Minutes of the additional meeting of the Governing Body held on Thursday 11 July 2013 at 6.00pm in the Library, Rickmansworth School.

Present:Harvey Collyer (Chair), Stuart Adcock-Kersting, Edgar Anderson, Muna Ausat, John de Braux, Drew Buddie (from Item 7), Geoff Cox, Brian Dorling, Liz Pickford, Tim Harrison, Neeshat Hussain, Ashley LaGrange, Sarah Munn, Wendy Rennoldson, Tanya Sinclair, Anthony Smith & David Wellings.

1.Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Peter Harman, Tony Walker & Hoss Youssefi. The apologies were accepted.

In addition, Kevin Flanagan, Dame Helen Hyde and Mark Allchorn also presented their apologies.

2. Disclosure

It was noted that, as the principle business was to approve the appointment of a Headteacher, all staff governors declared an interest in the item.

3. Minutes

The minutes of meetings held on 13 July 2013 were approved as a true record, with following amendments requested by Hoss Youseffi via email:

  1. In respect of minutes from previous meetings, HY requested that the word‘meetings’ be dropped from the reasons for his non-attendance referred to in the minutes. This was recorded as ‘minor amendments’ and HY requested the full explanation be given. In addition he requested it be recorded that he abstained from the approval of those minutes. These amendments were approved.
  2. In respect of the vote on approval of the Summary Budget for 2013/14, HYwished for it to be recorded that it was he who voted against the proposal. This amendment was approved.
  1. HY requested a change to the resolution in respect of the Audit Committee. Following discussion, this amendment was rejected.
  1. HY requested an amendment to the final sentence of item (b) of any other business. Following discussion it was agreed to amend it to “.....email confirmation from Paul Fox was provided to HYas requested”.

The minutes, as amended, were signed by the Chair.

4.Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

5.Headteacher appointment

HC reminded governors of the process agreed at a meeting of the Governing Body on 22 May 2013, where Stephen Lavender from Herts CC had facilitated a workshop to agree the key qualities required. It was further agreed that the appointment panel would be made up of eight governors and that the LAS should run process on behalf of the governing body.

Governors were advised that the panel met to agree the job description, person specification and advert, and that this had generated twenty applications, from which the panel agreed a shortlist of six candidates.

There followed a two day interview process involving governors, staff and pupils, and three candidates being recalled for the final day.

Following a rigorous and robust process, the panel unanimously agreed to recommend the appointment of Keith Douglas, presently head of Bushey Meads School, and requested the Governing Body ratify the appointment.

RESOLUTION:To approve the recommendation of the appointment panel, and appoint Keith Douglas as the Headteacher of Rickmansworth School.

6.Policy approval

a)Adoptions Policy – Harvey explained this brought the policy in line with the provisions afforded in the Maternity Policy.

RESOLUTION:To approve the Adoptions Policy.

b)Charges & Remissions Policy – Following a discussion, it was agreed to include an amendment to cover payment for any occasion a pupil is representing the school, and not just sports events.

RESOLUTION:To approve the Charges & Remissions Policy, subject to the amendment above.

c)Financial Procedures Manual and Staff Extract – JdeB outlined the Financial Procedures Manual and staff extract, explaining that it underpins the Financial Policy approved by Governors in January. The purchasing element of the procedures had, in fact, been adopted by the Governing Body prior to letting the Sports Hall contract, and the remainder of the manual had been completed by Anne Evans while she was Interim Business Manager, and had been in operation since March.

It was explained that these procedures would normally have been reviewed by the Finance Forum and endorsed by the Resources Committee prior to being considered by the Governing Body, but in the handover between Anne Evans and David Wilson this had not been processed. With DW's imminent departure, and a number of tenders and contracts to be let and/or managed over the summer break, JdeB felt it was important that the Governing Body adopted the procedures with immediate effect, but as a working draft so that they could be considered by the new business manager and the Finance and General Purposes Committee next term before being approved as a final version by the Governing body.

Following a robust discussion, this approach was agreed.

RESOLUTION:To approve the Financial Procedures as a working draft subject to them being considered by the new business manager and the Finance and General Purposes Committee next term before being approved as a final version by the Governing body.

7.Any other business

a)TH gave the Governing Body a verbal update on the dining hall extension tender process, reminding governors that, at a previous meeting, he had advised the project had gone out to tender to three approved contractors and that the return date for the sealed bids would allow time for a formal opening of the tender, checking the bids for errors and confirmation they were on a like for like basis, and for the formulation of a recommendation in time for the Governing Body meeting to be held on 11 July. Governors were further reminded of the extremely tight deadline for spending of the EFA Funding.

The Governing Body would then be in a position to approve the chosen tender bid, in order to enable the ground work to commence during the summer holidays.

The bids were reported, together with the recommendation from the Project Managers to accept the lowest bid from Clairmark Building Contractors Ltd at £229,759 plus VAT. As the EFA Funding was £260,000 plus VAT, TH was asked if there was spare capital left over and explained there was not, due to professional fees, special seating contingency etc. taking the project above that sum. TH went on to advise this was an area for further discussion with options of value engineering, adopting different seating and not using the contingency. The proposed seating design was described and it was mentioned that any cost saving by not adopting the wall pocket system would have to be balanced by the extra labour costs incurred, as members of staff would then have to spend a lot of extra hours laying out and putting away the chairs each time they are required for another use, plus the resultant storage issue. It was stressed upon governors that it is important to get the contractors on site. Kevin Flanagan had provided a written note to governors, stressing the importance of this project to the School and the necessity for the retention of the current design of canopy, and the wall pocket system; even if extra funding has to be found from elsewhere.

RESOLUTION:To unanimously approve the award of the dining hall contract to Clairmark Building Contractors Ltd, subject to further discussion in respect of thecurrent level of total costs.

Following discussion, governors gave their approval for the Clairmark Building Contractors Ltd contract, but stressed that the current level of total costs requires further discussion and determination.

b)Governors were offered an invitation to drinks at the Artichoke, Croxley Green to be held on 22 July at 7.00pm, to mark the occasion of Kevin Flanagan’s leaving.

c)HC informed governors that his term as a governor would come to an end in April 2014 and he had decided not to seek re-appointment. He would therefore not be seeking nomination as Chair in September.

11.Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Governing Body will take place on Tuesday 17 September 2013

Please note – This meeting will start at 5.00pm and will be preceded at 4.30pm by tea with new members of staff.
