Strathfieldsaye PS School Council
August Council Meeting
Meeting Date: December 08 2015
Time: 8:45-9:30
1. / Welcome / Present:Ben Johnstone-McCloud, Jennifer Hurrell, Jess Edgar, Jen Rogers, Ivan Crisp, , Tanya Smith,Helen Rodda, Pam Keily, Julie Brady, Peter Lodewijks, Ed Castle,
Apologies:Jamie Eckett, David Joss, Nicole Stephens, / Actions / motions
2. / Minutes from previous meeting 20th October / Minutes accepted Jennifer
3. / Correspondence
a) Incoming
b) Outgoing / a)none
b)none / Actions in progress
Ben in drafting a letter about Facebook and the uniform
4. / Subcommittee reports /
  1. Executive –annual report had review, suggestions for minor changes
Plan to rewrite the anaphylaxis, asthma plans based on what’s on the dept. website.
  1. Community Liaison –
Fair progressing well -
Still working on plans for 3-4 playground
Website confusion - can this be fortnightly online? PDF will begin this week.
Turf in front of school – Scott Elkington – $5,500 already raised, parent labour donated, school will add $6000 when $6000 is raised. To be done 11th Jan. in effect $30000 work done for $6000 school funds. Some visible improvement to equipment needs to be seen for parents, eg, hopscotch, hill etc. Visuals needed to be provided for ‘buy in’ for fundraising. Peter suggested a separate account for fundraising.
  1. Finance and Management
Figures are a bit skewed due to spending on Mandurang. Pete will look at the numbers over the holidays to clarify.
  1. Principal’s Report–Annual report in progress. Succession planning in motion. Need user agreements around Mandurang sth site. Kinder need to have some sort of payment agreement to use the site.
Ben outlined highlights of the year.
Enrolment target 500 for 2016
Mentioned twitter success and online newsletter reading
Jennifer suggested we have visuals of actual results eg 85% met reading goals.
Annual implementation plan due 31st March mostly complete.
New Prep transition morning very successful, $7000 uniforms sold.
Council have played a key part in successes during 2016. Our council operate at a very collaborative level making it unique in Bendigo
  1. Junior School Council – none
New school captains have been elected. / Executive committee will review policies for Feb school council meeting
Finance committee to discuss setting up separate bank account for fund raising committee in an attempt to make transparent the fundraising each year.
Cheque 9906 will sought by Ben & Pam
Move payments (cheque number 9907 to 9912 and Direct Payments) of $128,128.02 for the month of November
Moved: Peter Lodewijks
Seconded: Jennifer Hurrell
Council would like to see more JSC input in 2016.
5. / Business Arising
6. / General Business / A request was SC minutes to be made available to staff. This maybe a reflection of staff feeling disconnected from school council.
Previously, a school council report went into the newsletter. / Sub- committee meeting in February we will discuss what gets communicated to who and when
Closure meeting
10:10pm / AGM for 2016 will be 22nd March last week term 1. / Next meeting Feb 3rd Tuesday