Poultry Production Systems

Dept of Livestock & Wildlife Management

Midlands State University

Module Code:WAP 421

Credit Hours:3 hours per week

Lecturer:Obert Tada


Phone:+263 54 260404/260409/260667/260735 Ext 344

Period Offered:March – June Semester

Lecture Time:Wednesday0800 – 1000hrs LAB1

Tuesday1000 – 1100hrs

Module Pre-requisites:Animal Health (WAP 206)

Principles of Animal Breeding (WAP 214)

Homeostasis (WAP 217)

Growth & Development (WAP 218)

Feeds & Feeding (WAP 220)

Feeding Standards & Ration Formulation (WAP 221)

Reading Material/Text:Tropical Agriculturalist: Poultry

Poultry Production Textbooks

Resource Centre Material

Farm Business Management Books

Applied Breeding and Nutrition Textbooks

Research Articles

Internet (relevant material)

Module Description:

The module looks at poultry production aspects in the current world with emphasis in Zimbabwe. It shows how the production strategies are interchanged to suit prevailing conditions that have a direct impact on profit margins. The module examines village poultry production, conventional production, constraints and opportunities associated. The environmental and bird factors that influence variation in behavior, growth performance, and morphological structure are penciled out. This module explores management practices of broiler chickens, layer chickens and breeders. Emphasis is also on turkeys, ducks, and guinea fowls. It further explores the accumulation of knowledge, through empirical scientific research, in poultry physiology, health, nutrition and breeding. The module concludes by looking at the profit maximization principles of marketing, economies of scale, and record keeping.

Expected Learner Outcomes:

  1. Describe traditional poultry production systems.
  2. Evaluate the value and contribution of poultry to animal agriculture and food security.
  3. Examine the factors affecting the variation in poultry performance.
  4. Describe the specific husbandry practices in poultry production.
  5. Describe and conceptualize research findings and identify knowledge gaps.
  6. Evaluate production policies in the context of sustainable poultry production.

Learning Tasks and Activities:

Students will review breeds of poultry common to Zimbabwe and the world-famous related genotypes. In this module, the students will go through activities on husbandry factors and, as well, develop a project proposal (in pairs) of guinea fowl broiler production. There will be a mid-semester test at a lecturer-determined date and a final exam. An unannounced quiz test will be given in class after three weeks of learning onwards.

Assessment of Outcomes:

One mid-semester test, one quiz test, one homework assignment, one project proposal and one final exam will be used to assess each student’s cognitive comprehension of the module topics. Homework assignment and project proposal guideline are at the end of this module outline. The due-dates are made of stainless steel. Copying is a serious academic offence. The tests must be taken during the scheduled times. Failure to do so, with no convincing reason(s), a “0” mark will be recorded. Exceptional cases are; appointment with a medical or legal practitioner, funeral, and university business approved by the Department Chairperson. Notify the lecturer in advance to validate your absence. The following percentage points will be assigned to each evaluation;

Mid-semester Test:10%

Quiz Test:5%

Homework Assignment:5%

Proposal Assignment:10%

Final Exam:70%

Grading Criterion:

75 – 100%:1

65 – 74%:2.1

60 – 64%:2.2

50 – 59%:3

49 and below:F

Communication at a Distance:

Successful students communicate often with their lecturers. I would like to get to know each of you, so feel free to share information about yourself, your weaknesses, study guide issues, difficult topics or concepts e.t.c. An e-mail address you check oftenly if you cannot visit my office is ideal. Your success in this class depends on you. You have to work diligently and turn in assignments on time. Please do not use e-mail attachments to submit assignments.

Honest Policy:

It will be assumed that you enter the college to better your life through lifelong learning opportunities. The work that you produce in this class must be original and authentic. Should dishonesty or misconduct be discovered, the student would receive a grade “F” for the module, as well as action taken against the student at the administrative level.

Module Topics:

  1. Poultry Industry
  2. World overview
  3. Zimbabwe situation
  4. Segments and structure
  5. Poultry Production Systems
  6. Extensive system
  7. Semi-intensive system
  8. Intensive system
  9. Integrated systems
  10. Poultry Breeds
  11. Zimbabwe
  12. World-famous
  13. Genetics and Breeding Programs for Poultry
  14. Routine Management Practices, Tools and Equipment
  15. Artificial incubation of eggs
  16. Housing and Environment
  17. Nutrition and feeding
  18. Broiler production
  19. Layer production
  20. Breeder production
  21. Flock health management
  22. Profit Maximization
  23. Record keeping
  24. Economies of scale
  25. Marketing principles