Sumter High School

Physical Education Department

Dear Parents,

We invite you to make this a good year for your son/daughter in Physical Education. Your child is required by law to take one full unit of Physical Education. This unit is one semester long, and divided into Lifetime Fitness (LTF), Sex Education, 3 weeks of activity #1, 3 weeks of activity #2, fitness conditioning, fitness testing, and other games and activities. Different teachers will teach your child according to what subject they have. Upon successful completion of this class your child will satisfy the State graduation requirement for one full unit of Physical Education.

Included in this handout are the class rules, grading scale and an outline of the requirements for your child.

Parents please read ALL of the information. Encourage your child to complete all assignments, participate/dress out and attend school each day. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at anytime. Please read the syllabus provided, sign and return the first sheet. Thank you for all you do and please let us know if we can do anything to help you or your child.


The Sumter High School Physical Education Department

James Breland Christy Kelly Brooks Shumake

Karen Nelson David Hill Warren Coker

Mike Moss Mark Arthur


I have read all of the information in this handout. I understand all of the policies and requirements for successful completion in the full unit Physical Education class.

Print Student Name______Student Signature______

Print Parent Name______Parent Signature______

Home Address______

Phone Number______

Parents E-mail Address______

****** The school or PE department is not responsible for lost or stolen items in the locker rooms. Please tell your children to leave valuables at home.**************

Objective: Physical Education (Fitness Education) is a required unit to help students develop an interest in lifetime fitness and provide experiences in an aerobic capacity, cardio-respiratory endurance, human sexuality, and personal fitness. This course provides opportunities to acquire a variety of physical skills in lifetime sports activities. The class will select an activity course to go along with his or her fitness education class.
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2: The physically literate individual demonstrates knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3: The physically literate individual achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Standard 5: The physically literate individual demonstrates awareness that physical activity provides the opportunity for health, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

1.  Be On Time. Student is not allowed to dress for PE with an unexcused tardy.

2.  No food or drink in the gym.

3.  No cell phones or electronic devices in the gym. They must be left in the locker room.

4.  All students will enter the gym according to locker room location. The middle doors will not be used.

5.  Students will have approximately 10 minutes to get dressed and use the restroom.

6.  No horse play (No play fighting, No climbing bleachers or lockers, No grabbing the basketball rim)

7.  A uniform costs $20.00. Full uniform is required during class.

8.  Full uniform is a gold/yellow t-shirt (loose-fitting), royal blue athletic shorts and tennis shoes.

9.  No cut-off t-shirts allowed.

10.  All other SHS rules apply.

** If you have a financial hardship, please send a note or speak with the teacher to make arrangements. In the note, please write the day you intend on paying for the uniform. The student will be issued a debt card, and given a uniform.


If a student does not follow the Physical Education Rules the following is our Discipline Plan.

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Parent Contact

3.  Referral


1. 1st & 2nd offense-Teacher will inform student he/she received a zero for his/her daily grade.

2. 3rd offense -Student will receive a zero and parent will be notified.

3. 4th offense- Student will receive a zero

4. 5th offense-Student will receive a zero and parent will be notified.

5. 6th offense-Student will receive a zero.

6. 7th offense- Student will receive a zero and parent will be notified.

7. 8th offense and on- Student will continue to receive zeros on each offense.


Major 60% (Dress & Participation)

Minor 40% (skills assessments, tests, Sex Education, Life Time Fitness, signed papers, etc)

Final grade will be calculated: 3rd Quarter grade is 40%, 4th Quarter grade is 40% and the Final Exam grade is 20%.

Other facts you need to know

1.  The school or PE department is not responsible for lost or stolen items in the locker rooms.

2.  Please tell your children to leave valuables at home.

3.  The student is provided a locker free of charge. Please lock valuables in the locker.

4.  Sweats may be worn only when the class activity is outside in cold weather.

5.  When the activity is outside you may wear hats, sunglasses and bring a water bottle.

6.  A parent note will excuse you for 1 day if you are sick or have gotten hurt.

7.  After that 1 day, a doctor’s note is required or loss of points will occur.