European History Choice Board

Standards Addressed:

SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various

world regions.

a. Identify the causes of European exploration and colonization; include religion, natural resources, a market for goods, and the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator.

d. Explain the impact of European empire building in Africa and Asia on the outbreak of WWI.

SS6H7 The student will explain conflict and change in Europe to the 21st century.

a. Describe major developments following World War I: the Russian Revolution, the Treaty of

Versailles, worldwide depression, and the rise of Nazism.

b. Explain the impact of WWII in terms of the Holocaust, the origins of the Cold War, and the rise of Superpowers.


Write: Scramble For Africa
A persuasive essay giving your reasons for colonizing a country in Africa. Choose and research a particular country. Include who colonized and what are the “benefits” to the people who live there. / Draw: Cold War
A propaganda postcard/comic that picks one side to support on either side of the Iron Curtain. / Create: School of Navigation
You are a student at Prince Henry's school. Research the compass or astrolabe. Make an astrolabe and/or compass from that time period. Include detailed instructions on how it is used. Teach the class how to use it!
An article outlining 1 of the following: Russian Revolution, Treaty of Versailles, Worldwide Depression, or Rise of Nazism. Must tell the 5 W’s (Who, what, where, when, and why). This may be done in Groups of 2. Article should have cover page and pictures/captions throughout. / Draw: Age of Exploration
Groups of 2 can research and draw a poster illustration of their understanding of the Age of Exploration. Include: technology, people, places, things, and resources. / Create/Write: Berlin Wall
Using creativity, think of ways and then construct a replica of the Berlin Wall using basic materials found in the classroom or at home. Write a speech that either promotes support for or against the wall.
Write: Holocaust
You are living during the Holocaust. Write a descriptive diary entry on some of the things you are witnessing inside the concentration camp or on the run. Address these issues: How are you identified? If caught, what happens inside the camp and how did you get there? / Draw/Create
A thinking map that outlines the cause and effect of 1 of the following: 1) Treaty of Versailles 2) Rise of Nazism or 3) Cold War. / Create Choice
Students will create atimeline of events in Europe’s history. Starting with key dates during the Age of Exploration and concluding with key events during and at the end of the Cold War. Student must put these in sequential order. Can use online software or draw.Or Create a fake book of key people in Europe’s History

Choices: 1) ______2) ______3) ______