MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE WEBER AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS held on Monday, September 12, 2016 at 4:30pm in the Weber County Commission Break Out Room #105, located at 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah 84401.

Members Present: Guests Present:

Mayor Korry Green, Hooper (Chair) Kayla Farr, FFKR

Mayor Lee Dickemore, Farr West Melinda Greenwood, Pleasant View City

Mayor Bruce Richins, Harrisville Travis Campbell, Representative Rob Bishop’s Office

Mayor Keith Butler, Marriott-Slaterville Nathan Jackson, Senator Orrin Hatch’s Office

Mayor Brent Taylor, North Ogden Matt Dixon, South Ogden City

Mayor Mike Caldwell, Ogden Blaine Hamp, State of Utah Forestry Fire & State Lands

Council Marcia White, Ogden Andrew Gruber, Wasatch Front Regional Council

Mayor Bruce Higley, Plain City Ben Wuthrich, Wasatch Front Regional Council

Mayor Toby Mileski, Pleasant View Jim Harvey, Weber County Commission Candidate

Mayor Norm Searle, Riverdale Douglas Larsen, Weber County Economic Development

Mayor Willard Cragun, Roy Jared Andersen, Weber County Engineer

Mayor James Minster, South Ogden Holin Wilbanks, Weber County Public Affairs

Mayor Mark Allen, Washington Terrace

Mayor Sharon Bolos, West Haven Staff Present:

Commissioner Matthew Bell Paige Greenhalgh, Weber County Commission

Commissioner James Ebert Scott Mendoza, Weber County Planning

Commissioner Kerry Gibson

  1. Welcome was given byChair Korry Green.
  1. Pledge of Allegiancewas led byMayor James Minster.
  1. Invocation was given by Mayor Brent Taylor.
  1. Consent Item

Mayor Bruce Richinsmoved to approve the minutesfrom theJune 6, 2016 meeting. Themotion was seconded by Mayor Mike Caldwell. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Public Comment
  2. Sean Wilkinson Utah Geological Survey has reached out regarding 2017 LiDAR funding. He stated LiDAR is a high resolution aerial imagery, .5 meter resolution, which identifies natural hazards and other issues better than typical aerial imagery. He reported the total amount for Weber County would be$55,000 which would be split the County and individual cities depending on how much of the area is within each city. Sean Wilkinson clarified that if we did not want to do the LiDAR they will pass doing this area until another funding cycle. Sean Wilkinson will email the information to COG members, please let him know if you are interested within a week.
  1. Commissioner Matthew Bell provided an update on the Weber County Junior Livestock Auction, which he reported reached nearly half a million dollars this year. The sale brought in$407,248.75 and boosts brought in another $91,586.50, bringing this year’s grand total to $498,835.25. Commissioner Matthew Bell stated the Junior Livestock program is a wonderful opportunity for our children and appreciatesour Mayors’ support.

Mayor Bruce Higley thanked the Weber County Fair staff. Chair Korry Green reported animals in Davis County only went for about half as much as Weber County. Commissioner Kerry Gibson stated on the flip side Box Elder County Fair brings in much more money than ours. Commissioner Kerry Gibson noted that even with how well the auction did the final animals didnot sale for as much as it costs to raise the animals.

Commissioner Matthew Bell noted America First Credit Union donated one beef, two hogs, and one lamb to the Lantern House. He stated three hogs and a lamb were also donated to our localfood bank from the Weber County Junior Livestock Auction.

  1. Non-Action Items
  1. WFRC Funding Programs, Andrew Gruber, stated every year WFRC has millions of dollars available as a resource for your communities. Andrew Gruber stated STP, CMAQ, and TAP awards money to your projects, mainly transportation projects. They also provide technical assistancethrough staff time and consultantsthat helps communities tackle challenges through Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC). Andrew Gruber noted the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)is available to all cities in Weber County except Ogden. The final program isWasatch Front Economic Development District (WFEDD) helps coordinate economic development programs and incentives.

Andrew Gruber noted they typically get ten times the requests as they have funds available. Andrew Gruber explained the application process beginning with letter of intent, which are due October 27, 2016. He stated applications aren’t due untilJanuary 2017. Mayor Brent Taylor reiterated that their planning grants are fantastic and the consultants are wonderful.

  1. Regional Drainage Plan Status Update, Jared Andersen, Weber County Engineer, stated thepitfall of finding financing is still his current challenge. Jared Andersen noted that if the money is a tax you will have restrictions on how it is spent but would have a benefit by having routine services. It was agreed that a regional drainage plan is needed. Mayor Willard Cragun stated it is a countywide issue that he feels should be handled by a County tax. Jared Andersen thinks we need to find out where we are getting the money from and the rest will come together.
  1. Weber County Transfer Station Update, Sean Wilkinson, stated they selected Lewis, Young, RobinsonBurninghamas the consultant to conduct the financial study on the Transfer Station. He stated there is also an RFP out for the recycling process. Sean Wilkinson stated they have been approached by several companies with great ideas aboutrecycling so he ensured there will a lot more information to come on that. In sum, Sean Wilkinson feels they can get recycling down to possibly less than $20. In August, the cost of C&D material to was increased from $26/tonto $40/ton. Sean Wilkinson reported since that change there has been a significant reduction of C&D material.

Discussion is ongoing on who should run the transfer station. Sean Wilkinson stated they may put out an RFP on whether a third party could run the Transfer Station once the financial study comes back.

It was reported that after more information became available, Bayview does not appear to be a feasible option.

  1. Law Enforcement Discussion, Commissioner Matthew Bell stated they have received the letter from the Mayors regarding law enforcement and the tax increase. He noted about 20% of the law enforcement budget is for actual officers, the rest is for the jail, bailiffs, etc. Commissioner Matthew Bell noted that they are looking into the budget further and will have more answers in the coming weeks. Commissioner Matthew Bell stated they are looking at a more unified law enforcement approach. He confirmed there will be changes but stated working together has cost savings. Within the next couple weeks should have more answers then Commissioner Matthew Bell will meet with each of the Mayors about the changes.

Mayor Lee Dickemore expressed concern over what they are paying for and the lack of officers reporting to their calls. Mayor Lee Dickemore stated since Lieutenant Lane Findley left Farr West has not had an officer present in any of their meetings. Commissioner Matthew Bell stated right now current contracted cities are only paying half as much so they don’t have as many officers. Mayor Lee Dickemore stated surrounding cities’ police officers are routinely responding to their calls before Weber County. Mayor Sharon Bolos stated their West Haven City contracts include a certain number of officers, which she stated they have paid additional for, but they arenot getting it. Mayor Bruce Higley feels a countywide tax increase plus more expensive contracts isnot the answer. Commissioner Kerry Gibson stated this is the arena to figure this out. Mayor Lee Dickemore stated he realizes the county is losing deputies but he needs to look out for his citizens as well.

Commissioner James Ebert feels we can all agree that it is not working. He feels Weber County needs to sit down and discuss our staffing models with contracted cities and non-contracted cities. Commissioner Matthew Bell wants the mayors of our contracted cities be more involved in their law enforcement.

  1. New Fire Policy for Municipalities, Blaine Hamp, State of Utah Forestry, Fire & State Lands, explained a new statewide fire policy for municipalities. He provided legislative history and policy issues. He stated in the past the State assumed the cost of large and extended attack fires. The New Cooperative Agreement is a voluntary system however current legislation requires cost of attack fires be paid by municipalities. Blaine Hamp clarified eligible cities have fire suppression and taxing responsibility. He referred to the new agreement as a three-pronged participation commitment with prevention, preparedness, and mitigation. Blaine Hamp noted that every city in the County does not have to participate. He provided specific details contained in the New Cooperative Agreement; noting they will come out to the cities upon request.

Mayor Brent Taylor stated there are gray areas in who is responsible for costs when cities share a fire district. Blaine Hamp clarified that they would sign the cooperative agreement with Fire Districts, not each city within that district, then they rely on the district and cities to work out the details.

  1. Other–None
  2. Adjourn

Commissioner Matthew Bell moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:08pm. This was seconded by Mayor Toby Mileski. Motion passed unanimously. The next WACOGmeeting will be held on Monday, October 3, 2016 at 4:30pm.