BUS 385 Fall 2005

University of Puget Sound

Professor: Jeffrey J. Matthews

Office: Room #111c, McIntyre Hall

Telephone: (home) 460-7955

(office) 879-3155


Office Hours: T & TH 9am-11am, with special appointments always available.


Course Purpose

▪ To gain a keen understanding of the art and science of the leadership process.

Course Goals

▪ To prepare students to be more effective in meeting the challenges of life’s “leadership situations.”

▪ To develop a deep appreciation for both the complexity and the fundamentals of successful leadership.

▪ To strengthen individual communication skills through varied writing, speaking, and listening projects.

▪ To provoke and inspire critical and creative thinking.

Course Tactics

▪ To learn of leadership by analyzing, writing, and discussing theory, research, and case studies.

Our “Total Involvement” Course Strategy

In Class Writing Assignments: Five quizzes minimum to demonstrate “close reading” of homework.

In Class Communication*: High quality discussions on assignments are vital to class success.

*Come to class well prepared (well read)! Regular class attendance is mandatory for success!

In-Class Presentation: A professional, 20-minute TEAM, research and presentation project.

In Good To Great, business professor Jim Collins identifies eleven publicly-traded companies that had, by 2000, made extraordinary “leaps” to financial greatness, far outperforming industry rivals (known as “direct comparison companies”). You will be assigned to a team that will research and assess the performance one publicly traded company, while another team will research and assess a direct comparison company. Team memberships will mirror the BLP mentor group assignments which will be made by early October when we start reading Good To Great. You are required to consult with your mentor on this project, and your mentor is to be invited (well in-advance) to observe your team’s presentation at the end of the semester.

This project will be completed in-conjunction with your accounting class, BUS205. Professor Wilson will provide you with the specific quantitative requirements of your research and presentation. In addition to Professor Wilson’s specific requirements, your team should apply Collin’s conceptual framework, first diagramed on page 12. We will discuss this further during class.

Your grade (determined by Professor Wilson, your classmates, and I) will be based on two overarching criteria: 1. Content Quality 2. Communication Skill

*Please read this article about (mis)using PowerPoint: Julia Keller, “Is PowerPoint the Devil?

Out of Class Papers (12 pt. font Times New Roman, 1” margins, double-spaced, paginated, stapled).

Paper #1: A 500-word max. essay that analyzes the self-assessments you completed on 9/1 & 9/6.

Paper #2: A 500-word max. leadership essay on Shackleton’s Way that demonstrates your understanding of personality traits and intelligence in the leadership process.

Paper #3: A 5-10 page leadership research and analysis paper using a variety of primary and secondary sources.

Paper #3 must demonstrate your mastery of multiple, distinct factors of successful, long-term leadership. An example of one critical leadership component could be: a willingness to assume risk. I would expect you to write in some detail and with great thought and clarity (amounting to perhaps 1-3 paragraphs) why risk-taking is often fundamental to effective leadership. Your ability to integrate class material is important, but you are strongly encouraged to be original and creative. Remember, all of your essays will be graded on content quality (including independent research and thought) AND the effectiveness of your written communication. Poor organization, misspellings, typos, late papers, etc. are unacceptable. I strongly encourage you to use your mentors as a resource.

You may select nearly any leadership-related topic(s) for Paper #3, but they must be approved by me.

Here are just a few sample paper topics:

▪ cross-cultural and international leadership

▪ transformational leadership

▪ followership and leadership

▪ shared leadership

▪ ethics and leadership

▪ political leadership

▪ military leadership

▪ gender and leadership

▪ charismatic leadership

Regardless of your chosen topic, you must conduct at least three interviews in the research process, and at least three of the people being interviewed must be from off-campus. For example, if you are researching sports leadership you could interview various coaches and athletes from the Tacoma Rainers or Bellarmine High School. Or if you are researching military leadership, you could visit Fort Lewis and interview soldiers. I strongly encourage you to search the UPS Alumni Sharing Knowledge Network (ASK Network) for potential interview candidates. (

I am granting you considerable leeway in terms of specific themes and topics because one purpose of this assignment is to encourage your intellectual self-reliance and self-motivation.

*Want help with your writing? (And who doesn’t!) I am always available to provide assistance; just ask. Others want to help too. Visit the “free” UPS Center for Writing and Learning, located at Howarth Hall, 105. The center’s webpage is: I also encourage you to read about good writing habits at Harvard University’s webpage:

▪ Mid-Term Exam: Primarily essay questions on major themes of the course.

▪ Final Exam: Primarily cumulative essay questions on the major themes of the course.

Performance Evaluation: “An Entrepreneurial Approach To Grading”

I promise to conduct a thorough and fair evaluation of your class work.

When it comes to EARNING your grades, imagine that you are starting your own business in a very competitive industry. You have four major clients (me and your three others UPS professors.) Unless working on a team project, consider your classmates MY employees. Always treat them with respect. The challenge for you is to perform well for all of your very judgmental clients, knowing that if you fail just one, you will “lose” that client and a whopping 25% of your firm’s revenue. Such a loss is likely to cause you unbearable stress and even bankruptcy!

As we progress through the semester consider your grades recognition of (or payment for) the quality of work that you provided me, your client (think here of written work, presentations, etc.). In other words, before you come to EACH class/meeting, ask yourself: Am I adequately prepared to meet with this very important and demanding client? What will he think if I am not prepared for our meeting? What will he think if I am late to the meeting? What if I don’t meet his deadlines? What if my papers/reports are poorly written? etc.

*Always remember that class discussions, presentations, and writings are opportunities to prove that you have prepared well. Forty-percent of your grade is tied them. You must both read and study (think about) the material. You must be self-motivated in our seminar-style class. Honing your communication skills is important. You want to be understood by everyone in your presence. Also, remember that reading is not necessarily thinking or knowing.

Tardiness is a sign of disrespect. Habitual lateness will severely weaken your grade.

Grade Descriptors Components & Allocations

A Superior In Class Writing Assgns. 15%

A- Excellent In Class Participation 15

B+ Very Good In Class Presentation 10

B Good Paper #1 5

B- Satisfactory Paper #2 10

C Merely Adequate Paper #3 15

D Poor Mid-Term Exam 15

F Failure Final Exam 15

Total Grade 100%

Academic Honesty The suspicion of dishonesty in the academic community is a serious matter because it threatens the atmosphere of respect essential to learning. Academic dishonesty can take many forms, including but not limited to the following: plagiarism, which is the misrepresentation of someone else's words, ideas, research, images, video clips, or computer as one's own; submitting the same paper for credit in more than one course without prior permission; collaborating with other students on papers and submitting them without instructor permission; cheating on examinations. Academic dishonesty will result in a severe grade penalty and possible expulsion from UPS. Please see:

Required Readings

(1) Morrell and Capparell, Shackleton’s Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Arctic Explorer

(2) Dell, Direct From Dell: Strategies That Revolutionized an Industry

(3) Collins, Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t

(4) Machiavelli, The Prince (available on the web)

(5) Sam Calagione, Brewing Up A Business: Adventures in Entrepreneurship

(6) Reading Packet – Miscellaneous articles

Required Film Viewings (viewed outside of class)

· Shackleton’s Voyage of Endurance

· The Insider

· Path To War

· Hotel Rwanda

· Miracle

Course Schedule

8/30 (T) Introductions, Course Outline, Presentation Demo, Questionnaire, Vision Thing

9/01 (TH) “Leadership Is Everyone’s Business” (Leadership Triangle, etc.)

Reading Packet:

Read “The Intellectual History of Leadership Studies: The Role of James MacGregor Burns”

Complete the “Problem Solving Questionnaire and Scoring Key”

Complete the “Style Analysis Survey and Scoring Sheet”


9/06 (T) Organizational Climate & Motivation

Reading Packet:

“The Concept of Organizational Climate”

“Motivation: ‘What Makes People Tick”

Complete “Self-Assessment: Work Need Inventory”

9/08 (TH) “Leaders, Followers, Situations & the Contingency Theories of Leadership”

Reading Packet:

“Harley’s Leadership U-Turn”

“The Ultimate Creativity Machine: How BMW Turns Art into Profit”

“Arlene Blum Ascends Annapurna”

“Leadership Power, Tactics, and Influence” (film clip Swimming With Sharks)


9/13 (T) Discuss Morrell, Shackleton’s Way, Chapters 1-3 (film clip 0:52-1:12)

“The Path To Leadership”

“Hiring An Outstanding Crew”

“Creating A Spirit Of Camaraderie”

*Screening The Insider, 6-8:30 pm, Mc. 103? (You can watch it separately if you prefer).

9/14 WED *5pm, Alum Tim Kane, President of MBK Homes Ltd., Murray Board Room

9/15 (TH) Paper #1 Due (Self-reflection)

“Ethics & Values” (film clip Alive)

Reading Packet:

“The Moral Foundation of Extraordinary Leadership”

“Deciding What’s Right: A Prescriptive Approach”

“Persons of the Year: Cynthia Cooper, Colleen Rowley, and Sharon Watkins”

Discuss Leadership and the film The Insider


9/20 (T) Leadership Personality Traits & Intelligence

Discuss Reading Packet:

“Leadership Traits”

9/22 (TH) Morrell, Shackleton’s Way, Chapters 4 & 5 & 6

“Getting The Best From Each Individual”

“Leading Effectively In A Crisis”

“Forming Teams For Tough Assignments”

*Screening of Hotel Rwanda, 6-8 pm Mc. 003? (watch it separately if you prefer).


9/27 (T) Morrell, Shackleton’s Way, Chapters 7 & 8

“Overcoming Obstacles To Reach A Goal”

“Leaving A Legacy”

Reading Packet:

“The Presidential Difference: Chapter 1”

“Lyndon B. Johnson and the Primacy of Politics”

*Screening of Path To War, 6-8 pm, Mc. 003? (You can watch it separately if you prefer).

9/29 (TH) Paper #2 Due (Shackleton: Personality Traits & Intelligence)

Discuss leadership and the film Path To War

Presidential Leadership

Reading Packet:

“It’s Premature, to say the least, to start writing off the next administration” (all read)

“You Can’t Lead By Following” (all read)

“What a difference a year makes for Bush, nation” (all read)

“The Making of a President 2001” (all read)

“What It Takes” (all read)


“The Unexpected Eisenhower” (read if your last name begins A-F)

“Coming to Terms with Kennedy” (read if last name begins G-K)

“Jimmy Carter and the Politics of Rectitude” (read if last name begins M-Sh)

“The Undisciplined Bill Clinton” (read if last name begins St-Z)

*9/30 (F) Homecoming Weekend Events


10/04 (T) Collins, Good to Great, Ch. 1-3

“Good Is The Enemy Of Great”

“Level 5 Leadership”

“First Who…Then What”

10/05 WED *5pm, Alum Rob Lilleness, President Universal Electronics, Murray Board Room

10/06 (TH) Sex & Leadership

Reading Packet:

“Women And Leadership”

“Oprah Winfrey, The Tycoon: Contextualizing The Economics Of Race, Class, And Gender in Black Business History In Post-Civil Rights America”


10/11 (T) Collins, Good to Great, Ch. 4-6

“Confront the Brutal Facts”

“The Hedgehog Concept”

“A Culture of Discipline”

Reading Packet: “Find Mentors and Advisers”

10/12 (W) *** BLP Mentor Meeting*** Evening

10/13 (TH) Collins, Good to Great, Ch. 7-9 & Epilogue

“Technology Accelerators”

“The Flywheel and the Doom Loop”

“From Good To Great To Built To Last”

“Frequently Asked Questions”


10/18 (T) Mid-Term Examination

10/20 (TH) Team and Sports Leadership I:

Reading Packet:

“Practicing Patience”

“A Manager For All Seasons”

“A Tale of Two Coaches”

Term Paper & Presentation Updates

*Screening of Miracle, 6-8 pm, Mc. 103? (You can watch it separately if you prefer).


10/25 (T) Entrepreneurial Leadership I Dell, Direct From Dell, pp. 1-106

10/27 (TH) Team and Sports Leadership II (Guest speaker)

Discuss leadership and the film Miracle.


11/01 (T) Entrepreneurial Leadership II Calagione, Brewing Up A Business, pp. 1-85

11/03 (TH) Entrepreneurial Leadership III Calagione, Brewing Up A Business, pp. 86-165


11/08 (T) Entrepreneurial Leadership IV Calagione, Brewing Up A Business, pp. 166-246

11/10 (TH) African-American Leadership

Reading Packet:

“Filling the Generation Gap”

“New Day Dawning for the Urban League”

“Gilbert Resigns at Urban League”

“Urban League tabs CEO”

“Tacoma Urban League President Submits Resignation”

“League Picks Ellis as CEO, President”

“Leadership toward What Ends?”

“Black Leadership: Toward a Twenty-First Century Perspective”


11/15 (T) Discuss: Machiavelli

Reading Packet:

“Give the Devil His Due”

“Introduction: The Puzzle of The Prince”

11/17 (TH) Discuss: Machiavelli

Reading Packet:

“Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince

“Lockheed Aircraft Corporation”


11/22 (T) Military Leadership

Reading Packett:

“The Psychological Test Profiles Brigadier Generals: Warmongers or Decisive Leaders?”



11/29 (T) “Good to Great” Presentations

12/01(TH) “Good to Great” Presentations


12/6 (T) Paper #3 Due (“Good to Great” Presentations backup date)

Leadership and the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Reading Packet

Table of Contents

“The Intellectual History of Leadership Studies: The Role of James MacGregor Burns”

“Problem Solving Questionnaire and Scoring Key”

“Style Analysis Survey and Scoring Sheet”

“The Concept of Organizational Climate”

“Motivation: ‘What Makes People Tick”

“Self-Assessment: Work Need Inventory”

“Harley’s Leadership U-Turn”

“The Ultimate Creativity Machine: How BMW Turns Art into Profit”