Course Description: Students enrolled in gourmet foods explore the world of creative cooking. This course acquaints students with foods from around the world and the cultures they represent an introduction to cake decorating and pastries is included, as well as, experiences in preparing homemade pasta, meats, and a variety of other foods.

Topic Outline:

Ch. Topic


24Cake Decorating, Cakes, Pastries, & Candies

27The USCanada

28Latin America



31Middle East & Africa


14-22Review of the Preparation of Foods

Special Activities in this class:

Research Project: You will research a country’s culture and foods. The project includes a written report, a PowerPoint presentation, and preparing a dish from your country. This project counts 3 test grades.

Home Cooking Assignment: You will be required to cook at home 5 times over the semester.

Cook book- Each student will create a cookbook using a 3-ring binder. It will include all the recipes from class, as well as, recipes the student will select and add all during the semester.

Power of I- Our class is part of the Power of I program. Most unit tests will be POI assignments. For any test that you do not master with a grade of 70 you will come for tutoring after school and then retest until you master that unit. Tutoring is available on Thursdays in Room 119 and a bus is available to take students home.

Grading Scale:






Grade Calculation:

Daily work, Homework, Quizzes, Small projects= 40% of Grade

Tests, Labs, Large Projects, Notebook Checks each 9 weeks= 60% of Grade

Final Exam=20% of Final Grade

Discipline Plan:


1) Be Polite

-respect others comments, opinions, & ideas

-listen when someone is talking & stayseated

-respect the property of others

-do not lay your head down or sleep

-DO NOT eat ANY food without permission

2) Be Prepared

-be on time

-have all required materials

-have finished all assignments &


All late work will have a 10-point deduction per day.

3) Participate

-pay attention & take notes

-do your part of group work

-listen & contribute to discussions

-use your time wisely

-follow teacher directions

-taste each food prepared

4) Be Proud

-Do your best!

-care about your work

-be responsible for your trash and take

care of our room and equipment

-be responsible for your own actions


-Positive Classroom Environment

-Individual Praise

-Happy Grams sent home

-Smiley Faces 

-Surprises (food, special activities,etc)


1) Warning

2) 15 minute detention

3) 30 minute detention

4) Referral

Severe disruption will result in an immediate referral.

Detentions should be served within 2 days after school or at lunch. Failure to serve a detention will result in a doubled detention or referral.


When to see me-

End of class, after school or during my planning periods. If you cannot meet me at these times, just see me and we will work out a time.

Restroom/Hall Passes- You may ask permission to leave the room, then sign out and take the pass.

Materials- You will need to come to class with your notebook, paper, and writing utensils.

Make Up Work Policy- If you miss a day of class, you will find the assignments for that day on my website and written on the clipboard at the back of the room on the cabinet. You are responsible for getting the work you missed and turning it in on time. You have the number of days you were absent plus one to make up all missed work. *Be sure to write ABSENT on the top of your papers when you turn them in. If you have questions see me before or after class.

Substitute Teachers- When you are with a substitute teacher, ALL CLASS RULES STILL APPLY. I always ask the subs to leave me detailed notes and will respond with rewards or consequences as necessary.

Working in groups- In this class you will frequently work in groups. Some of the groups I will establish and some you will. Whenever you are working in groups, remember that everyone has a job and no one is to leave the work to someone else. Your grade is based on your individual work and the entire group’s work.

Lab Days- NO ONE LEAVES until your entire group is finished and has been checked off. Part of your grade is to complete the lab during class time. We do not have the right to take time away from another teacher and their class.

During labs, you are required to wear an apron and pull up your hair. Aprons are provided or you may bring one from home. We will go over all the lab rules before we start cooking.

Extra Credit

Up to 30 points each 9 weeks.

Each activity below counts 10 points.


*Bring in food you have made & share with the class

*Prepare a meal for your family & have a parent write me a note.

*Poster related to class

*Bulletin Board

*Other ideas? Just Ask!