[For foundational truth refer to: “Yahuweh’s Pattern of Judgment”/April 11, 2014]

We have entered the time-period between “the time of Ya’cob’s troubles,” and the Day of Yahuweh! We are in the time just before judgment!

First Yahuweh will allow judgment to fall by the will of Lucifer-worshipping man in his quest for his New World Order. Then He will allow Lucifer/Satan and his fallen ones to enter earth and bring us to the “days of Noah” before the Flood. Finally, He will unleash His own “Day!” Unless there remains a righteous remnant of His people on earth, who guard His Torah, and whose faith is solely in Yahuweh and Yahushua, when Messiah Yahushua comes with the wrath of Yahuweh, no flesh will be left alive on earth--He will destroy it all, and the earth will return to its condition in Genesis 1:2a!

America’s battering by devastating snow storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, drought, and floods is increasing as America is determined to force Israel to give up Yahuweh’s Covenant land to His enemies, and the enemies of His people--a definite attempt to break His Covenant with Yahuweh and Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob. Of course, His Covenant depends on His faithfulness, and so when the smoke clears, His Land and His people will be with King Yahushua in His Kingdom. The collapse of the dollar looms near, and chaos within the nation is rising, which are all directly related to America brutally forcing Israel to divide His Land, and leave His people homeless. The forcing of Israel to release terrorist prisoners who have Jewish blood on their hands, from Israeli prisons as a “gesture of peace” is pure demonic insanity. But, America feels it is their obligation to force these evils on Israel, while all the while gaining international approval of their evil deeds.

On April 29, 2014, the deadline for the American-forced peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians will come, and go. There will be no peace treaty because there was never meant to be peace. Hatred, violence, and war, is the goal. Peace will not cause the world’s people to subject their will to a world ruler! But, chaos is bringing forth the far greater goal--the destruction of Israel, and the initiation of a war that is intended to rebound to America, and to the whole world, bringing enough chaos to cause the Phoenix to arise out of the ashes and give birth to a New World Order.

The worshippers of Lucifer/Satan--the Illuminati Jesuit rulers of the Vatican and the world, the Masonic elite, the “black royalty” of Europe, America, the E.U., and the United Nations--have united to turn the world against Israel, and set up events leading to their annihilation as a nation and a people group. The fulfillment of the Mazzini/Pike Plan of 1871 is in the works – M/P Plan Part III. Remnants of Parts I and Parts II, which caused World War I and World War II, are still alive and well, and will join with Part III to destroy Jews and true believers in the Elohim of Israel. The hate of Satan motivates them. The ancient hate of Esau, too. The spirit of Esau’s rebellion against Yitzak and Rivkah is still alive and well in his descendants, primarily centered in Rome. The hate of Nimrod against Yahuweh is alive and well in his descendants--the descendants of Ham and Cush in general. The hate of Ishmael and Hagar is alive and well in their descendants. But, it is all surfacing so that Yahuweh can rightfully judge, and end the hate and the atrocities of Satan against His people. Lucifer/Satan’s hate of Yahuweh, His Torah, His people, and His Land, is at its maximum. It is boiling over. The wrath of Yahuweh is at His maximum, too. So the confrontation is close, and it ends with the return of the Son of Yahuweh to rule the earth. (Revelation 19-22)

But, just before His wrath is poured out on the “Day of Yahuweh,” as Messiah Yahushua descends, there will be a stark rising of the hate of Lucifer/Satan, his fallen angels, demons who crave a body to work through and those that worship them. This is “the time of Ya’cob’s troubles.” (Jeremiah 30:7) [Refer to: “2014: The Beginning of the Time of Ya’cob’s Troubles”/January 7, 2014]

As I sat in my living-room window which faces east over Lake Kinneret last night, Abba Yahuweh began downloading His thoughts into me regarding the condition of mankind before every outpouring of His judgment. It is a consistent pattern with all of mankind, including Christians and Messianic believers, too.

Yahuweh begins His warnings and messages of impending judgment years in advance, as in our case as much as 2,500 years in advance, along with current Spirit-led watchmen who warn and warn.

As people’s comfort zones become threatened, both fear and anger surface. People may listen to one of Yahuweh’s watchmen, but so often they just get more afraid and more angry at hearing the truth. Some go to conferences and seminars and learn all they can about coming events and the return of Messiah. Some mock, some scoff, some are downright nasty in their rejection of what the watchmen say. But, for almost all, life goes on as usual. People are getting oppressed and depressed. More and more are taking medications to calm down--if only they really knew Yahuweh!

Many are fascinated by exciting new information about what the Devil is doing, but for the most part, it does not cause them to act on Yahuweh’s Word to change their lifestyle. Most continue on as usual, but excitedly buy the latest books and DVDs, to keep up with the latest information about what the Devil and his people are doing. What the Devil is doing really sells books and DVDs! Yes, we need to keep a watch on what the Devil is doing as good soldiers and servants of our Master. But, few care what Yahuweh is doing or what He is thinks, what motivates Him or what is the passion of His heart.

To most, “God” is a subject--something to learn about, a thing of theology to be discussed at church, a Bible study, a kehilah midrash, synagogue, or home meeting. But, to allow His coming to affect their actions, thinking, and everyday life, or their relationships with others, is not even considered by most. After all, most think the whole thing is just a scary movie that won’t happen in our lifetime. When a watchman’s prophetic warning attacks their comfort zone, then the watchman is turned off, deleted, and ignored, as in the days of the Biblical Prophets.

The powerful words of prophecy, like Isaiah 13 and 24, run off their mind like water off a duck’s back. They give a temporary chill at best. The words of the Prophets of the Tenach are hardly ever read or considered, except when taken out of context by teachers selling their books. The book of Revelation is hardly ever read – the excuse being that it is too hard to understand. This is ridiculous, since Yahuweh is well able to teach His own Truth! But, people cover their laziness with flimsy excuses!

Hosea 8:1: “Put the ram’s horn to your mouth…” The Prophets cried loud and long warning the people of impending judgment, but His people would not listen.

Yahuweh faithfully raises up His servants as Prophets, and prophetic watchmen, before He comes in judgment. He warns and warns. Then He finally has to put it like this: “Yahuweh said to me, `Amos, what do you see?’ And I said, `a plumb line.’ And Yahuweh said, `See, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel--no longer do I pardon them.’ ” (Amos 7:7-8) He told Jeremiah several times, “Do not pray for this people.” There is a cut-off point, and we’re very near it! If His people do not shake off their slumber, fear Him, and obey Him, and passionately seek Him with all their heart, He says that when they cry to Him, He won’t hear them!

Today’s watchmen and Prophets of Yahuweh have been crying: “Repent! For the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” But, most turn a deaf ear.

Thus, over time, apathetic man begins to weaken in his enthusiasm for Messiah to return. Prophecy always comes too far in advance--in the fast-food society of the West, when things don’t immediately happen, people get bored. Then they figure it won’t happen, until another seminar or conference is held, or another hot book hits the market. Then people get all pumped up for a short while--then it’s back to life as usual. Most depend on big-name teachers to tell them what’s going on. Laziness prevails, and few study the Word to learn what Yahuweh says, because so few know how to hear from His Spirit. Whoever tickles the ear with the biggest hype gets the attention, until he is upstaged by someone else. But, again, it all comes down to people’s apathy in regards to knowing Yahuweh and Yahushua. The message of salvation is boring to most, as new religious fads attract people’s fancy. Elohim is something to be discussed and to learn about, but not Someone to know personally. The idea of personal daily working relationship with Him has almost become thinking of past generations. Where are the Charles Finney’s, George Muellers, Hudson Taylors, Evan Roberts, and John G. Lakes of today? They acted on what they knew, and they knew enough to be trusted and backed by Yahuweh! Today, apathy rules! In today’s world of Humanism, and the gratification of carnal desires, the mind, emotions, and lusts of the body rule. Selfishness prevails--it’s a world of “it’s all about me.” So we’re left with human reasoning, opinions, ideas, philosophies, concepts, and illusions. The knowledge that humans are the only living beings on planet Earth with an eternal spirit is almost a foreign concept that has been erased by the teaching of Evolution.

From Isaiah 1:2-6: “Hear O heavens, and listen O earth! For Yahuweh has spoken: `I have reared and brought up children, but they have transgressed against Me. An ox knows its owner, and a donkey its master’s crib, but Israel has not known--My people have not understood. Alas sinning nation, a people loaded with crookedness, a seed of evil-doers, sons acting corruptly! They have forsaken Yahuweh, they have provoked the Set-Apart One of Israel--they went backwards…All the head is sick, and all the heart faints. From the sole of the foot to the head, there is no soundness in it--wounds and bruises and open sores--they have not been closed or bound up, or soothed with ointment.’ ” This is the condition of most of His people worldwide today. Most think they are a good person, but few allow His Spirit to remove sin, and transform them into His image. Most are content the way they are.

It is the syndrome of the church of Laodicea--the lukewarm believers of the last days. (Revelation 3:15-18). “Because you say `I am rich and increased in goods, and have need of nothing, and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked, I counsel you…” People are deceived as to how Yahuweh views them. They get their opinions of themselves from others, or self-illusions, but most don’t care how Yahuweh views them, yet He alone is their judge.

To the intellectual, man is no more than a “biological unit,” with a computer-like brain in our modern world. The spirit is dead along with the soul, unless, by His intervention, Yahuweh by His Spirit draws a person to Messiah Yahushua. If a person embraces Yahushua as Savior by faith in His shed blood and resurrection for the removal of sin, then Yahuweh’s Spirit is free to install those 40 things into the spirit that change a person into a “new creation,” with His nature. (II Corinthians 5:17-21)

But, today, most churches won’t even use the word “sin.” So, few are really born of the Spirit in a “true new birth.” [Refer to: “The True New Birth”] Without repentance, forsaking of sin, there can be no salvation! Receiving salvation begins with the abandonment of our sin, our self-life, and our ambitions and personal goals, to take up a life of following the Lamb of Elohim wherever He goes. Thus, few are really born again by the Spirit because of the fallacious presentation of the Good News of the Hebrew, Torah-guarding Messiah.

Humanism is ruling! We’ve returned to the Greek mentality that the Athenians had with Sha’ul. (Acts 17:16-33) Verses 18-21: “And some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers encountered him. And some were saying `What does this babbler wish to say?’ Others said, `He seems to be a proclaimer of strange gods…so they laid hold of him and brought him to the Areopagus saying `Are we able to know what this fresh teaching is of which you speak?’ … For all Athenians and the strangers living there spent their leisure time to doing nothing but to speak or hear of that which is fresh.”

II Peter 3:3-4: “…knowing this first, that mockers shall come in the last days with mocking, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, `Where is the promise of His coming--for since the fathers fell asleep, all continues as from the beginning of creation?’ ”

II Timothy 4:3-4: “For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers tickling the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to myths.” That time is now!

This describes perfectly the ancient Greek-Roman cultural norm that has returned in modern day Western cultural expression. Most people are skeptics, mockers, opinionated with worldly reasoning, whose thinking is humanistic and far from the mind of Yahuweh. To most, those who share the truth of the coming Messiah and what is now happening in the world as signs of His return are “babblers.” But, then, so many with blog sites or websites, who report on what’s evil in the world, are sensationalists--fueling the mockers. Most sensationalists play on the emotions, and do not soundly back up their wild-eyed sensationalism with solid Scripture. Most promote fear.