Course Name


Organizational Behaviour

Course Number / GEN 2176
Semester / 2014Autumn 1
Credits / 3
Class Contact Hours / 45
Faculty / Priyanka Das
E-mail /
Office Hours / By appointment – Room 311
Catalogue Description
The goal of this course is to help students become better employees by looking at human behaviour, attitude and performance within organisational settings. This course is an interdisciplinary field drawing concepts from sociology, industrial psychology and organisational psychology. Students should acquire an insight and knowledge concerning the behaviour of culturally diverse individuals and groups in work settings. Students will also develop an appreciation for how managers design their organisations and will be familiar with some of the problems and issues that employees and managers face on a daily basis. Students will develop their emotional and cultural intelligence skills in order to understand better the human behaviour within the organization.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the behaviour within organizations and organizational culture.
  2. Begin forming leadership skills specially those that can be applied in the work environment.
  3. View leader-subordinate relationships from both perspectives.
  4. Understand how teamwork capabilities are important within the workplace.

Teaching and Learning Strategies and Methods

The teaching and learning strategies will include formal lectures with a didactic approach. Every double session will include an active learning exercise that will help students develop the skills related to the material discussed in class. A range of teaching resources will be used to include the class textbook’s web page, videos, active learning exercises and case studies. Students will be encouraged to undertake independent studies by visiting the class textbook’s web site. Students will be encouraged to undertake personal reflection and asked to develop some exercises that will help them develop the skills needed to undertake leadership roles within an organisation.
Overall Approach:
Lecture 20 hours
Active learning exercises 15 hours
Student led seminars 10 hours

Course Assessment

Type / Hand-out
Week / Hand-in
Week / % / Learning Outcomes
ContinuousAssessment / Continuous / Continuous / 30 / 1-4
MidtermExam / 5 / 5 / 25 / 1,3
Assignment / 6 / 7/8/9 / 20 / 2,3
Final Exam / 9 / 9 / 25 / 1-4

Required Reading

Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2012). Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 12thEdition. Pearson
Education, USA.

Additional Reading Available from the Library

Mullins, L. J. (2001).Hospitality management and organisational behaviour (4th edition),
Pearson Education.
Robbins, S. & Hunsaker, P. L. (2005).Training in interpersonal skills, Tips for managing
people at work. (4th edition), Prentice Hall.
Online resources (journals, online libraries, etc.):

User name: glion
Password: library

User Name: 008BW87KK7
Password: WELCOME
File naming convention for homework assignments:
Save your assignment as a “.doc”, “docx.” or “.rtf” file with the filename Lastname_Firstname_Class_Assignment.
For Example, John Smith’s file name for motivation assignment would be Smith_John_HAIIA1_Motivation.doc.