Commercial Enquiriesof the Kherson RegionEnterprises

№ / Enterprise’s name and short information, logotype / QR-code / Types of goods and services / Contacts

CJSC «Chumak» / / Production and preservation of vegetables, pasta, ketchups, sauces, mayonnaises, sunflower seeds / Kozatska street,3, Kakhovka city, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (0552)32 60 01, 32 61 00

LTD «Fruit and Vegetable combine Kherson» / / Juices, fruit and berry nectars, fruits and vegetables, concentrated tomato products, sauces, preserved vegetables / Lesya Ukrainka street, 4, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38(0552)365-373,365-333

PJSC «The House of Vintage cognacs «Tavria» / - / Common,vintage cognacs,dry and semisweet wines / Dniprovskiy ave, 299, Nova Kakhovka town,Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (0249) 7-62-28, 7-63-92

PJSC «Kherson Confectionary» / - / Confectionery / Perekopska street, 12, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 22 65 39

LTD «Freedom Farm Bacon» / / Pedigree pigs breeding and pork production / Pryvokzalna street,5, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 32 53 16, 32 53 02

LTD «Trade House Dolynske» / - / Dairy breeding, growing cereals, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables, root crops and gourds / 75224, Myra street, 4, Dolynskoje village, Chaplynka district, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (05538) 22253, +38 (0552) 425440

LTD «Danone Dnipro» / Milk, sour cream, yoghurts, yoghurt products, bifid yoghurts production / Beryslavske highway, 37, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 448900

Green Team Company / Vegetables growing, long-term storage, preparation for realization, wholesale trade, storage services / Chaplynske highway, 7, Kakhovka town,Kherson region

Phone / fax: + 38 (0552) 448989

Farm enterprise «Intehrovani agrosystemy» / / Concentrated tomato products production / Moskovska street, 25, Hola Prystan town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (0512) 58-79-01, 58-63-35, 58 61 66

PJSC «Kherson bread baking complex» / - / Bread and flour products / Chervonostudentskastreet,30, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 494172

The SOE Pilot Farm of the UAAS Rice Research Institute (theonly rice culture specialized research establishment) / - / Productionandrealizationofdifferentreproductions of rice seeds, also raw rice, rice grits, broken grain, middlings, rice straw and peelings / Studentska street, 11, Antonivka village, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (0237) 3 48 01

«Kalanchak bread-baking complex» / Riceandwheatflour,rice, wheat and rice grits, fodder / Elevatorna street,5,urban-type community Myrne, Kalanchak district, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (0230) 3 92 91

«Ukranian rice systems» / Rice and rice grits / Kakhovska street, 72, urban-type community Kalanchak, Kalanchak district, Kherson region

+38 (0230) 3-21-56, 3 12 51

CJSC «Chaplynka creamery» / Hardcheeses, butter, processed cheese products / Belinskogo street, 2, urban-type community Chaplynka, Chaplynka district, Kherson region
Phone / fax: +38 (0238)2-17-81, 2-22-66
CJSC«Kherson creamery» / - / Rennetcheese, hardcheese; milk containing cheese product;
sweet butter: weight, packed / 73036,Kherson city, Perekopska street,162

Phone / fax: +38(0552) 34-38-93
ArcellorMittal Beryslav, PJSC / / Limestone, sand and chalk extraction / Suvorova street,45, Arkhangels’ke town, Vysokopillia district, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (0235) 3 81 91
Georesource, LLC / / Sand extraction from Kardashynka deposits and its wholesale sales directly from the quarry / 73000, Odes’ka Square, 6, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 49 69 92
Herois’ke Research and Production Commercial Company / / Currently, the only enterprise in Ukraine and on the CIS territory in general, that is engaged in the extraction of white and technical bay-salt / 75620, Herois’ke village, Hola Prystan district, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (249) 4 62 36
Kherson Education and Production Enterprise of Ukrainian Deaf Society / - / Type of activity – production of workwear and lids for canning / 73000, Sorok rokiv Zhovtnyastreet, 179,Kherson city
Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 35 35 46, 35 35 49
Tsyurupyns’k Sewing Factory «Yunnist», PJSC / - / The main groups of products are bed linen, outer clothing, trousers, working clothes, dresses, dressing gown / 75100, Engelsa str., 19,Tsyurupyns’k town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (242) 2 13 02, 2 16 94
Tannery «Platan», Ltd / - / Production of haberdashery and travel leather goods etc / 73000, Naftovykiv str., 13, Kherson city
Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 29 52 60, 23 04 47
Corporate and industrial complex«Korabel», Ltd / / The company produces interior doors / 73000, Karantynniy ostriv, 1, Kherson ,

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 27 05 94
Tsyurupyns’k Paper Company, Ltd / / The output produced at Ltd is used in the manufacture of filters and filter elements for cars and agricultural machines. The productive capacity of the plant allows to manufacture up to 10000 tons of paper per year / 75101, Hvardiys’ka street, 103, Tsyurupyns’k town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (242) 4 53 47, 4 51 14
Timex, Ltd / / The enterprise produces printed and publishing products and souvenirs, that today is one of three leaders on the market of printing and publishing services in the region / 73000, Chervonoflots'ka str., 17, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 42 50 11
Polimer-Lak, Ltd / - / The company manufactures wide range of paint and varnish goods / 75022, Zaliznychna str., 12, Kyselivka village, Bilozerka district, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (247) 5 74 16
Kherson State Company Biological Factory / / Veterinary medicines and medication manufacturing; wholesale and retail trade / 73011, Admirala Makarova str., 9, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 38 07 60, 29 23 28
Kherson Factory of Rubber Products, JSC / / Various rubber products manufacturing for different industries / 73036, Perekops’ka str., 178a, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 35 44 74, 35 38 44
Amalteya, Ltd / / Produces plastic packaging (sacks) for bulk cargo / 73000, Uchbovyi lane, 28/50,Kherson city

Phone / fax: 38 (0552) 49 10 93, 49 05 97
Globart, Ltd / - / namely PVC sills and wide range of plastic ebbs and accessories to it / 74800, Dekabrystiv str., 2, Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (236) 2 61 50, 2 60 75
Tavria Construction Company, PJSC / / Silicate bricks, ceramic bricks, building limestone are the main products / 73011, Admirala Makarova str., 203, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 29 00 14
Henkel Bautechnik Ukraine, Ltd / / The company specializes in the production of dry structural mixes. This is the fourth plant within the other plants that manufactures dry structural mixes branded as “CEREZIT” with productive capacity of 150000 tons of finished output per year / 75100, Promyslova str., 17, Tsyurupyns’k town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 44 38 62, 44 29 12
Askona-Pivden’, Ltd / / Manufacturing and wholesale trade building, finishing materials (a mixture for tile, for insulation systems, for decorative and other works) under its own brand “ANSERGLOB” with productive capacity of over 20 000 tons per month / 73000, Belins'koho str., 22b,Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 49 42 73, 49 42 34
«EnergyProduct», Ltd / / Autoclaved porous concrete, which is high-quality and innovative construction production type in Ukraine. Planned capacity is 450000 m3 of finished output per year / 74900, Pershotravneva str., 79, Nova Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (249) 7 70 00, +380952775171
Mechanical Plant, Ltd / / High-quality aluminum alloys / 73000, 5th km Mykolaivs'ke h-w, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 41 17 05, 41 17 00
Olesya, Ltd / / The company produces monolithic concrete structures, high-quality concrete floors that get vacuumed on the Swedish equipment, plastic and aluminum windows, facades, manufactures a professional flooring, sandwich-panels, front cartridges; designs, manufactures and build up buildings with light hardware constructions / 74900, Paryz’koi Komuny str., 4a,Nova Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (249) 7 07 33, 7 07 22
Nova Kakhovka Plant «Ukrgidromeh», PJSC / / The product range includes valves for hydraulic engineering constructions, gateway gates, safety fence, pressure pipelines, steel facing of pressure water pipes and other products of hydraulic profiles. Today the productive capacity of the plant is up to 6 million tons of products per year / 74900, Promyslova str., 2, Nova Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (249) 4 26 41, 5 18 11
Beryslav Machinery Plant, PJSC / / It produces components for cooling systems for water and oil in diesel engines / 74300, 25th Zhovtnya str., 73,Beryslav town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (246) 7 47 94, 7 49 38, 7 49 79
Electromeh, ALC / / Provides production and service for pumping equipment / 73034, Parovozna str., 12, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 31 95 72
Protorus, OJSC /
/ The leader in manufacturing high-quality automatic lifts in several modifications based on trucks / 73027, Akademika Filatova str., 27, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 22 56 96, 26 36 63
Kherson Machinery Plant, Ltd / / Produces sophisticated agricultural machinery such as hop-picker, reaping machines for harvesting grain etc. / 73026, Tyraspils’ka str., 1, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 42 13 14
Kakhovka Plant of Electric Welding Equipment, PJSC / / Specializes on the development and manufacture of modern high-efficiency electric welding equipment. The main products are machines for welding of rails and pipes, semiautomatic welding devices, spare parts for them, consumer goods / 74800, Pushkina str., 109, Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (236) 2 00 03, 4 10 41
Petronick, Ltd / / Specializes on the manufacture of construction and special equipment such as wheel loaders, semitrailers, graders and skating rinks, that are produced under PetroNick trademark / Semenivs’ke h-w, 9a,Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (249) 7 45 62, 7 46 54, 7 30 79
Takho, PrJSC / / Specialized in the manufacture and realization of hunting and sport ammunition / 73009, Baku str., 9, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 29 05 37, 29 18 59
Plant of Large Electrical Machines, PJSC / / The main activity is production and realization of large-sized synchronous and asynchronous AC motors, repair and service of electric motors / 74900, Pershotravneva str., 35a,Nova Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (249) 7 25 33, 7 95 00, 7 74 05
Nova Kakhovka Electromeh, Ltd / / Company produces a wide range of electric motors used in the oil and gas industry, power industry, in steel mills and railway transport / 74900, Pershotravneva str., 35, Nova Kakhovka town, Kherson region

Phone / fax: +380 (249) 4 24 16
SADA, PJSC / / The company specializes on the manufacture of lead-acid starter batteries for all types of cars and trucks and agricultural machinery as well / 73000, Naftovykiv str., 15a, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 38 07 37
Elektromash, PJSC / / The company manufactures electrical equipment (starters and generators) for internal combustion engines which are used in automotive and agricultural machinery / 73000, Ushakova ave, 57, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 22 62 68
Kherson Cardan Shafts Factory, PJSC / - / Highly mechanized enterprise for producing cardan shafts and spare parts to them for trucks, buses, all kinds of trolleybuses, tractors, mobile stocks, metallurgical equipment and other mechanisms / 73000, Chervonopraporna str., 26, Kherson city

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 22 43 19, 22 27 62
Kherson Shipyard, PJSC / - / Company is engaged in construction and repairing of ships and boats of all types, classes and appointments / 73019, Karantynniy ostriv, 1, Kherson City

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 27 00 22, 27 49 22
Pallada State Plant / / Offers the construction of ferroconcrete pontoon-moorings for river, mooring lines, ferroconcrete pontoon-bases for floating hotels, garages, granaries, power plants and composite floating docks with a lifting capacity from 2 000 to 32 000 tones / 73019, Karantynniy ostriv, 1, Kherson City

Phone / fax: +38 (0552) 27 07 35, 27 33 11
Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, Ukrhydroenerho, PJSC / - / There 6th and last level of the cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the Dnipro river, the average annual electricity production is equal to 1.5 billion kW-h / 74900, Kakhovka HPP, Nova Kakhovka town, Kherson region
Phone / fax: +380 (249) 4 22 77
(Private Entrepreneur) / - / Looking for the partners for the exportof large and purified sunflower seeds to foreign countries.
Processing of sunflower to the internal market since 2006, calibrating confectionary and the oilseed variety of high quality sunflower seeds. Standard of quality sieve 3,6 x 25(20/64), 3,8 x 25 (22/64), 4,0 x 25 (24/64) / Raketna str., 110, Kherson city

+38 050607 03 67