11 May 2017

Members of the public and press are entitled to be at the following meeting Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 S.1 extended by the Local Government Act 1972 s.100, unless precluded by the Town Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. Such entitlement does not however include the right to speak on any matter except at the beginning of the meeting providing that prior notice has been given to the Town Clerk.

Members of the public are invited to ask a question or make an observation to the Chairman. Notice should be given to the Clerk at least six working days prior to the meeting if there is a particular issue. Twenty minutes has been set aside for questions at the start of the meeting. Residents are welcome to say and observe the rest of the meeting.

To Members of Kingsteignton Town Council

You are hereby summoned under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch.12s.10 to attend the Works, Services and Planning Committee of Kingsteignton Town Council at the Community Hall on Wednesday 17 May 2017 to follow the Finance Committee meeting for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Members of the public are invited to attend this meeting and may ask a question before the meeting with the Chairman’s approval.

C J Lakin

Town Clerk

Works, Services and Planning Committee

Councillors: Jones, Meathrel, Rollason, Thorne and Wickham

Ex Officio: Councillors Peart and Austen


WSP64/17 To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the council.

WSP65/17 To receive any declarations of interest. - a) in accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items on this Agenda; b) Clerk to report any written request for dispensation in respect of items on this Agenda.

WSP66/17 Election of Chairman of the committee

WSP67/17 Election of Vice Chairman of the committee

WSP68/17 To receive and approve the minutes of the meetings held on 5 & 19 April, 2017

WSP69/17 To give observations on Planning Applications received from TDC

WSP70/17 Planning Decisions received from TDC – to follow

WSP71/17 Provision of additional litter bins on Rydon Road – Update from Cllr Peart

WSP72/17 Community Self-Help update, DCC – information attached

WSP73/17 Adopted Telephone Kiosks, Coombesend Road and Lower Sandygate to agree how to be used

WSP74/17 Correspondence

Next meeting: To discuss Planning Applications only: 7 June 2017 to discuss Planning Applications Only.

WSP69/17 To give observations on Planning Applications received from TDC

Week ending 28 April, 2017

PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton East
APPLICATION REF: / 16/00876/FUL / OFFICER: Eve Somerville
LOCATION: / 9 Stones Close
PROPOSAL: / First floor extension and rear porch
APPLICANT: / Mr D Morris 9 Stones Close Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3YY
PLANNING OBS: / Mr J Dawson JD Architectural Design
Bank Chambers 1 Vaughan Parade Torquay Devon TQ2 5EG
Web Link: https://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/planning/forms/planning-application-details/?Type=Application&Refval=16/00876/FUL&MN=Y
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 17/00890/FUL / OFFICER: Debbie Fuller
LOCATION: / 25 Fore Street
PROPOSAL: / Division of maisonette into two maisonettes
APPLICANT: / Mr R Gibbs 8 Darren Road Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3DU
PLANNING OBS: / Mr R Noble 7 Osborn Close Ipplepen Newton Abbot Devon
TQ12 5XB
Web Link: https://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/planning/forms/planning-application-details/?Type=Application&Refval=17/00890/FUL&MN=Y
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 17/00858/FUL / OFFICER: Debbie Fuller
LOCATION: / 13 Templers Way
PROPOSAL: / Gable end walls to create new dormer to the rear and loft roof
PLANNING OBS: / Mr Lewis Gill 13 Templers Way Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3NX
Web Link:

Week ending 5 May 2017

No applications received.

WSP72/17 ~Community Self-Help update, DCC – information attached

Further to the introduction of the Highway Maintenance Community Enhancement Fund (HMCEF), which we introduced to support communities in undertaking minor works, I am writing to you to provide you with a summary of 2016/17 and also to let you know of some changes to the process for this financial year, 2017/18.



We approved 41 HMCEF applications enabling £168005.00 of works/projects to be delivered. The financial contribution provided by DCC, through the fund, was £95000.00

In total we received 79 applications, 56 were approved with 15 being carried over into this financial year. 12 applications were received before the end of the year, however we did not have sufficient time to process these, therefore they will go through our new assessment process (see below). 11 applications were rejected.


We have provided free chapter 8 signing and guarding training for 52 individuals during 2016/17.



We have reviewed the approval process and introduced assessment times throughout the year in order to make the process more manageable.

We have 15 bids which were carried over from the last financial year which have been approved. These will continue through the process and applicants updated accordingly. All other bids received, until the end of May, will be held and assessed in June. Following that assessment period, and providing we still have funds available, all applications received between June, July and August will be held and assessed in September. This 3 month application period will apply for the remainder of the year, with the assessment taking place the following month, again providing we continue to have funding available. Applications will not be accepted in March.

A few other amendments have been made to the criteria for the HMCEF;

-  Where contractors are employed, DCC have set a cap of up to a 50% contribution to the costs

-  Where tools and equipment are supplied through the fund, we would encourage communities to make these available to neighbouring communities when practicable.

-  The fund can be claimed as soon as it has been approved. The conditions of this are;

o  Once the grant has been spent an evidence of expenditure form must be completed and returned to include copies of receipts where necessary

o  A summary of the works undertaken as a result of the grant should be provided to include both before and after pictures

Further information is available on our communities webpage.


We have now introduced a limit of 3 people per organisation who can receive free chapter 8 training. If you feel there is special justification for more than 3 receiving free training this should be discussed with your local Neighbourhood Highway Officer in the first instance.

There have been a number of occasions where attendees have not attended and not provided sufficient, or even any notice. If we do not provide at least 10 working days notice of a cancellation that we are charged the full cost of the training at £295+VAT per person. Unfortunately if this happens in future we will recover these costs from the organisation who arranged the training. This will be a condition of the free training.

It is not necessary for all volunteers to hold the chapter 8 qualification. The level of training required depends on the type or work being carried out and where the work is being carried out in relation to the highway. There are a number of different training options now available and details of these are available on the website. If you are unsure please do not hesitate to contact us for further advice.

Our Highway Safety Awareness e-learning module is still being developed but we hope to have this available for all volunteers to undertake in the Summer. We will keep you updated with our progress.

Road Warden Scheme

As some of you may be aware, Victor Gough is no longer working for us following the end of his temporary contract. Full details and guidance regarding the Road Warden scheme is available on our website and if you require clarification on any issue you may email us at . You are encouraged to discuss potential applications for the Community Enhancement Fund, and any works you wish to undertake on highway, with your local Neighbourhood Highway Officer in the first instance. Updated officer details were sent earlier this week to all town and parish councils (further copy attached for your info).