(Not by Default, The Kingdom Was Not Postponed)

Began With John’s Ministry

Mark 1:14 . . . the beginning of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ . . . John did baptize . . .

Matt 11:13 . . . the prophets and the law prophesied UNTIL John . . .

Luke 16:16 . . . the law and the prophets were UNTIL John . . .

Acts 1:21, 22. . .wherefore of these men . . .BEGINNING from the BAPTISM OF JOHN. . .

The NOW Dispensation of True Worship

John 4:23 . . . hour cometh and NOW is, When the true worshippers shall worship . . .

A Dispensation without Millennial Peace

Matt 10:34 . . . think not that I am come to send peace on earth . . .

An Un-postponed Dispensation, Church Included

Matt 16:18, 19 . . . I will build my CHURCH . . . and I will give unto thee the KEYS of the kingdom of heaven ...

Luke 6:13 . . . he chose twelve, whom also he named APOSTLES . . .

Luke 12:32 . . . little FLOCK . . . it is your Father’s good pleasure to give YOU the kingdom.

1 Cor 12: 28. . . God hath set some in the CHURCH, FIRST APOSTLES . . .

A Dispensation to Include Gentiles

Matt 12:21 . . . in his name shall the GENTILES trust . . .

Matt 21:43 . . . the kingdom of God shall be taken from you [Jews], and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits [Gentiles] . . .

Luke 2:31, 32 . . . thou hast prepared before the face of ALL PEOPLE ; A light to lighten the GENTILES . . .

John. 12:32 . . . if I be lifted up . . . will draw ALL MEN unto me . . .

A Dispensation Where Jesus Was Prophetically Rejected

Zech 13:6 . . . I was wounded in the HOUSE OF MY FRIENDS . . .

Luke 9:22 . . . the son of man MUST. . . be REJECTED . . .

Luke 20:17. . . the stone which the BUILDERS REJECTED . . .

A Dispensation Where Jesus MUST Die

Luke 9:22. . . the son of man MUST . . . be slain, and be raised . . .

Luke 24:25, 26 . . . Oh fools . . . ought not Christ to have suffered . . .

John 1:29 . . . Behold the Lamb of God which TAKETH AWAY the sin of the WORLD. . .

A Dispensation with Jesus’ Work Preplanned

John 17:4 . . . I have finished the WORK which thou gayest me to do . . .

Heb 4:3 . . . the WORKS were FINISHEDFROM the foundation of the world . . .

A Dispensation Where Jesus Was Not to Reign Immediately

John 6:15 . . . when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a KING, he departed . . .


To Prepare the Way for the Redeemer King, Give Knowledge of Salvation by Remission of Sins

Luke 1:68 - 77 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and REDEEMEDhis people, (69.) And hath raised up an HORN OF SALVATION for us in the house of his servant David . . . (76.) And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to PREPARE HIS WAYS; (77.)To GIVE KNOWLEDGE OF SALVATIONunto his people by the REMISSION OF THEIR SINS (78.) Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, (79.) To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

To Prepare for All Flesh to See Gods Salvation

Luke 3:46. . . prepare ye the way of the Lord . . . and ALL FLESH shall see the SALVATION of God . . .

To Turn Hearts and Make a Prepared People for Jesus

Luke 1:17 . . . and he shall go . . . TO TURN THE HEARTS . . . to MAKE READY a people PREPARED for the Lord . . .

To Bear Witness of the Light

John 1:7 . . . [John] came for a WITNESS, to bear WITNESS of the LIGHT, that ALL MEN through him might BELIEVE . .

To Make Christ Known Through Baptism

John 1:31 . . . that he (Christ) should be made MANIFEST to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water . . .

To Divide the Dispensations

Matt 11:13. . . for all the prophets and the law prophesied UNTIL JOHN . . .

Luke 16:16. . . the law and the prophets were UNTIL JOHN; SINCE THAT TIME the kingdom of God IS preached . . .

To Win Men to Christ

John 1:37 . . . and the two disciples heard him (John) . . . and they FOLLOWED JESUS.

John 10:41, 42 . . . all things that John spake of this man were true. And many BELIEVED on him there . . .

Matt 21:31, 32 . . . Publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you . . . the publicans and harlots believed him (John) . . .

Acts 19:4. . . John verily baptized . . . saying unto the people, that they should BELIEVE . . . on CHRIST JESUS . . .

Spirit Filled, In the Way of Righteousness, and a Success

Luke 1:15 . . . he shall he FILLED with the Holy Ghost . . .

Matt 2 1:32 . . . John came unto you IN THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS . . .

Matt 21:26 . . . we fear the people; for ALL hold John as a prophet . . .

Matt 11:11 . . . among them that are born of women there hath not risen a GREATER than John the Baptist . . .

Acts 13:25 . . . John FULFILLED his course . . .


Grace Coming by Christ--Not by Paul

John 1:15, 17. . . John hare witness of him, and cried . . . the LAW was given BY MOSES, but GRACE and truth came BY JESUS CHRIST. . .

The Lamb of God

John 1:29 . . . John seeth Jesusand saith, Behold the LAMB OF GOD, which taketh away the sin of the WORLD . . .

The Son of God

John. 1:32,34. . . John bare record, saying . . . this is the SON OF GOD . . .

Everlasting Life Then Through Christ--Not the Law

John 3:27, 36. . . John answered. . . He that believeth on the son HATH everlasting Life. . .

Judgment and Hell Fire

Matt 3:7, 12. . . who hath warned you to flee from the WRATH TO COME. . . he will BURN up the chaff with UNQUENCHABLE FIRE . . .

Repentance and Fruits of Repentance

Matt 3:1, 2. . . in those days came John the Baptist . . . saying REPENT YE . . .

Luke 3:8 . . . bring forth therefore FRUITS worthy of REPENTANCE . . .

With Conviction

Matt 3:6. . . were baptized of him in Jordan, CONFESSING their SINS . . .

Against Sin

Luke. 3:19. . . Herod . . . being reproved by him (John) . . . for all the evils which Herod had done . . .

The Holy Ghost

Matt 3:11. . . he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost . . .


John 3:29. . . he that bath the BRIDE (Church) is the bridegroom . . .

The Same Salvation Message

Act 13:23-26. . . God according to his promise raised unto Israel a SAVIOUR . . . when JOHN HAD FIRST PREACHED . . . men and brethren to you is the word of THIS SALVATION sent . . .

Act 10:36, 37. . . the word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ . . . THAT WORD I say, ye know, which was published . . . and BEGAN from Galilee after the baptism which JOHN PREACHED . . .

Acts 19:4 . . . John verily baptized saying . . . they should BELIEVE . . . ON CHRIST JESUS . . .


To Save the Lost

Matt 1:21. . . call his name Jesus: for he shall SAVE his people from their sins . . .

Luke 19:10 . . . the son of man IS COME to seek and to SAVE that which was lost . . .

To Call Sinners to Repentance

Matt 9:13. . . I am not COME to CALL the righteous, but SINNERS to repentance. . .

To Present Salvation to All People

Luke 2:30, 31. . . mine eyes have seen thy SALVATION which thou hast prepared BEFORETHE FACE OF ALL PEOPLE . . .

Luke3:6 . . . and ALL FLESH shall see the SALVATION of God . . .

To Be the Saviour of the World

John 3:17. . . that the WORLD through him (Jesus) might be SAVED . . .

John 4:42. . . now we . . . know that this is . . . the SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD . . .

Luke 2:11 . . . unto you is born this day . . . a SAVIOUR . . .

To Take Away the Sin of the World

John. 1:29. . . (John) saith Behold the LAMB of God, which taketh away the sin of the WORLD . . .

To Lighten the Gentiles

Luke 2:32. . . a LIGHT to LIGHTEN the GENTILES . . .

To Bring Salvation and Redemption to Israel

Luke 1:68, 69. . . Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he bath visited and REDEEMED his people and hath raised up an horn of SALVATION for us in the house of his servant David . . .

Acts 13:23. . . God according to HIS PROMISE raised unto ISRAEL a SAVIOUR . . .

To Fulfill the Prophecy of His Rejection and Crucifixion

Zech 13:6. . . what are these wounds in THINE HANDS? Then he shall answer, those with which I was WOUNDED in the HOUSE OF MY FRIENDS . . .

Not To Establish A Millennial Kingdom

Matt 10:34 . . . I CAME NOT to send PEACE, but a sword . . .

To Suffer and Be Rejected Before His Millennial Reign

Luke 17:24, 25. . . so shall also the son of man be in HIS DAY, but FIRST MUST HE SUFFER many things and be REJECTED . . .

John Was No Failure

Matt 21:8, 9 . . . A VERY GREAT MULTITUDE . . . saying, Hosanna to the son . . .

John 4:1 . . . Jesus made and baptized MORE disciples than John . . .


The New Birth

John. 3:7 . . . ye must be BORN AGAIN . . .

The Forgiveness of Sins

Mark 2:5. . . thy sins he FORGIVEN thee . . .

Eternal Life

John. 3:15. . . whosoever believeth in him . . . should . . . have ETERNAL LIFE . . .


Matt 18:3. . . except ye be CONVERTED . . . ye shall not enter into the kingdom . . .

Instant Salvation

Luke 19:9 . . . THIS DAY is SALVATION come to this house . . .

Men Are Saved By the Word

Luke 8:12. . .the devil . . .taketh away the WORD . . .lest they should. . .be SAVED. . .

Men Should Confess Christ

Matt 10:32 . . . whosoever therefore shall CONFESS ME before men . . .

Liberty and Deliverance

Luke 4:18 . . . he bath anointed me to preach . . . DELIVERANCE. . . . to set at LIBERTY them that are bruised . . .

His Disciples Names Were Written In Heaven Before the Crucifixion

Luke 10:20. . . rejoice, because your NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN HEAVEN . . .

Details of the Future Crucifixion, while Commanding to Preach the Kingdom of God

Luke 9:44, 60. . . the son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men . . . Go thou and preach the KINGDOM OF GOD. . .

The Millennial Kingdom Still Future

Matt 19:28. . . in the REGENERATION when the son of man shall sit in the THRONE of his glory, ye also SHALL sit . . .The Church and Church Discipline

Matt 16:18 . . . I will build MY CHURCH . . .

Matt 18:17, 18 . . . tell it unto the CHURCH . . . whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven . . .

His Death and Resurrection

Mark 10:34 . . . and the third day he shall RISE again . . .

The Second Coming

Matt 24:27 . . . so shall also the COMING of the son of man be . . .


The Preaching of Repentance to the World Commisioned

Luke 24:47 . . . REPENTANCE . . . should be preached . . . among ALL NATIONS . . .

Repentance Demanded Before and After Pentecost

Mark 1:15 . . . REPENT ye, and believe the gospel . . .

Acts 2:38 . . . REPENT, and be baptized every one of you . . .

Fruits of Repentance Demanded Before and After Pentecost

Matt 3:8 . . . bring forth therefore FRUITS meet for REPENTANCE . . .

Acts 26:20 . . . they should REPENT. . . and DO WORKS meet for REPENTANCE . . .

Repentance Essential to Salvation Before and After Pentecost

Matt 21:32 . . . ye . . . REPENTED not afterward, that YE MIGHT BELIEVE him . . .

Acts 3:19 . . .REPENT . . . and BE CONVERTED, that your sins may be blotted out . . .

Rom 2:4, 5 . . . the goodness of God leadeth thee to REPENTANCE but after thy hardness and IMPENITENT HEART treasurest up unto thyself WRATH . . .

Repentance Demanded In the Future

Rev 9:21 . . . neither REPENTED they of their murders . . .

Rev 16:11 . . . and blasphemed the God of heaven . . . and REPENTED not . . .

Repentance to Life Demanded of Jews, Greeks, Gentiles

Acts 5:31 . . . Him hath God exalted . . . to be a prince and a SAVIOUR, for to give REPENTANCE to Israel . . .

Acts 20:21 . . . testifying both to the JEWS, and also to the GREEKS, REPENTANCE toward God . . .

Acts 11:18 . . . they . . . glorified God, saying, then hath God ALSO to the GENTILES granted REPENTANCE unto life . . .

Repentance Demanded of Churches

Rev 2:5 . . . Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and REPENT . . .

Repentance Demanded of All Men Everywhere

Acts 17:30 . . . NOW (God) commandeth ALL MEN everywhere to REPENT . . .

2 Pet 3:9 . . . the Lord is . . . not willing that any should perish, hut that ALL should come to REPENTANCE . . .

Repentance Initiated by God to His Glory Not to Man’s Glory

2 Tim 2:25 . . . if God peradventure will give them REPENTANCE . . .

Rom 2:4 . . . the goodness of God leadeth thee to REPENTANCE . . .

Rev 16:9 . . . and they REPENTED not to give him (God) GLORY . . .

Repentance a Complete Change of Mind and Worked by Godly Sorrow

Matt 21:29 . . . he answered and said, I will not; but afterward he REPENTED . . .

2 Cor. 7:10 . . . for Godly SORROW WORKETH REPENTANCE TO SALVATION . . .


Men Could Come To Christ and Find Rest

John 6:37 . . . him that COMETH TO ME . . .

Matt 11:28 . . . COME UNTO ME, ALL ye that labour . . . I will give you REST . . .

Men Could Be Saved, Born Again, and Become SONS of God

John 5:34 . . . these things I say, that ye might be SAVED . . .

John 3:7 . . . ye must be BORN AGAIN . . .

John 1:12 . . . AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them he gave power to become the SONS OF GOD . . .

Men Could Be in Christ and Have Their Names Written in Heaven

John 15:4 . . . ABIDE IN ME . . .

Luke 10:20 . . . your NAMES are WRITTEN IN HEAVEN . . .

Men Could Believe, Never Die, and Have Everlasting Life

John 3:16 . . . whosoever BELIEVETH in him should not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE . . .

John 11:26 . . . WHOSOEVER liveth and BELIEVETH in me shall NEVER DIE . . .

Men Could Find the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the King, the Son of God

John 1:41 . . . we have found the Messias . . . the CHRIST . . .

John 1:49 . . . thou art the SON OF GOD . . . thou art the KING . . .

Men Could Repent, Be Clean, and Have Their Sins Forgiven

Matt 4:17 . . . REPENT: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand . . .

Luke 24:47 . . . repentance . . . should be preached . . . among all nations . . .

John 13:10 . . . ye are CLEAN. . .

Mark 2:5 . . . thy sins be FORGIVEN thee . . .

Gentiles and Samaritans Were Not Denied Knowledge of Christ the Saviour

Luke 2:30, 31 . . . thy salvation . . . a LIGHT to lighten the GENTILES . . .

John 4:40 – 42 . . . the SAMARITANS . . . said . . . now we . . . KNOW that this is indeed the CHRIST, the SAVIOUR of the WORLD . . .

The World Was Not Denied Knowledge of Christ the Saviour

John 8:12 . . . I am the LIGHT of the WORLD . . .

John 1:9 . . . the true LIGHT, which lighteth EVERY MAN . . .

John 4:42 . . . Christ, the SAVIOUR of the WORLD . . .

Luke 2:30, 31 . . . thy SALVATION . . . prepared before . . . ALL PEOPLE . . .

Luke 2:10, 11. . . tidings . . . which shall be to ALL PEOPLE. For unto you is born THIS DAY . . . A SAVIOUR . . .

John 6:51 . . . my flesh, which I will give for the LIFE of the WORLD . . .

John 1:29 . . . Behold the LAMB of God, which taketh away the sin of the WORLD . . .


Had Ordination of Officers and a Treasurer

John 13:29 . . . Judas had the bag . . .

Mark 3:14 . . . he ORDAINED twelve . . .

Had Saved Brethren

Matt 23:8 . . . all ye are BRETHREN . . .

Had Power and Authority

Luke 9:1 . . . he called his twelve disciples . . . and gave them POWER and AUTHORITY.

Mark 13:34 . . . the son of man . . . left his house, and gave AUTHORITY . . .

Had to Be in Existence to Be Died For and Added to

Eph 5:25 . . . Christ also loved the CHURCH, and gave himself FOR IT . . .

Acts 2:41, 47. . . the same day there were ADDED unto them . . . to the CHURCH . . .

Even Had a Ladies Aid

Luke 8:2, 3 . . . certain WOMEN . . . MINISTERED unto him of their substance . . .

Had Services with Members and Visitors Present

Luke 6:17. . . the company of his DISCIPLES, AND a great MULTITUDE . . . came to hear him . . .

Had the Holy Spirit with and Eventually in Them

John 14:17 . . . the Spirit of truth . . . DWELLETH WITH you . . .

John 20:22 . . . he breathed on them, and saith . . . RECEIVE YE the Holy Ghost . . .

Had a Change of Pastors

John 10:14 . . . I am the good SHEPHERD . . .

John 21:15 . . . Jesus saith to Simon . . . feed [pastor] my lambs . . .

Acts 1:15 . . . Peter stood up in the midst of the DISCIPLES , and said . . .

Had Specific Missionary Fields at Various Times

Matt 10:5, 6. . . go not into the way of the Gentiles but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL . . .

John 4:4 . . . he (Jesus) MUST NEEDS go through Samaria . . .

Had All the Commands Necessary to Be a Gospel Church

Matt 28:20 . . . teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you . . .

Had the Gospel/Remission of Sins Commission

Luke 24:47 . . . REMISSION OF SINS should be preached in his name . . .

John 20:23. . . WHOSOEVER sins ye REMIT, they are remitted . . .

Matt 28:19 . . . go ye therefore, and teach ALL NATIONS, baptizing them . . .

Had Its Builder, Owner, Head, Author, and Cornerstone with IT

Matt 16:18. . . I will BUILDMY church . . .

Luke 20:17 . . . the stone . . . rejected . . . IS BECOME the HEAD of the CORNER . . .

Eph 2:20 . . . Jesus Christ himself being the chief CORNERSTONE . . .

Matt 23:8 . . . one is your MASTER, even Christ . . .

Heb 12:2 . . . Jesus the AUTHOR and finisher of our faith . . .

Was a House with Authority

Mark 13:34 . . . the son of man . . . left his HOUSE, and gave AUTHORITY . . .

The Now Dispensation Had True Worship and Worshipers

John 4:23 . . . the hour . . . NOW IS, when the true WORSHIPPERS shall WORSHIP the Father in spirit and in truth . . .

Had a Charter Member Foundation

Eph 2:20 . . . (ye) are built upon the . . . apostles and prophets . . .

1 Cor 12:28 . . . God hath set some in the church, FIRST APOSTLES . . .

Had Baptized Disciples

John 4:1 . . . Jesus MADE and BAPTIZED more DISCIPLES than John . . .

Instituted Rules of Discipline

Matt 18:17 . . . if he neglect to hear the CHURCH . . .

Had Soul Winning

John 1:42 . . . and he BROUGHT HIM TO JESUS . . .

Had a New Testament Lord’s Supper

Matt 26:26, 27 . . . (Jesus) said . . . this IS MYBODY . . . my blood of the NEW Testament . . .

Had a Doctrine that Could Be Continued in

Acts 2:42. . . they CONTINUED . . . in the APOSTLES’ DOCTRINE . . .

Had an Attendance Roll

Acts 1:15. . . the NUMBER of NAMES together were about an hundred and twenty . . .

Had Prayer and Business Meetings

Acts 1:14. . . these all continued with ONE ACCORD in PRAYER . . .

Acts 1:23. . . they APPOINTED two [apostle nomination]. . .

Had Song Services

Matt. 26:30. . . and when they had SUNG an HYMN . . .

Heb. 2:12 . . .in the midst of the CHURCH will ISING praise [Jesus, see Ps. 22:22]. . .

Had Unity

Acts 2:1. . . they were all with ONE ACCORD IN ONE PLACE . . .