BBA/B.Com (Hons)/B.Com. Pass I (First) Semester Examination 2013-14

Course Code: BBA106/BCH106/BCP105 Paper ID: 0501206

Foundation English I

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Add the correct part of speech in any five of the following sentences. (4x5=20)

a) Chairs are made of ……….(wood, woods).

b) ……….raises a different problem before the students. (teacher, teachers)

c) Are you………..interested in this subject? (keenly, keen)

d) The……..the better. (early, earlier)

e) Sarla has been……… for one hour. (play, playing)

f) She ordered him to get…………6 a.m. (up at, upon to)

g) He will enter the class………the bell rings. (when, till)

h) The London plane ……… 6.00P.M. (taken off, takes off)

2. Add prefix to the following words: (10)

a) sense b) different c) friend d) desire

e) human.


Add suffix to the following words: (10)

a) convention b) sentimental c) historical

d) adventure e) obtain

3. Write the synonyms of the following: (10)

a) Abridge b) Admire c) Abolish

d) Add e) Active


Write the anonyms of the following: (10)

a) taste b) pleasant c) excite

d) kind e) care

4. What for does a reader consult the dictionary? Does he feel rewarded after seeing the various shades of meaning? (10)

5. What is the importance of communication in human society? (10)

6. How has English proved as effective tool of communication in modern commercial world? (10)

7. What is the pattern of construction in the following sentences: (2x5=10)

a) I knew, I had found a friend in the woman, who herself was a lonely soul, never having known the love of man or child.

(Loose sentence or good sentence)

b) I saw a bear lumbering through the wood and the air smelled like pine but then as I listened I could hear him breathing, he was giant. (Rambling sentence or parallel sentence)

c) It’s is clever idea, abysmally executed: the actor’s commentary is pretentious. (Garbled sentence or squinting sentence)

d) The press is loaded in favour of the government. (Loaded sentence or expletive sentence)

e) It is easy when we are in prosperity to giving advice to the afflicted. (Expletive sentence or fragmented sentence)

8. Recognize the construction of the following sentences:


a) There are three kinds of lies: lies, donned lies and statistics.

(Expletive sentence or rambling sentence)

b) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. (Loaded sentence or expletive sentence)

c) It is tempting to say that periodic style humanizes time and we can say this, so long as we remember that to go with the flow is as human as to oppose it.

(Periodic sentence or rambling sentence)

d) What you hear often you will believe.

(Squinting sentence or loose sentence)

e) I found him blind drunk. (Load sentence or parallel sentence)