time to fish undisturbed.


This is the ONLY stretch of the river Lune the BCU has an agreement on, so we must respect this and apply for permission to use – Only during Nov to March.

Contact River Lune Access Adviser, for a copy of the agreement, easy e-mail process for booking and details required.:

Devil’s Bridge - Halton rapids

No Canoe Agreement exists – so paddle it Nov to March, in fishing season on spate, at your own risk! during the season, as the fishermen historically believe it is their time to fish undisturbed.

REMEMBER: Canoeing is potentially a hazardous activity – please take care and look after yourself and your group. ALL paddlers, BCU members or otherwise, have a vital part to play in the role of fostering good relations - If you are friendly, polite and pleasant to those you meet, you gain the morale high ground and they may even respond in the same way!!

PLEASE report any incidents, confrontations or issues to the access adviser by email address:

E N J O Y my favourite river in Cumbria – safe and happy paddling