Thank you for praying for and with MCF. We hope this prayer calendar assists you to pray for Defence related issues

The calendar includes international and national prayer concerns and those of MCF groups in Australia and othernations, and other Christian Military Ministries.

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

John 3:16-18

Please send prayer points to the Prayer Coordinator:

Brendan Pell

0415 034 567

04Feb 18

  • Pray for MCF Administrator Michael Nott and his family, as they leave their work with MCF and move to northern NSW to be closer to extended family. Pray for God’s guidance as Michael looks to study at university again.
  • Pray for the new MCF Staff Worker Phil Anderson that he will settle into the role well and will be able to use his gifts to grow the MCF ministry.
  • Pray for the spouses and children of ADF members who have posted in recent weeks. Pray for those who remain behind on unaccompanied postings, that the body of Christ would be alert to their needs and provide them with support. Pray for other spouses and children who are making new friends in a new location, and adjusting to new schools and new workplaces. Pray that Christians would be welcoming to new Defence members in their churches.
  • Pray for the Defence Community Organisation (DCO) Welcome Day events throughout February and early March Pray especially for those events where MCF will have a presence to help people connect in with local Christian activities.
  • Pray for the Defence Christians trivia evening on 8 Mar 18 in Canberra to raise funds for the AMCF SW Pacific Conference in Brisbane.

11 Feb 18

  • Pray for the National Day of Prayer for Defence, coming up on 24 Mar 18. Details are at Pray that many Australian Christians would join us in praying for the ADF and the wider ADO, and that it would be an encouragement to many.
  • Pray for the Lurssen PV80 Offshore Patrol Vessels, with construction on the first of twelve to commence in Adelaide this coming year. Pray for the crew of all our current Armidale Patrol Boats and their work protecting our Northern approaches.
  • Pray for the Air Task Group Strike Element (Hornets and Super Hornets) which has now completed the mission in Syria and returned to Australia. Thank God for the way these platforms provided effective support to coalition operations in the fight against violent extremism over recent years. Continue to pray for the elements of the Air Task Group which remain in place, operating KC-30A (tanker) and E-7A (AEW&C).
  • Praise God for the work of the Navigators and Focus with trainees. Pray for many contacts at the start of the academic year.
  • Prayer that the Crossfire Magazine that came was distributed last year might be a useful resource to many and that the articles on the theme of forgiven would encourage us and those around us in our workplace.

18 Feb 18

  • Pray for the Government’s Naval Shipbuilding Plan. Pray that it would provide job stability for many in the community, and that it would equip the Royal Australian Navy with capable ships to be employed in the Defence of Australia and the national interest.
  • Pray for the ongoing work with the acquisition of the Hawkeye vehicle for Army, as production ramps up and two Hawkeye vehicles undergo testing in the Middle East Region.
  • Pray for Defence Chaplains that God will use their witness to impact many for the Kingdom. Pray that God would give Chaplains a keen ability to understand people, and words from above to speak, both to challenge and to express care at critical moments.
  • Pray for the coordination of the AMCF SW Pacific Interaction and Conference to be held in Brisbane in Oct on the theme ‘Thriving in Christ’.
  • Pray for the newly established Defence Signals Intelligence and Cyber Command. Pray for all those who work in the Intelligence and Cyber domains as they grow the workforce and develop new capabilities to protect our nation.

25Feb 18

  • Pray for MCF Representatives and Points of contact around the nation. Pray that more Reps and POCs would be found to cover additional locations.
  • Pray for incoming commander in the Middle East Region RADM Jaimie Hatcher who assumed command of Joint Task Force 633 on 20 Jan 18. Pray for RADM Hatcher and his staff. Pray for wisdom and skill in the execution of the mission, and safety for all ADF members deployed in the MER.
  • Pray for spiritual, physical and mental protection of all ADF members both on deployment and upon return to Australia.
  • Pray for the Hon Michael McCormack MP, who was appointed Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Minister for Defence Personnel, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC in December 2017. Pray for him as he manages his responsibilities in Defence Estate, Personnel Support, and Military Justice.
  • Pray for the coordination of the Defence Christians’ Dinner. Pray that Dr John Dickson will continue to be available and will bring a helpful and challenging message.


Heavenly Father,

we thank you

that the blood of Jesus Christ

cleanses us from all sin.

Bless the service men and women

of all nations

and grant that we who know the joy

of being all one in Christ Jesus

may be filled with your love

and pass it on to others

until His coming again.
