Seventh Annual Joe McGeachy H.S. Rugby Tournament Draw ’09
Boys A Girls A (GA) Girls B (GB) *(10min halves)
1. Cowichan I. Brentwood a. Cowichan
2. Ladysmith II. Alberni b. Ballenas
3. Shawnigan III. Vanier c. Centennial
4. Brentwood IV. Marriott d. Semiahmoo
e. Shawningan
All boy’s games on Friday, March 6 will be at the Cowichan Rugby Club. All girl’s games on Friday, March 6 will be played at Cowichan Secondary.
All pool games will be 13 minute halves with a brief half time (*except Girls B), so as not to exceed the maximum allowable amount of time to be played for U-19 rugby in one day.
Pool points will be awarded accordingly:
(4pts=win, 2pts=tie, 1pt bonus=more than 4 tries or loss of less than 7)
Saturday matches will cross-over with the same placed team in the other pool.
The tournaments focus is on having fun and enjoying rugby, should any problems occur please contact Ron Glass (818-1920).
Friday, March 6
Cowichan Secondary (GIRLS) Cowichan Rugby Club (BOYS)
10:00 ave 17 Cowichan v Shawnigan 0
10:30 IvII 10 Brentwood v Alberni 5
11:00 avb 12 Cowichan v Ballenas 0 11:00 1v2 5 Cowichan v Ladysmith 7
11:30 IIVIII 5 Alberni v Vanier 18
12:00 bve 0 Ballenas v Shawnigan 5 11:45 3v4 5 Shawnigan v Brentwood 12
12:30 IvIII 12 Brentwood v Vanier 0
1:00 cve 0 Centennial v Shawnigan 15 12:30 2v4 0 Ladysmith v Brentwood 26
1:30 IIvIV 3 Alberni v Marriott 15
2:00 bvd 0 Ballenas v Semiahmoo 10 1:30 1v3 0 Cowichan v Shawnigan 24
2:30 IIIvIV 0 Vanier v Marriott 0
3:00 dve 5 Semiahmoo v Shawnigan 7 2:45 2v3 0 Ladysmith v Shawnigan 24
3:30 avc 39 Cowichan v Centennial 0
4:00 IvIV 15 Brentwood v Marriott 0 3:30 1v4 0 Cowichan v Brentwood 15
4:30 bvc 15 Ballenas v Centennial 0
5:00 avd 33 Cowichan v Semiahmoo 0 4:15 Estimated Finish Time
5:30 cvd 0 Centennial v Semiahmoo 25
6:00 Estimated Finish Time
*Be sure to confirm your seeding with Ron Glass by 6 pm for tomorrow’s game.
Saturday, March 7 Cross-Over Games
Games below on the left will be played at Cowichan Secondary and the games below on the right will be played at the Cowichan Rugby Club.
Games will be 60 minutes in duration, including a brief half-time.
No overtime will be played and it is possible to finish each game with a tie.
Cowichan Secondary Cowichan Rugby Club
*Alberni unable to travel
9:00 GB #4 v GB #5 (7th/8th) 9:00 BA #3 v BA #4 (3rd/4th)
24 Ballenas v Centennial 0 27 Ladysmith v Cowichan 5
10:15 GA #2 v GB #2 (3rd/4th) () 10:15 GA #3 v GB #3 (5th/6th) ()
5 Vanier v Shawnigan 5 0 Marriott v Semiahmoo 17
11:30 BA #1 v BA #2 (1st/2nd) ()
24 Brentwood v Shawnigan 5
12:00 Complimentary lunch
12:45 GA #1 v GB #1 (1st/2nd) () 1:00 Cowichan 2nd XV v UBC Old Boys
8 Brentwood v Cowichan 15
2:00 Awards Presentations ()
Boy’s MVP: Paul Bosco, Brentwood
Girl’s MVP: Nenagh McCulloch, Cowichan
2:30 Cowichan 1st XV v UBC Old Boys