Sessions for Inter-Organisational Relations Track

Track Chair:

Dr. Julian Sulej, Glasgow Caledonian University

Tuesday 31st August

Session One

08:30 – 10:00
Learning, Knowledge Management and Networks
Session Chair: Julian Sulej
Author / Title / Category
Paul Hibbert / At the interface between collaboration and learning / F
Denise Jarratt / A Learning culture as a precondition for a relationship management capability / F
John Hagedoorn / Weakness in the assessment of the strength of inter-firm network ties – a multi-dimensional alternative / F

Session Two

10:30 – 12:00
Workshop 1 - Methodology (To be confirmed)

Session Three

15:00 – 16:30
Learning, Knowledge Management and Networks

Session Chair: Julian Sulej

Author / Title / Category
Barbara Gray / Transactive memory and schema conflicts in a knowledge management collaboration among software designers / W
Paul Steffens, Judy Matthews and Marilyn Haely / Network governance of R&D: Purchaser-provider as partnerships in a public sector agency / F

Session Four

17:00 - 18:30
Evolutionary Perspectives and Process in IOR

Session Chair: Julian Sulej

Author / Title / Category
Siv Vangen and Chris Huxham / An exploration of the complexity of goals in inter-organizational collaboration / F
Gary Noble and Robert Jones / Managing the evolutionary development of Public-Private Partnerships / F
Margaret Harris / Inter-organizational planning for faith based services: Conceptual and practical challenges. / F

Wednesday 1st September

Session Five

08:30 – 10:00
Strategic Decision Making and the Future of IORs

Session Chair: Julian Sulej

Author / Title / Category
Nigel Caldwell, Helen Walker, Louise Knight,Christine Harland and Wendy Phillips / Risk taking in the public sector: an international perspective / W
Sari Yli-Kauhaluoma / Temporal aspects in distributed collaboration: The case of chemical process development / W
Graznya Stachow, Gary Reed, Jim Saker, Gareth Smith / Trust or Trussed? The impact of relationship management on new product launch / W
Fredrik Nordin / Managing the challenges of outsourcing services: Lessons gleaned from a system provider’s inter-organizational relationship initiatives / W

Session Six

10:30 to 12:00
Combined Themes (1, 2 and 3)

Session Chair: Julian Sulej

Author / Title / Category
Jens Aderhold / Misunderstandings about networks and their consequences / F
Erik Hans Klijn and Arwin van Buuren / Trajectories of institutional design in policy networks. European interventions in the Dutch fishery network as an example / F
Jane McKenzie and Christine Van Winkelen / Treating external relationships as an intellectual asset: Guidelines for managing the returns from knowledge flows across organizational boundaries / W
Chengxun Tan and Siew Kien Sia / Exploring value chain visibility in outsourcing relationships: A panopticon analysis / W

Session Seven

13:00 – 14:30
Workshop 2 – Publishing


Session Eight

15:00 – 16:40
Round Table Session – Extended Abstracts – Key themes (1,2 and 3)
Author / Title / Category
Palminder Smart and Abhishek Gupta / Designing Innovation Networks for New Product Development in the Pharmaceuticals Industry / D
Annette Leslie and Fiona Lettice / Inter-organizational relations within the Aerospace and Defence industry / D
Goncalo Monteiro Duarte, Stephen Evans and Peter Sackett / Outsourcing management: The gaps to overcome for success / D
Tom Forbes / Joined up Government, joined up working: the emergence of Community Health Partnerships / D
Andrew Cox and Dan Chicksand / The Exploding Cow: The problem of implementing lean production and supply in beef supply chains. / D

17:00 -18:30

BAM SIG AGM (To be confirmed)