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CSS 104 Handout #18

Some instructors may ask that you create a personal homepage. Each course must have a separate homepage. If you are taking more than one online course and each instructor requires that you create a homepage, you must create a homepage for EACH COURSE.

Log into Blackboard and enter the course for which you want to create a homepage. From the course menu, click Tools.
From the list that appears, click Homepage. /
The Homepage window opens. This is actually a form in which you will create your homepage. There are four parts to the form; Homepage Information, Upload Images, Favorite Websites, and, as always, Submit.
The Homepage Information part has two sections as seen here.
You enter your information in this form. However, to see your homepage, you have to go to the Roster. /
Start by entering your information in the Introduction section. /
Continue to the Personal Information section and enter any personal information you want to share. Remember, all of your classmates as well as your instructor will be able to view this page. /
In either section, click the ABC to check your spelling. Each window has its own spell check tool. /
If you run the spell checker, select the proper spelling from the list that displays and click Replace. A message box will appear when the checking has completed. Click OK to continue. /
If you want to include a picture, use the Upload Image section. You can include any appropriate personal photo from your hard drive. Use ONLY small .jpg-type files - no larger than 150 pixels by 150 pixels. Not all instructors will require a personal photo.
Click Browse to find the image. Click on the image you want to use to select it and then click Open. /
The path to your image will display in the New Image field. /
You can connect to as many as three appropriate websites from your homepage. Perhaps you’ve found a website that discusses something you’ve studied or hope to study in this class. That might be your choice for a favorite website. You could also use the website for a favorite sports team or organization.
To link to a website, type a name in the “Website 1 Name” field. Use your Tab key (on your keyboard) to move to the Website 1 URL field and type in the address of the web site. The website address is shown on the Address Bar of your browser. Add a description explaining why you chose this website.
Note the spell check icons on each window. /
After you have completed your entries, click Submit to finish. /
A receipt appears. Click OK to finish creating your homepage. /

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