Please download this form, save it to your computer, complete it, and then submit by e-mail to: Teacher Education Services department,

(Please indicate for which IB programme(s) the workshop applies). / ÿ  PYP
ÿ  MYP
ÿ  Diploma
ÿ  More that one of the above
X MYP-DP Continuum
Workshop Title / CPS Workshop Pilot: History-Humanities
Name of Lead Developer / Nancy LaVier & Mark Rogers
Organization (if applicable) / NL- Henrico County Schools
MR- JEB Stuart High School, Fairfax County Public Schools
Address / NL:
HCPS International Baccalaureate Programs Office
Located at George H. Moody MS
7800 Woodman Road
Henrico, VA 23228
JEB Stuart High School
3301 Peace Valley Lane
Falls Church, VA 22044
Email / NL:
Anticipated length of workshop / 8 sessions
The overall purpose of workshops in this category is to provide a forum for experienced educators to build on and enhance their professional development portfolios. Participants will engage in an in-depth investigation into specific areas of interest and expertise.
(Please check the appropriate boxes below and elaborate where necessary).
ÿ  To provide a forum for exploring educational ideas and areas of interest:
Participants will engage in detailed discussions around topics such as
ÿ  Appropriate and effective assessment
ÿ  Evaluating student performance for short and long term planning
ÿ  Pedagogy
ÿ  Skill development
ÿ  Vertical coordination strategies of courses across grade levels
ÿ  To provide opportunities for investigation into specific areas of expertise.
Participants will engage in detailed discussions around topics such as
ÿ  Subject specific content
ÿ  Content team leadership
ÿ  Pedagogical leadership
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKSHOP (Please limit the description to 300 words.)
This workshop will facilitate collaboration in history/social science courses and assist with vertical curriculum planning that emphasizes the development of essential skills and conceptual understanding. Participants will be provided with, and initiate development of, planning, teaching, and assessment strategies that will assist with the development of age appropriate practices to ensure student success and participation in IB programme courses.
RATIONALE OF WORKSHOP PROPOSAL (Please explain the perceived need for the proposed workshop.)
This workshop is a pilot program to assist a jurisdiction with articulation of programs within their schools in order to better prepare students for the rigours of the IB program and to facilitate interaction within the jurisdiction to improve student achievement overall.
INTENDED AUDIENCE (Please state who the workshop intends to target.)
Middle school social studies teachers from IBDP feeder schools (this includes MYP and non-MYP teachers and high school social studies teachers (specifically DP History teachers and teachers of students in grades 9 and 10 who will pursue the DP History course). Teachers of Group 3 subjects such as Geography may also find the workshop beneficial.
RELEVANCE OF WORKSHOP TO IB PRACTICE (Where applicable, state how the workshop will enable participants to make connections with IB practice.)
The purpose of this workshop is to enable the participants to better prepare students for success in DP History by identification and development of the skills and content students need. The participants will map the skills as appropriate for their students across both middle and high school with the end product in mind. Participants will develop plans for continual collaboration, including periodic evaluation of student results. Participants will initiate development of appropriate grade level assessment tools to insure student preparation from grade to grade. Participants will also examine content requirements and options and each grade level to facilitate support for intermediate and long term (DP History) requirements and content choices. The final goal is for participants to internalize the importance of vertical teaming to facilitate student learning.
(Please state what knowledge, understandings or skills participants will be expected to gain or develop during the days of the workshop.)
Day 1
Understanding of the requirements of the IB DP program in terms of student performance and the standards of performance required to achieve the different levels of achievement. (In general for the program and specific and detailed for DP History
Understanding of the knowledge and skills students require to succeed in IB DP History
Develop Profile “typical student at each grade level.” (understand where students are in each grade level in terms of skills and content)
Profile of successful IBDP History Student
Deconstruction of the skills and concepts to identify the underlying knowledge and skills.
Construction of a timeline for skill and concept development across the grade levels.
Day 2
1.  Design a framework using the specific curricula for the jurisdiction that articulates skills and concepts across the grade levels.
a.  What is taught and when?
b.  When and what do students do as guided practice?
c.  What assessments will be used? (formative and summative)
d.  When will assessments be used?
e.  What standards of performance are expected at each level?
f.  What common experiences will students have had?
2.  Develop mechanisms for staff articulation and program evaluation
a.  Frequency of meetings
b.  Types of meetings
c.  Participants
d.  Identify needed administrative support
e.  Structure of meetings
(Please provide any information about your expertise and experience that may be relevant to the proposed workshop. Please use the following headings when responding. Please attach a CV/resume to this proposal).
Knowledge and expertise in the area in which the workshop is being offered
Mark Rogers – see attached resume
Experience in offering professional development or adult education events
Mark Rogers – see attached resume
Relevant IB experience (If applicable)
Mark Rogers – see attached resume
(Please provide any literature, research or other material that has informed the design of the workshop).
(Please state, if applicable, how the workshop content relates to the IB’s mission).
This workshop is designed to assist schools with increasing student success on the IB exams and potentially increasing participation.
(Please provide the names of three referees who are familiar with your work or provide references to relevant material you have published).
For Mark Rogers
Erin Albright
Access Projects Curriculum Specialist
IB Americas

Heather Lapper
MYP Regional Manager Africa, Europe and the Middle East at IBO
The Hague, Neatherlands

Gloria McDowell
Provincia de Buenos Aires
San Vladimiro 3056 – 2do.piso
San Isidro - B1642GMB
Provincia de Buenos Aires
Backward Mapping the IB Curriculum: History/Humanities, 2009. (with Heather Lapper)
Practicing Access for All: The IB Diploma Programme at J.E.B. Stuart High School.
Journal of Best Practices, Vol 2, #1: 2005. Published by International Baccalaureate North America and the Caribbean
Office use only