June 12, 2014 6


700 New School Lane, Dallastown, PA 17313-9242

MINUTES – June 12, 2014


The regular business meeting of the Dallastown Area School Board convened in the High School Theater Room on Thursday, June 12, 2014. Mr. Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr., Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. An Executive Session for legal and personnel matters and a Workshop on the Comprehensive Plan were both held prior to this meeting.


Board Members: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.

Solicitor: Attorney Jeff Rehmeyer

Student Representative: Sarah Lytle

Administrators: Susan Brousseau, Scott Carl, Jim Dierolf, Dr. Josh Doll, Dr. Kevin Duckworth, Dr. Ronald Dyer, Troy Fisher, Erin Heffler, Amy Kostoff, Stacy Pagán, Chip Patterson, Brian Reed, Dr. Wayne Senft, and Scott Shirey.

Other Dallastown Area School District Staff/Citizens/Guests/Presenters: Attendance sheet attached/filed. (Click Here)

News Media: York Daily Record – N/A York Dispatch – Nikelle Snader


Mrs. Heistand moved and Mrs. Phillips-Hill seconded approval of the Agenda as is.

By voice vote…

Ayes: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.

4.0  COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC – There were none.

5.0  SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT (Click Here) – Dr. Dyer provided these highlights:

5.1  Class of 2014 – Commencement was held June 5th and included Honorary Diploma Recipient Mr. Rubin Sztajer.

5.2  Administrative Leadership Team Retreat – Administrators will participate in Leadership under Fire: Lessons Learned from the Battle of Gettysburg, June 16-17.

5.3  Summer Operations/Office Hours – Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

5.4  Introduce New Student Representative: Sarah Lytle, HS Student Council President – Miss Lytle was recently elected. Her orientation with the superintendent and board secretary included the sharing of the School Director Handbook. Dr. Dyer suggested a new board picture the evening of the August 14th board meeting.

6.0 SPECIAL PRESENTATION(S): There were none.






7.0  CONSENT ITEM(S): (copies filed)



7.1 Approval of May 15 and May 22, 2014 Board Minutes (05-15-14) (05-22-14)

7.2  Treasurer’s Report 05-31-14 (Click Here)

7.2.1  Expenditures Report 05-31-14 (Click Here)

7.2.2  Revenue Report 05-31-14 (Click Here)

7.3  Final AP Check Register: May/June (List of Bills) (Details)

7.3.1  General Fund - Ck. 56776 to Ck. 57743 $ 1,629,621.71

7.3.2  Cafeteria – Ck. 2651 to Ck. 2655 $ 257,665.12

7.3.3  Capital Reserve – Ck. 348 $ 5,571.91

7.3.4  Payroll - $ 2,148,921.32

7.3.5  On-line Bill Pay – $ 105,861.38

7.4  Personnel Report (FINAL)

7.5  Rental Requests (Click Here)

7.6  Food Service Fund Statement of Operations 05-31-14 (Click Here) (Meals by Type/Month)

7.7  Budgetary Transfers (Click Here)

Mr. Fisher provided the additions to the Personnel Report since Friday’s distribution.

Mrs. Heistand moved and Mr. Noll seconded approval of the Consent Items under 7.0.

By roll call vote…

Ayes: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.


President Secretary Treasurer








8.1  First Presented April 24, 2014, Adoption of the 2014-15 Final Budget (Summary) (Budget Book)

Mr. Blevins recommended approval of the budget which was unchanged from the preliminary (Proposed Budget) presented in April; however, the state budget has not been finalized. He read aloud the Summary figures, emphasizing that the district’s tax rate would remain at 22.26 mils for the fifth consecutive year and that fund balance utilization is expected to be reduced based on projected interest saving on the one-year notes.

8.1.1  Resolution 2014-06 Authorizing Homestead-Farmstead Exclusion Real Estate Tax Assessment Reductions for the School Year Beginning July 1, 2014 (Click Here)

8.1.2  Resolution 2014-07 Establishing Tax Rates and Payment Options, and Further Approving the Budget for the School Year Beginning July 1, 2014 (Click Here)

Mr. Blevins moved and Mr. Lytle seconded approval of Item 8.1.1, Resolution 2014-06 Authorizing Homestead-Farmstead Exclusion Real Estate Tax Assessment Reductions for the School Year Beginning July 1, 2014, and Item 8.1.2, Resolution 2014-07 Establishing Tax Rates and Payment Options, and Further Approving the Budget for the School Year Beginning July 1, 2014.

Mr. Potter thanked the Budget Committee, Ms. Devlin and the rest of the administration.

By roll call vote…

Ayes: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.

8.2  As Presented May 22, 2014, and as required by GASB 54, Approval of Fund Balance Designations (Click Here) – Mr. Blevins noted PDE requirement for project fund balance for June 30, 2014, which will be modified later in the year after the audit.

Mr. Blevins moved and Mrs. Heistand seconded approval of those designations.

By roll call vote…

Ayes: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.

8.3  Approval of Artificial Turf Change Order #1 (logo and color change) in the amount of $23,763; funded by the Capital Reserve Fund (Click Here)

Mr. Noll summarized the changes for the center field logo (the wildcat head) and the “Dallastown Wildcats” text in the end zones.

Mr. Noll moved and Mr. Blevins seconded approval of Item 8.3, Change Order #1 in the amount of $23,763, funded by the Capital Reserve Fund (based on administrative wishes).

By roll call vote…

Ayes: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.

8.4  Buildings and Grounds Committee Recommendation for Secondary Campus Stadium Generator to Replace Current Inverter (includes install, pad, and fencing): Approximate Cost of $32,500 from Capital Reserve (Click Here)

Mr. Noll explained the current inverter for the back-up lighting and the intercom system, etc., at the stadium is bad and would be replaced with a generator. Installation would include a pad, fencing, electrical panel, etc. through a Costars-related vendor, which was less than non-Costars’ quotes.

Mr. Noll moved and Mrs. Heistand seconded approval of Item 8.4 tonight so that we can have the generator delivered and installed in time for fall usage.

Based on inquiry from Mr. Blevins, this replacement would correct a safety issue. Also, the project is in the Security Plan.

By roll call vote…

Ayes: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.

8.5  Buildings and Grounds Committee Recommendation for Secondary Campus Ladders for High School Roof (five units required for proper roof access): Approximate Cost of $7,200 from Capital Reserve (Click Here)

Mr. Noll explained the fixed ladders would be compliant with local regulations, and using the local source would be more suitable to in-house or pre-fabricated units.

Mr. Noll moved and Mr. Bentzel seconded approval of Item 8.5, $7,200 from Capital Reserve to purchase the ladders to install and utilize as soon as possible.

Based on inquiry from Mrs. Phillips-Hill and Mr. Lytle, respectively, the employees need to access cooling units and exhaust fans on certain areas of the roof; they were carrying ladders up other ladders. Also, the purchase would include the galvanized ladders.

By roll call vote…

Ayes: Steven C. Bentzel, Ronald J. Blevins, John E. Hartman, Sue A. Heistand, William A. Lytle, Dr. Thomas J. Nicholson, Michael D. Noll, Jr., Kristin Phillips-Hill and Kenneth (“Butch”) A. Potter, Jr.


9.1  Report from Student Representative – Miss Lytle will serve as the Student Council President and in this board position for the 2014-15 school year. She shared the name of the vice president (Danny Godstrey) and the other officers. She did meet with Dr. Dyer earlier this week for her orientation.

9.2  Resolution 2014-08 - Regarding Renewal of the Local Tax Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA) Program with York Township, effective July 15, 2014 (retroactive), through June 14, 2017 (Click Here) - Mr. Rehmeyer shared the history of the 10-year incremental tax relief on approved applications which benefits the school district and the taxpayers at large. The resolution is similar to the previous one and would be effective mid-July. It does clarify that applications must be completed prior to construction. Also, one of the Leaders Heights properties has been removed from the previously-adopted list because the owner did not apply for LERTA and the district is receiving the full taxes. The two properties off Queen Street and near I-83 had been developed; however, they remain on the list because the hotel wants to add a restaurant. Mr. Potter inquired about the length of the term and Mr. Noll questioned the inclusion of two properties which Mr. Rehmeyer will research. The board can add additional properties, such as it did for the Make Believin’ property. (This will be an Action Item on 7/17.)

9.3  Release of Monies held in Escrow for Potential Future Improvements involving the Dallastown Area Intermediate School (Amendment to Agreements) (Secured Promissory Note) – Mr. Rehmeyer provided the history of Springfield Township’s initial concerns with traffic which led to the HOP Agreement; the district, as the developer, was required to hold funds for such obligations. (The window is 10 years from when the school received its occupancy permit.) Since those concerns haven’t been realized, Mr. Rehmeyer was able to release some of those funds for improvements under our safety plan. Supervisors are set to approve both documents next month. Mr. Lytle suggested a benchmark traffic study because of planned commercial developments. Mr. Rehmeyer will investigate the option with the traffic engineer from Buchart-Horn to determine if any protection currently exists. (This will be an Action Item on 7/17.)

9.4  Drug Awareness Resistance Education (DARE) Proposal (Click Here) – Dr. Dyer recalled the goals for K-8 restructuring and curriculum enhancements that have been discussed for several years. Mrs. Heffler presented the faculty proposal, which would embed the sixth-grade D.A.R.E. principles within the Health curriculum. She provided the background; the concerns; an action plan to incorporate all grades (4-6); the results of the Grade 6 teacher survey (specific DARE feedback);, and, the curriculum walk – looking at DARE Core Concepts and curricular integration in guidance and health education, technology and the library (both for digital and online leadership). The teachers wish to make these connections with their students. Dr. Dyer complimented the faculty work. Mrs. Heistand inquired about finding the time for the additional sessions, which was discovered through efficiencies in restructuring the scheduling, and Mr. Potter complimented the additional offering of a tough subject over additional years. (This will be an Action Item on 7/17.)

9.5  PDE Comprehensive Plan (Exec. Summary 2014-2020) (Comp Plan 2015-18) – Dr. Doll presented both documents which were shared during the earlier workshop. A letter is also included on the website, under his tab, and both plans are available for public review the next 30 days. He thanked the board for its consideration and the committee members. (This will be an Action Item on 7/17.)

9.6  PDE’s Approval of Plancon Part K: Project Refinancing for the Issuance of General Obligation Notes, Series of 2014 (Click Here) – Dr. Dyer noted the pro-forma step to enter the approval into the minutes, as requested by PDE; no action is required.

9.7  Chartwells’ Quarterly Report (Click Here) – Mr. Dierolf highlighted notable events since April; the training required by Act 126; a snapshot of the year in review for lunches, breakfast and a la carte items; a classroom visit in response to persuasive letters from Mrs. Errickson’s third grade students; and, upcoming actions in regards to June training and July competitive-foods regulations.

9.8  Budget Committee Report: 6/9 Meeting (Click Here) – Mr. Blevins recalled the budget review, a ticket-sales analysis (and recommendation to hold student ticket prices), the sharing of Dr. Dyer’s cost-saving initiative, and the discussion on the upcoming budget year process and topics to be tackled. The committee will formalize a calendar over the summer and reconvene in September.

9.9  Buildings & Grounds Committee Report: 6/9 Meeting (Click Here) – Mr. Noll called attention to the stadium work--earth moving, pipes, and curb cutting--and the targeted walk-through and sign-off date of August 8th. The committee discussed Security Plan initiatives, and the concrete bleachers in the stadium which need topical repairs. Progress is being made on the wireless network.

The following projects will be Action Items on 7/17…

9.9.1  Middle School Entrance Security Upgrades – New vestibule to the main office: Approximate Cost of $72,000 from Capital Reserve (Click Here) – The committee met with Principal Dr. Cathcart and received full input from administration. The project would be bid for off-hours and weekend times; there would be little to no demolition.

9.9.2  Secondary Campus Security Cameras – Added coverage at entrances and stadium: Approximate Cost of $42,000 from Capital Reserve (Click Here) – The 28 cameras would coordinate with entrance changes and the new Raptor visitor management system, and they would capture the areas missed with the current system. Installation would be completed by the start of school.

9.9.3  Secondary Campus Outdoor Communication Upgrade – Speaker/intercom system to all outside fields: Approximate Cost of $32,000 from Capital Reserve (Click Here) – Deficiencies in the current system were recognized during past weather events. This solution would provide a single notification message/system to reach everyone and we would expect to have it in place by the start of the school year.