Assessment of Mobile Phone Radiofrequency-Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure in the selected Australian Occupational Groups

XMobiSense will be used to collect data about your mobile phone exposure and usage.

1) What is XMobiSense?
XMobiSense is an App for Android devices, which collects data on mobile phone exposure in order to help understand the mobile phone exposure in the selected Australian occupational populations.
2) For how long do I have to have the Application
We would like you to have this App installed and run for two months (i.e. 8 weeks).
3) Will you identify who I am?
No. The App does neither collects information about your name, email, phone number or any other personal identifiable data nor does it register the contents of your messages or phone calls.
4) What information does XMobiSense collect?
It collects the following data, which are proxy for mobile phone exposure:

§  Date and time of calls (voice calls)

§  Call duration (voice calls)

§  Laterality: right, left, hands free kit, speaker

§  Angles and accelerometer data obtained from sensors on the mobile

§  Network type and operator (voice call and total call time)

§  Received power in the mobile band used and in Wi-Fi

§  Time of sending and receiving SMS

§  Quantity of transmitted and received data

§  Time of data transmission

§  Time of Wi-Fi connection

§  The type of mobile and the version of operating system installed on the mobile

5) What happens to my data?
Once 500 kilobyte of data has been collected by the App, it is automatically transmitted to our FTP server. This is only done when you are connected to a Wi-Fi network or mobile phone network Internet (depending on the type of XMobiSense you have installed). However, you should be connected to Wi-Fi or mobile phone network Internet to facilitate this process.

6) Does XMobiSense affect the battery life of my device?
As with all Apps, XMobiSense will drain small power from your mobile while it is running. It is important that the App runs continuously for two months, so it is wise to recharge your device regularly.
7) How do I install XMobiSense?
XMobiSense can be downloaded from the link by choosing your version (Wi-Fi or mobile phone network data versions). The difference between these two versions is only that former uses Wi-Fi to send collected data to the FTP server, while the later uses your network Internet data for the same. We advise to use former, if you prefer to use Wi-Fi to send your data, otherwise you may use the later version. It is easier to download and install it into your phone. Here is the step-by-step method:

§  First of all, go to your mobile settings, and choose security, then turn on unknown sources.

§  Turn on Wi-Fi or Internet, then click the link

§  Choose the XMobiSense version you wish to use (Wi-Fi version or mobile phone network data version)

§  Once the file is downloaded, click install. Then check if it is running by clicking open – you should be able to see its running window with a yellow bar of Rx power, etc.

8) How do I quit?
You can quit anytime you wish by uninstalling the XMobiSense application from your device. Once uninstalled, no data will be sent to our FTP servers.