9th Grade Cooking

Make a Meal PROJECT

1–Parent Signature

  • Talk with your family about this project. Ask a parent/guardian to sign this form and show it to Mrs. Flath NEXT class.

2-Plan your meal and find and/or create recipes.

  • Brainstorm meal ideas that you could prepare for your family. You may choose to find recipes or create your own. (If you create your own recipe, it MUST be typed in the correct format.)
  • Your goal is to create a complete and balanced meal
  • Your meal MUST be comparable to MyPlate and include at leastone serving size per person of a grain, vegetable/fruit and protein/dairy.
  • In addition, consider family preferences, budget, and the availability of ingredients.
  • Be sure tomake a grocery listAND go to the grocery store to help shop for the menu ingredients.

3–Go to the grocery store.

  • Complete the tasks outlined on the project checklist. Make sure you take the checklist with you to the grocery store!

4- Prepare at least 1 complete/balanced meal for your family.

  • Ask a parent/family member to take pictures while making your meal to post on your powerpoint

5-Prepare a PowerPoint presentation. You MUST use the pre-formatted PowerPoint presentation available on the teacher web page. You must save your project as follows: lastname.firstinital.classperiod for example Jane Doe in class B3 would name her project Doe.J.B3

Be sure to download the Make a Meal Project PPT Format and save it as your own! It will explain what information should be included on each slide. Also, be sure to READ the RUBRIC so that you know how you will be assessed.

6 – Turn in your PPT and Verification Form. You must drop the PPT it in the Flath drop folder using a school computer. Turn in the project checklist NO later than the due date!.


The project is a summative assessment and will be weighted 5x the weight of one lab.

______’s Project Checklist

Date / Task Completed
Speak with your family. PLAN a date!!! Speak with the person who does the majority of the food preparation and grocery shopping. Ask some questions like…How do you plan the family meals? What do you consider when deciding what to make?How much time do you allow for making a meals?Do I (the student) have limitations (budget, ingredient, etc..) on what I can make/ when I can make it? GET FRONT PAGE SIGNED BY PARENT!!
Go to the grocery store:
  • What are 3 items on your grocery list?
  • Find the grocery store’s sale circular/flyer and take a picture.
  • Take a picture of two unit price stickers for similar items.
  • Describe the items.
  • Which is a better buy… Why?

Make your meal
  • Did someone take pictures while you were cooking?
  • Did you take a picture of your plate? (Is it complete and balanced?)

Complete your PowerPoint
  • Did you download the format provided by Mrs. Flath?
  • Did you name it properly (ex… Doe.J.B3)
  • Did you read your rubric?

Tuesday January 10, 2017 by 3pm / Turn in your Project
  • Turn in your PPT in Mrs. Flath’s drop folder at school.
  • Hand in this paper!

Project Rubric

Advanced / Proficient / Basic / Below Basic
Grocery Store / All questions answered thoroughly/correctly
All necessary pictures included. / Questions answered correctly.
All necessary pictures included. / Most questions answered correctly.
Some necessary pictures included. / Few questions answered correctly.
Necessary pictures incomplete/missing.
Recipe Choices/
Comparison to my plate / Meals meet the family’s dietary needs in a nutritious, unique, and diverse way. Recipes require more complex techniques. All recipes documented or linked.
Photoof plate included. / Meals are balanced. (re: MyPlate) Recipes offer some variety and are appropriate for 9th grade skill level. Main recipes documented or linked. Photo of plate included. / Meals attempt to meet dietary needs. Recipes are not very nutritious. Recipes require basic techniques. Some recipes documented or linked. Photo of plate included. / Meals are incomplete. Dietary needs are not considered. Recipes require few skills. Recipes may not be documented or linked. Photo of plate not included.
Planning AND Reflection / Shows thorough planning; it is an insightful, detailed, and interesting description of the experience. / Complete and thoughtful. Includes some specific details of the experience. / Some thought but generic descriptions of the experience. May be incomplete. / Shows little or no thought or effort. May be missing or incomplete.
PowerPoint Presentation (Format & Design) / Concise, insightful and interesting. Visually appealing and in proper format. Answers questions thoroughly and accurately. Included personalized relevant pictures. / Used proper format. Visually appropriate. Includes adequate details and relevant images. / General information. Minimal personalization to the format sample. Improper format. / Incomplete; Disorganized. Visually unappealing or inappropriate.
Project Checklist / This must be handed in and completed in order to evaluate your final project!
Overall Score