
To Mrs. John B. Wilson

June 4, 1941 Washington, D.C.

Dear Rose:

Thanks for your letter, though I do wish you would have your typewriter repaired.

Your comments on the streets of New York in the summer season painted an effective picture of the evils of urban concentrations. I used to see this when I lived for some months in Washington Square and took my air on a bench in the Square surrounded by countless little wops. My suggestion to you at this moment is to get a copy of “The Honorable Peter Stirling” by Paul Leicester Ford, from the library and read it. I am sure you will be much interested in the first half of the book—not in the latter half.1

I am sorry you did not call me up when you were in Washington, and was distressed to learn that you had the necessity for a real bout with the doctors. However, as you seem to be taking it seriously, I imagine the cause will be quickly eliminated. I was on the verge of retirement in 1911 because of a bad foot—fallen arch, I was walking with a cane. I had another serious period in 1904, when I was threatened with T.B. from exposure to winter winds at drill following two years in the Philippines. Cod liver oil knocked this out and almost took me with it. So you see, everyone has his moments.2

I have not had a riding companion since you and Molly left; was going it alone last night. I have the government mount Molly used, which has developed into a splendid riding animal and I find was a star polo pony at Riley.3

The work here grows more and more pressing. I barely have time to think.

I failed to take Tom’s telephone number as the basis for getting in touch with them, but I will try to remember to do this today.

With my love,


G. C. M.

Document Copy Text Source: Rose P. Wilson Papers, George C. Marshall Research Library, Lexington, Virginia.

Document Format: Typed letter signed.

1. Marshall probably was referring to his tour of duty as aide-de-camp to Major General J. Franklin sell at Governors Island, New York, from April to June 1917. Ford wrote The Honorable Peter Stirling and what people thought of him (New York: H. Holt and Company, 1894).

2. Marshall was stationed at Fort Reno, Oklahoma, in 1904, after his Philippine tour of duty; he was inspector-instructor of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in 1911.

3. Concerning the horses from Fort Riley, Kansas, see Marshall to Malin Craig, footnote 2, September 19,1939, Papers of George Catlett Marshall, #2-052 [2: 59–61].

Recommended Citation: The Papers of George Catlett Marshall, ed. Larry I. Bland, Sharon Ritenour Stevens, and Clarence E. Wunderlin, Jr. (Lexington, Va.: The George C. Marshall Foundation, 1981– ). Electronic version based on The Papers of George Catlett Marshall, vol. 2, “We Cannot Delay,” July 1, 1939-December 6, 1941 (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986), pp. 524–525.