Game Cards / Medical Release Forms

  • Player ID Cards with BAFSL sticker to be checked prior to each game by a referee.
  • Coaches supply their own game cards for all games.
  • Must have Player Medical Forms at each game.
  • No guest players allowed, only players listed on roster signed by the Regional Commissioner.

Point System

  • Point system as follows:
  • 1 point per goal up to three goals.
  • 1 additional point for a shut-out.
  • 6 points for a win.
  • 3 points for a tie.
  • 1 point deducted for a Player or Coach send off, either red card or two combined yellow cards.
  • 1 point deducted for winning any game over a 6 goal differential.
  • 8 points for a forfeit.
  • 6 points for each team for a Double Forfeit. This is in case no ref shows for a game and the game is called. See Ref info below.
  • Tie Breakers:
  1. Head to Head
  2. Fewest goals allowed
  3. Subtracting goals allowed from goals scored (maximum of 3 points per game)
  4. Fewest Red and or / Yellow Cards
  5. Head to Head during Fall Season
  6. Fewest goals allowed during Fall Season
  7. Fewest Red and or / Yellow Cards during Fall Season
  8. Coin Flip BAFSL Director
  • A Player or Coach send-off results in a one game suspension. The severity of the send-off could result in further suspension.
  • Ties in semis go directly to Kicks from the Mark
  • Ties following regulation in finals games will play two 5 minute overtime periods (no golden goal). If tied after overtime periods, teams will go directly to Kicks from the Mark. Only players on the field at the end of the 2nd 5 minute overtime can participate in the penalty kicks. FIFA instructions (Procedure to Determine the Winner of a Match) for the taking of kicks from the penalty mark will be followed.

Game Duration


  1. U10-U14 Divisions / 10 minute quarters


  1. U10 / 12.5 minute quarters with overtime rules applying for Semi’s and Finals
  2. U12 / 15 minute quarters with overtime rules applying for Semi’s and Finals
  3. U14 / 17.5 minute quarters with overtime rules applying for Semi’s and Finals

Game Results

  • Game cards to be collected by the winning coach following each game.
  • Winning coach to update score on shared Google doc. In the event of a tie, the higher seeded coach will be responsible for submitting the game score
  • Following review of scores, the shared Google Doc should be updated with teams moving onto Sunday play by 8pm.
  • Sunday games scores will also be updated by the winning coach on the shared Google Doc game schedule.

Rain Out Info

  • If the tournament is rained out on Saturday, the tournament will be cancelled altogether.
  • If the tournaments bracket play is completed on Saturday but rained out on Sunday, medals will be awarded to the teams (1st and 2nd) place. Tie breakers will determine medal winners if needed.
  • Rain lines:
  1. PHMSA, please see the web, , under the “Welcome” page is the Fields Condition link. The web site will be updated by 7AM.
  2. Concord rainout hotline number is 925-671-3479. Rainout hotline should be updated by 7AM.
  3. MDSA rainout hot line is 925-672-3373, usually updated by 7:30AM.
  4. Eclipse - – side bar on right of home page
  5. Saratoga -
  6. Cupertino - - bottom left of home page

Field Info

  • No dogs allowed on Concord, MDSA, or Orinda fields.
  • Teams in opening games will be responsible for field set up.
  • Teams in last game of the day will be responsible for field take down.

Field Contact Info

  • MDSA / Jeremy Amos – 925-522-9690
  • PHMSA / Dave Killeen – 925-318-4217
  • Orinda / Shane Carney – 925-285-2852
  • Saratoga / Chris Wire - 408- 674-1215
  • Cupertino / Aeron Lauv – 408-805-5288

Tournament Organizer (Emergency Contact Only)

  • Mike Morrissey / 925-768-6221


  • Medals will be handed out at the fields following the Finals games on Sunday.
  • An order form will be sent to the winning teams to order Championship T’shirts following the tournament.
  • The Area Director, Center Ref’s, or a Regional rep will be responsible for handing out the medals to the winning and runner up teams.


  • If only one referee shows up - they should use club linesman - positioned on opposite sides of the field from their home team.
  • If no refs show up then a uniformed referee could step in - but both coaches have to agree on the referee. Once agreed - then the game results stand. If one coach does not agree - the result reverts back to the 'no ref' situation.
  • Must be impressed upon everyone that NO GAME can be played if a Certified Referee is not in the center. This would result in the double forfeit (6 points for each team) as mentioned above in the Point System category.