Student Group Constitution

The name of the student group shall be The Manitoba International Bridging Society, also known as MIBS.

The purpose of this group is to provide help any new students, they could either be international or national student. We will be providing them with their basic university needs, students will be given free tuition for their academic needs. We will also be planning cultural events based on different cultures which will make students feel make more comfortable around other communities.

The membership will be open to any graduate or undergraduate students of the University of Manitoba. So far 80% of the members in our group are undergraduate students. The membership will last full academic year, September to August.

MIBS will follow all bylaws, policies, and procedures of University of Manitoba Student’s Union (UMSU) and the Student Group and Affairs Committee (SGPAC).

The following are the Executive officers of UM-Knit, along with their duties:


Attend all meetings of UM-Knit

Act as a signing authority for UM-Knit

Act as spokesperson for UM-Knit to the public

Be the contact person for UMSU and SGPAC

Act as Chair for meetings if no other Chair has been appointed

Treasurer (Finance)

Attend all meetings of UM-Knit

Act as a signing authority for UM-Knit

Maintain adequate financial records of UM-Knit

Prepare and submit an annual budget for UM-Knit

Events Coordinator (Events)

Attend all meetings of UM-Knit

Organize and oversee social, academic and cultural events on behalf of UM-Knit

Be responsible for booking equipment from UMSU

All elections for MIBS will occur once every two years (no specific date yet).

  • A meeting will be arranged where all the members will elect new candidates for every position.
  1. New members will get to know about group through social media or throughout the promotional events in university. To enrol in group, students have to contact group President or Treasurer (contact information will be on social media).
  2. It is the responsibility ofPresident and Treasurer to overlook the training of newly recruited members.
  3. It is the responsibility of the departing President to train newly recruited


The President will call an Executive meeting every month during academic year. There will be a mandatory meeting once every semester where President will talk with every member in the group.

Any changes to this constitution must be approved by a formal vote of the entire student group membership at a publicized meeting of the group.

The proposed changes must be made available to all members of the group at least two weeks before the meeting, and require the support of at least half of the members present and voting at the meeting.

A copy of the amended constitution must be submitted to UMSU within two weeks of the meeting.