8th Grade United States History Thames/Finchum

Chapter 11 Study Guide

Chapter 11 Lesson 1 pages 296-301

  • In New England, waterpower was available to run factory machinery.
  • Economic freedom, profit, private property, and competition are the major elements of free enterprise.
  • Eli Whitney – invented the cotton gin.
  • Lowell girls – were factory workers.
  • In a capitalist system, individuals and businesses own property and decide how to use it.
  • Samuel Slater – memorized the design of British machines and duplicated them in Rhode Island. **DBQ
  • Why did many cities develop along rivers? Rivers enabled factories to have waterpower; goods could be easily shipped to markets along rivers. – short answer
  • Why did the Industrial Revolution in the U. S. get started in New England? (a) The Industrial Revolution first appeared in the New England states because of New England’s geography. (b) New England’s soil was poor, and farming was difficult. (c) As a result, people were willing to leave their farms to find work elsewhere. (d) New England had many rivers and streams that provided the waterpower necessary to run the machinery in the factories. (e) New England‘s geographic location was also an advantage. (f) New England had many shipping ports for the transportation of cotton and cloth bound for markets throughout the nation. – short answer
  • Vocabulary words: cotton gin, interchangeable parts, patent, capitalism, capital, and free enterprise.

Chapter 11 Lesson 2 pages 302-307

  • Daniel Boone was an early western pioneer who explored a Native American trail through the Appalachian Mountains.
  • The National Road helped connect Ohio with the West.
  • Robert Fulton – designed the Clermont
  • An official count of the population – census.
  • Business and government officials planned to connect New York City with the Great Lakes Region by building a canal.
  • Vocabulary words: census, turnpike, canal, and lock.

Chapter 11 Lesson 3 pages 308-315

  • James Monroe faced no serious opposition during the 1816 presidential election.
  • Simon Bolivar led the movement for independence in Venezuela and Columbia.
  • Missouri Compromise – kept an even balance of power in the Senate.
  • In the years following the War of 1812 Americans had a new spirit of national pride. **DBQ
  • When Spanish officials realized that they could not hold Florida against the Americans, they agreed to cede Florida to the United States.
  • In three decisions in the early 1800’s, the Supreme Court backed the power of the federal government.
  • The purpose of Henry Clay’s American System was to help the economy in each section of the country.
  • What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine? It was a warning to European nations to keep out of North and South America. – short answer
  • Vocabulary words: sectionalism, monopoly, interstate commerce, cede, and internal.

***There are 4 additional DBQ on this test including excerpts, timeline, and map questions.

***You will be given a handout with all 15 vocabulary words on it.