Northern Ontario Regional Meeting – Minutes

Thursday April 22nd, 2004 1:30 – 3:00



Donna Boston-McLean,Coordinator, Sault Ste. Marie Safe Communities Partnership,

Email: , Tel: (705) 759-2548

Jeannette Cawston, Chair – Coalition - Rainy River

Email: Tel: (807) 274-7284

Christine Ouimet , Co-chair Elliot lake Safe Community Coalition

Email: tel: (705) 848-6975

Jacqueline McNight, Secretary, Elliot Lake Safe Community Coalition


Chris Daigneault-Hache – Co-Chair, Timmins and District Safe Community

Email:, Tel: (705) 267 1181 ext. 372

Kirsty Cummins, Ministry of Labour – Co-Chair, City of Greater Sudbury Safe Communities Coalition

Email: Tel: (705) 564-7432

Sue Morris, chair, Kenora Safe Communities Coalition

Email: , Tel: 1-807-468-3147 ext 227

Debbie Sebecic,,Northern Ont. Regional Coordinator, Safe Communities Foundation,

Email: , Tel: (705) 256-6682


Thunder Bay Safe Communities



Dryden Safe Communities Coalition

M’Chigeeng First Nations Safe Communities Association


North Bay


1.  Introductions

2.  Community Updates

§  Rainy River – Jeannette – Wrapping up with DARE and Riskwatch programs. DARE very successful with grade 10’s. More child safety programs @ garage sales., partnering with Safe Kids for bicycle safety programs. Expanding on car seat programs to include other communities. Youth committee – anti-bullying essay competitions in schools. One member hopes to attend Prague WHO Conference and provide a poster presentation.

§  Sault Ste. Marie – Donna Boston-McLean– new partners include Kidsafe Algoma. Evaluation committee redeveloping. Riskwatch committee currently in ½ of all schools – 3,000 youth, 4 schools/year. Safety Celebration – month-long May-June 2004. Includes over 50 events, 2 presentations, safety fairs, mock crash, displays, tradeshow, conference etc… Youth Committee – PPTS – developing their own safety awareness program with the option to sign up for National Program. 2 members will attend WHO conference in Prague. In final year of SCIP – from 2000 –2003 – over $442,00 in rebates given to businesses. Implementing Standardized Safety Orientation through Partnership. Currently have 6 member firms signed up, and 28 people for 1st session. This will ensure sustainability of coalition. Workshop on this program will be presented @ SCF Conference in Perth in Oct 04. Received $65,000 from HRDC for this program.

§  Timmins – Chris – coalition has been inactive for last 6 months but are now re-grouping and meeting regularly. In Spring – bike rodeo’s – 2,000 children will get helmets inspected. Partnering with Safe Kids. Safe Grad in local high schools. SCIP continuing training sessions – in 2nd year.

§  Elliot Lake – Christine/Jacqueline – Elections for board in May 2004 – chair has backed down from position for now. Coordinator no longer present. Youth Committee – car seat/booster checks. Visits @ day care centres. Designing Safety Awareness signs @ playgrounds. Transportation Committee – Snowmobile Safety Day in Feb – 10 enrolments. Boat / ATV operating courses. Violence Prevention Committee – April – Violence Prevention Month – had celebration with 30 dignitaries in attendance.

§  Sudbury – Kirsty – designated Safe Community in June 03 – holding a Meet and Greet May 18th for all community members to join coalition. Official Launch and Designation is June 3rd 2:00-4:30 – invitations have been prepared. Local Northern Evaluation Band performing, Paul Kells – keynote, Chris Bently – MOL Minister and MNDM Minister, Sue Boychuk in attendance. CN presentation. 1st SCIP graduation – certificates will be presented. RiskWatch started in Jan – in 4 schools so far. Empowering Students Partnership – police go in schools and identify programs and police help with them. Speaker, George Valla to speak with 2000 high school students May 21st.

§  Kenora – Sue – population of 15,000 (75,000 in summer). Will be “umbrella” organizations for all coalitions in community. George Valla – to be in Kenora. Current programs: Safe Grad, Drug Awareness – Grab a Cab (with Fort Frances), Safety Night – each fall. Invited as pilot community for e-learning for SCIP with WSIB to begin mid-May. Senior’s Committee – very active. Submitted Business Plan to Foundation for designation for June 2nd board meeting.

Thank you to Donna from Sault Ste. Marie and Kirsty from Sudbury for volunteering as judges for the Awards of Excellence 2004 – thank you for your commitment and dedication to Safe Communities!.J

3.  SCF Updates – Debbie

ü  Other Community Updates:

o  Communities currently working towards designation are:

§  Dryden – submitted Business Plan Stage to Foundation for designation at June 2nd board meeting

§  M’Chigeeng First Nations – would be our first Aboriginal Community in Canada to receive a designation!!! Submitted Business Plan for designation at June 2nd board meeting

ü  MOU’s – if you’ve received a Memorandum of Understanding from the Foundation it is a contract we will send out annually which maintains an understanding with your coalition and the Foundation. Please sign and forward to our head office.

ü  Annual Reports – are required as part of your contract with the Foundation. Current outstanding annual reports are:

o  2003 – Sault Ste. Marie

o  2003- Thunder Bay

o  2003 – Timmins

o  2003 – Interim Report – 6 month Report and Annual Report – Elliot Lake

o  2003 – Rainy River

o  2003 – Muskoka

o  2003 – Orillia

ü  Note: these reports can be your current coalition reports – please do not make up a new one – or update your annual business plan, which could include your financial reports. Make it as simple as possible. Electronic or hard copies are accepted. Please forward these reports directly to me.

ü  SmartRisk – Learning Series - May 19th at 10am on "Falls,
Fracture and Osteoporosis Risk Control and Evaluation (FORCE) Study: A
Northern Ontario Partnership and Randomized Controlled Trial". – free teleconference

ü  Terms of Reference – for our Northern Ontario Regional Meetings – will be sent out this summer with new geographical boundaries

ü  Awards of Excellence 2004 – applications have been sent out – be sure to apply – show off your success!!!! -$8500 in cash awards will be given away at our National Conference in Perth in Oct 04. Elliot Lake – you are now eligible for 2nd year category - $1,000!! Go for it!!!

ü  SCF Teleworkshops – free teleconferences are being offered by the Foundation – the second one will be on May 26th @ 1:30 – Building Community Capacity Guidebook - send you R.S.V.P. to if you’re interested in participating,

ü  SCF National Conference – October 17-20 – Perth, Ont. Remember: the Foundation will pay for one delegate per designated safe community – 2 nights accommodations and full registration fees.

6.  Next Meeting - face-to-face – Perth, ON – plan on attending, this is for you! – time/day tba

N. Ont Regional Meeting April 22h/04– Minutes

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